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Zodiac Signs

Knightsundere​(sub male)
4 years ago • Jan 8, 2020
Knightsundere​(sub male) • Jan 8, 2020
Leo and Metal Dragon (1945/2000). I'm about as loyal as they come :]

Supposedly I'm innately lucky and will have great financial success. Hmm.. maybe a little further down the road.
Meg​(dom female){NotLooking}
4 years ago • Jan 10, 2020
I categorically do not believe that the position of a few arbitrarily chosen stars relative to the earth have any bearing on who I am and what will happen in my life. I could go on a long, empirical rant about this subject, but my thumbs are tired of typing. I do not, and will not, ever believe in astrology or any other unsubstantiated fortune telling.

But hey, I'm a Taurus, and we be stubborn.
Meg​(dom female){NotLooking}
4 years ago • Jan 10, 2020
alawey wrote:
Ummm @ erick u do know that JC was actually not born in dec but was in march?

Lol, I like this.
Erick wrote:
…once you accept the premise that the universe is run by a Jewish carpenter whose mother was a virgin and whose father was a deity who created the galaxies and laid down the laws about eating shellfish, and who once multiplied loaves of bread and walked on water and came back to life after his execution, then any disputes about "historical facts" are really not worth worrying about.

This made me laugh very loud.
Bull Master
4 years ago • Jan 11, 2020
Bull Master • Jan 11, 2020
Sun Signs are something that should be looked at on the lighter side. Technically speaking one should look at their horoscope in a holistic way. One of the important thing to look at is your Ascendant Sign, and how well the Ascendant Lord is situated. For women it is more important to look at your Moon Sign and how well the Moon is situated when compared to other things in your horoscope. The position of the Sun tells the great things you can achieve in this lifetime (if that is what you plan on doing). When looking for compatibility look at the Moon Signs because that's what tells how you feel about each other. Sun Signs are good if you are planning on doing some kind of business together. When the Sun and Moon of you and your partner match then who knows you could mix business with pleasure icon_smile.gif
4 years ago • Jan 11, 2020
ThirtyFourPointFive • Jan 11, 2020
Gemini.. and as little as I believe in it, it has the Twins correct. I am two different people in public and private.
Richlydefined​(sub female){Gardener}
4 years ago • Jan 11, 2020
Bull Master wrote:
Sun Signs are something that should be looked at on the lighter side. Technically speaking one should look at their horoscope in a holistic way. One of the important thing to look at is your Ascendant Sign, and how well the Ascendant Lord is situated. For women it is more important to look at your Moon Sign and how well the Moon is situated when compared to other things in your horoscope. The position of the Sun tells the great things you can achieve in this lifetime (if that is what you plan on doing). When looking for compatibility look at the Moon Signs because that's what tells how you feel about each other. Sun Signs are good if you are planning on doing some kind of business together. When the Sun and Moon of you and your partner match then who knows you could mix business with pleasure icon_smile.gif

Well that was an interesting Google adventure. I had never read anything about moon signs but now that I have I'm kind of weirded out by how perfectly that matches my own inner monologue.
I don't take any of it seriously. I'm a Virgo. Born in the year of the Rabbit. Naive American totem (depending on the one you are using) I'm either Bear or Wolf and like most things of that nature I just brush them off as interesting fantastical labels to look up when I'm super bored. All I've ever counted on was that I am me and I need to take life as it comes but apparently there's some big love in my cards this year.
4 years ago • Jan 11, 2020
peteriksolo • Jan 11, 2020
Pretty typical Capricorn here.

Introverted, ambitious, persistent, distant but sensitive, boring and serious.
4 years ago • Jan 13, 2020
Low{BLK OWND} • Jan 13, 2020
Virgo which absolutely aligns with my submissive needs
No Doubt
Daddy Time​(dom male)
4 years ago • Jan 13, 2020
Daddy Time​(dom male) • Jan 13, 2020
Capricorn nice stable earth sign im grounded just like little will be if she doesn’t follow her rules 😘