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Dominant Profile Names

3 months ago • May 30, 2024
lambsone{countrySir} • May 30, 2024
Do you really believe that Adam's wife was named Lilith?
vv V vv​(sadist male)
3 months ago • May 31, 2024
vv V vv​(sadist male) • May 31, 2024
[quote="lambsone"]Do you really believe that Adam's wife was named Lilith?[/quote

Adam’s first wife was Lilith she was banished after having a few kids, Adam got lonely and tired of jacking it so poof Eve was created.
3 months ago • May 31, 2024
lambsone{countrySir} • May 31, 2024
Well I don't know which Bible you are reading, but Adam's only wife was Eve. God created her from Adam's rib so that he wouldn't be alone.
Miki​(masochist female)
3 months ago • May 31, 2024
Miki​(masochist female) • May 31, 2024
[quote="vv V vv"]
lambsone wrote:
Do you really believe that Adam's wife was named Lilith?[/quote

Adam’s first wife was Lilith she was banished after having a few kids, Adam got lonely and tired of jacking it so poof Eve was created.


I read about the tradition surrounding Lilith.. how she was made of dust and whatever else like Adam, so she was on par with him rather than the later Eve who was made from one of his ribs and was "less independent"

However her existence was credited to Babylonian demonology. As such it's merely mythology according to what I read.... and I never knew a guy who could get it up while asleep as she supposedly did to get knocked up by Adam.

Anyway the name Lilith is derived from a Sumerian word for female demons , wind spirits and all that. Supposedly she was the bane of pregnant women and infants, with tits filled with poison not milk.

All in all a pretty ugly looking name.


As for those who "act" like the name they were given... I never paid attention to that, but it figures the person receiving the name could either consciously or unconsciously mimic the actions and personality traits of someone of note who had the name before them.

So much for my dabbling in history and myth. Not my forte.
vv V vv​(sadist male)
3 months ago • May 31, 2024
vv V vv​(sadist male) • May 31, 2024
lambsone wrote:
Well I don't know which Bible you are reading, but Adam's only wife was Eve. God created her from Adam's rib so that he wouldn't be alone.

I’ve read most of the bibles. The story of Adam Lilith and Eve I’m referring to is in the original Hebrew bible
Miki​(masochist female)
3 months ago • May 31, 2024
Miki​(masochist female) • May 31, 2024
lambsone wrote:
Well I don't know which Bible you are reading, but Adam's only wife was Eve. God created her from Adam's rib so that he wouldn't be alone.

Easiest way to solve this is to look that chick up. She was very present in Mesopotamian and Jewish folklore.

I did not see a Biblical reference but also I don't have a Hebrew Bible handy...


Either way all this detracts from the original response, about given names and such. Indeed that's a nasty name to give a daughter even without the historic and/or folkloric tie-in. There are any number of old and ancient names that would curl your hair and cause people to remark, "That kid's parents have a shitty sense of humor."
3 months ago • May 31, 2024
lambsone{countrySir} • May 31, 2024
Thank you Miki and vv V vv for the explanations. It sounds as though the idea of Lilith being related to demons is not something genuinely connected to a Holy God. He said when He created Adam, "Let us make man in our own image. So male and female He created them." There is no evil in God so this Lilith idea and her offspring would be utterly prohibited by God even if it appears in a Jewish Bible. Moses himself would have flushed that crap out if he were alive when it was written. Which I suspect was written after he lived.