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meaningless tasks

intenseoldman​(dom male)
1 month ago • Jul 31, 2024
intenseoldman​(dom male) • Jul 31, 2024
intenseoldman wrote:

But if a dominant is not mindful, and doesn't understand the psychology of the game they are playing, then it will become meaningless sooner or later.

Yeah, I get being mindful, but you can be mindful, and not understand the psychology of the game you're playing? I think sometimes it's not a game. Not that I'm against them, as long as we both know we're playing a game. I mean if I'm playing a game and she's serious... just saying
MissBonnie​(dom female){oz}
1 month ago • Jul 31, 2024
I've done a lot of "punishments" to fit the "crime" because i'm over trying to get the sub to fix what they doing wrong (according to me)

These on the outside might appear "meaningless" but they do sometimes make it clear in the long run.
Sincorrigible​(sub female)
1 month ago • Jul 31, 2024
Sincorrigible​(sub female) • Jul 31, 2024
Sincorrigible wrote:
intenseoldman wrote:

But if a dominant is not mindful, and doesn't understand the psychology of the game they are playing, then it will become meaningless sooner or later.

Yeah, I get being mindful, but you can be mindful, and not understand the psychology of the game you're playing? I think sometimes it's not a game. Not that I'm against them, as long as we both know we're playing a game. I mean if I'm playing a game and she's serious... just saying

I come to Ds with the mindset that it is a game, it's make believe. I don't truly have less power than my dominant. I am not truly lesser than him. Of less worth than him, worth only what he feels me to be worth. But oh my goodness what depths of fun, learning, growth, connectedness and exploration there can be when one enters that wonderland, and pretends, internalises.

It is to me like tennis. You can have a weekend knockabout. Or you can compete in Wimbledon. It is still a game. But you can play at many different levels. They are none of them superior to the other. What matters is that the players are matched, and wishing to play the same game.

And too often, one sees that mismatch in action, and someone taking advantage (ha! Go me, a tennis pun!)

Communication. That's the only answer.

It is all psychology I think. We are talking about human behaviour, social interaction, and discourse analysis.
Susie Q{Daddy Ant}
1 month ago • Jul 31, 2024
Susie Q{Daddy Ant} • Jul 31, 2024
When I enter into a dynamic, I already know the type of person my dominant is. I don’t need to know or understand why I’m given a task. There is a reason and it’s his reason….that’s all I need to know. Mine is not to reason why.
Sweetlydepraved​(masochist female){Owned}
1 month ago • Jul 31, 2024
I agree, the meaning isn’t in the results it is in the action of obedience. Sometimes that action is inaction, like being furniture.

It’s not always easy to embrace that mindset, but in the long run it is worth it. For me it’s often about setting my ego aside. I’m highly educated and skilled in many areas so being given tasks that I view as beneath me is humbling, and I often need a refresher in humility 😂

I always say it’s all fun and games until you have to obey a command that no part of you wants to obey, then it becomes sacrifice of your will to theirs.
intenseoldman​(dom male)
1 month ago • Jul 31, 2024
intenseoldman​(dom male) • Jul 31, 2024
Sweetlydepraved wrote:
I agree, the meaning isn’t in the results it is in the action ....

True, the act of obeying carries meaning in and of itself... I wouldn't take you to task on that icon_wink.gif
1 month ago • Jul 31, 2024
Bunnie • Jul 31, 2024
I discovered this way of life through a meaningless task icon_smile.gif
Story time…

It was kind of one of those scenarios where our department was falling apart. Our boss had quit, and there was no one to step up and take on the role. So we just drifted along as best we could. Until he arrived one day. His presence was so powerful, yet so reassuring. And he was the first person I had ever met who meant what he said and said what he meant. It was heaven, and I found myself slowly beginning to trust and believe in him. He would set tasks for us for the day and generally then leave us to go about our day, checking in now and then to make sure we stayed on track. I found myself beginning to crave being called to work on tasks with him, but also just waiting eagerly for anything that he told me to do. One day he had me sweep gravel. I didn’t question it, however, as I was doing it, it occurred to me that I didn’t need to sweep as we had a blower vac. Something about the whole thing began to really turn me on and by the time he came to check on me I was dripping in my panties. From there I began having fantasies about him. I was so confused by everything because I was happily married at the time. But it awoke something in me I hadn’t realised was there all along.
One day my co-worker made a comment on how I sat up straighter in my chair when our boss entered the room, and I was mortified. It was one thing to have fantasies I kept to myself, but that my behaviour was noticeable outside of my control, scared me. To save my marriage I left the job. And unfortunately eventually I left my marriage. That was my “radioactive spider bite” story. Once it had been exposed in me, there was no going back.
    The most loved post in topic
1 month ago • Jul 31, 2024
Bunnie • Jul 31, 2024
I guess my point is that he built the foundation of trust in me and belief in him, first, so that nothing felt menial and I didn’t even question the meaning behind what he asked me to do, because I knew that he didn’t do anything without a lot of thought behind it. Years later I realised that I probably would’ve crawled on glass for that man.
Sincorrigible​(sub female)
1 month ago • Jul 31, 2024
Sincorrigible​(sub female) • Jul 31, 2024
Ouch Bunnie. Beautiful to have experienced that, and I know exactly how you feel. Just such a shame regarding the circumstances, as it's really rare to find a man who inspires such calm and willing obedience. 💜