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Circle BDSM reviews - Ft Worth TX

3 weeks ago • Aug 23, 2024

Circle BDSM reviews - Ft Worth TX

ShelleyStill • Aug 23, 2024
I am very new to the scene and am very much in the educating myself phase. I ran across a BDSM online community called It advertises to be a network of doms and subs dedicated to safe discrete play. They offer matching services for people seeking a dom or sub and also offer private play space booking. It appears to be along the lines of airBNB in that CircleBDSM facilitates booking but the spaces are privately owned and made available for rent.

So far, they have been very responsive to my questions and requests for information and detail. They have said there are two dungeons available for private rental by the hour, one in S Ft Worth (Edgecliff area) and one in N Ft Worth (Saginaw area.)

Is anyone familiar with in general or one of these dungeons in Ft Worth? Or has anyone used one of their dungeons somewhere else?

Steellover​(sub male)
3 weeks ago • Aug 23, 2024
Steellover​(sub male) • Aug 23, 2024
Is CircleBDSM a nationwide thing, or only specific to Texas, or specifically local to Fort Worth? As a non-Texas resident I am afraid I haven't heard of Circle BDSM so I can't really be of much help. It would be cool if there were more such "underground" BDSM spaces that were accessable to those "in the know."
3 weeks ago • Aug 23, 2024
ShelleyStill • Aug 23, 2024
Steellover wrote:
Is CircleBDSM a nationwide thing, or only specific to Texas, or specifically local to Fort Worth? As a non-Texas resident I am afraid I haven't heard of Circle BDSM so I can't really be of much help. It would be cool if there were more such "underground" BDSM spaces that were accessable to those "in the know."

My understanding is they have a presence all over the US and also in Canada and the UK, but that is all info from their website. I did run across a post like mine on another forum asking if anyone was familiar with their dungeon(s) in Utah. But that post was from April and noone had responded as of today. I asked that guy if he had found out any info, but no reponse yet.
Steellover​(sub male)
3 weeks ago • Aug 24, 2024
Steellover​(sub male) • Aug 24, 2024
Now you have my curiousity piqued. I wonder if they have a presence in Idaho (seems to me they would, if there is one in Utah, where people tend to be notoriously un-adventurous when it comes to their sexual tastes.) I wonder if by "discrete" they mean, they are extremely underground, and try to keep it that way, away from prying eyes. I would be interested in contacting them myself if possible, but it may be one of those "knowing the right people- and knowing how to ASK the right people if you do know them" type deals. Kind of like how the rave party scene is usually kept underground.
Miki​(masochist female)
3 weeks ago • Aug 24, 2024
Miki​(masochist female) • Aug 24, 2024
TopekaDom wrote:

Why does this smell like Ashley Maddison to me?

There's a difference. Ashley specialized in "extramaital affairs" while Circle seems to be open to all and the only discretion is for those who can ill afford to have their "preferences" known outside of certain circles.
3 weeks ago • Aug 24, 2024
ShelleyStill • Aug 24, 2024
Steellover wrote:
Now you have my curiousity piqued. I wonder if they have a presence in Idaho (seems to me they would, if there is one in Utah, where people tend to be notoriously un-adventurous when it comes to their sexual tastes.) I wonder if by "discrete" they mean, they are extremely underground, and try to keep it that way, away from prying eyes. I would be interested in contacting them myself if possible, but it may be one of those "knowing the right people- and knowing how to ASK the right people if you do know them" type deals. Kind of like how the rave party scene is usually kept underground.

Their web address is and you can contact them on the site. That is what I did to find out they had two dungeons in Fort Worth Texas. Of course then you will be where I am: you still won't know if it is legit since the only info you have is from them. That's what I'm trying to figure out right now: How do I vet them?
Steellover​(sub male)
3 weeks ago • Aug 29, 2024
Steellover​(sub male) • Aug 29, 2024
So, I was curious and intrigued and thought I'd investigate. I went to their website and signed up- giving them a home city, name and phone number (not full address thankfully.) The admin, simply called "Support" e-mailed back and asked if I was looking for a domme or looking for a club?

To make a long story short, what I gathered was this: Apparently, Circle BDSM is a very underground, very private, and very discrete network of local clubs where people go to practice BDSM. They have no real web presence or other info out there; it's very secretive and discrete. I was looking to meet someone for a long-term dating experience (with kink and female led relationship being a part of the dynamic of course) but from what I gleaned, these people aren't into that. When I signed up, they did give me a person, a Mistress, to contact though, But when I did, even that was strange; it routed through a number several states away, before being re-routed to her home phone. When I texted her, she was very much to the point- who the hell are you, no, I won't meet you socially, no I wont talk to you except through text (Until we have a session), I only meet for sessions not casually, and if you want to session with me it's twice a month minimum.

So there were obviously a few red flags here, but rather than doubt her sincerity, it just sounded like not really the experience I was looking for. She grilled me about my participation in the club- and my experience in past clubs, but of course I had never been to any physical club. And she asked if I knew this one particular man "Do you report to (name redacted)- someone with some authority in the group obviously- and I obviously had never heard of him. So I was basically a "nobody" who clearly wasn't part of this very discreet and exclusive group.

I guess if you are just looking for a hook-up and want to join a secret and exclusive group of "play" partners this might be your gig. However, I've done the "Play" thing, and I want something deeper and more lasting. What they are offering, isn't it.
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Miki​(masochist female)
3 weeks ago • Aug 29, 2024
Miki​(masochist female) • Aug 29, 2024
@steel dude... I definitely was never one for this type of thing but I'm sure many who are curious appreciate your research.

You didn't mention it, but the site, such as it is, speaks of "pro dommes and pro subs". I see dollar signs floating out of members' pockets, especially with that "two drink minimum" per month.

Except in perhaps the most conservative of regions, all this cloak-and-dagger hush hush bullshit is overkill. But that's just me. This might be just the thing that some find really rings their bells and that's fine, as long as they go in eyes wide open.

(Deep pockets are a plus)