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Is Height a Fetish for you?

vv V vv​(sadist male)
1 week ago • Oct 7, 2024
vv V vv​(sadist male) • Oct 7, 2024
Miki wrote:
@ w V w

You quoted me.. but didn't add anything... Leave ya speechless, Bub?

(totally love tweaking sadists!!)

I did add a few lines in your ramblings, Im never speechless Chicky.
MissBonnie​(dom female){oz}
1 week ago • Oct 8, 2024
giantess fetish does fall within femdom (Macrophilia for those who want to know more). I've not run into a lot that are interested in it but it does exist . I do find most tend to enjoy foot fetish along side it.
Since I'm almost six foot I do get asked if its my thing..... a isn't but I really don't care about the height of a sub either. I guess saying that, I could work with it if my sub did have that fetish.
trappedperhaps​(sub female)
4 days ago • Oct 12, 2024
It is for me yes. I need a DD to be taller usually preferably 6ftish ik it’s kind of shallow. I am who I am tho. I also like there to be strength, muscles. I wanna know you can protect me. I want to feel it. That’s me.
Rianai​(dom agender)
4 days ago • Oct 12, 2024
Rianai​(dom agender) • Oct 12, 2024
For me it depends on what the likely dynamic is likely to become. I don't factor height in because I'm short for a male at 5ft 7.5 (171cm) so if I insisted on smaller submissives I'd lose a lot of potential dynamics.

Relationships I like romantic partners to be the same or preferably shorter. I've had a depressing number of potential partners write ne off due to my height or people I've dated given a hard time based on the height difference.

That said with females in dynamics only I *prefer* shorter than myself but that's all it is. Desirable but not essential. I only take males in platonic dynamics as I'm not sexually attracted to AMAB people so im ambivalent to male height especially as most are taller anyway!
Miki​(masochist female)
4 days ago • Oct 12, 2024
Miki​(masochist female) • Oct 12, 2024
vv V vv wrote:
Miki wrote:
@ w V w

You quoted me.. but didn't add anything... Leave ya speechless, Bub?

(totally love tweaking sadists!!)

I did add a few lines in your highly intelligent post. , Im never speechless Chicky.

* * * * *

One ought to write comments "Outside" of the quote. Inside the quote can be called editing. (see example above)

Bad boy.

No matter how you wrote it, you bet your ass what I did on my weekends was my business but in here there's no rule against sharing-- after all, people list their roles in their profiles--- One could say: "what they do behind closed doors or dungeon gates is their business" -- yet they're free to share that, too.

No you're definitely not "speechless".......

Have a happy, dooood
Literate Lycan​(dom male)
2 days ago • Oct 13, 2024
Literate Lycan​(dom male) • Oct 13, 2024
It's an intriguing question and the answer varies based upon where my mind is at the time. I guess you could say, "It depends" quite literally upon the individual and the interaction. I find almost anything can be intriguing and sexually attractive, and if you take fetish in its most literal form (a form of sexual desire in which gratification is strongly linked to a particular object or activity or a part of the body other than the sexual organs) then I am guessing a great many times I have a fetish and I didn't realize it.

I'd say it can be a combination of many things, wherein the height (or lack thereof) just heightens the arousal (see what I did there? 😏). The more I think about it, the more I realize it's a fetish if in that moment I focus on a particular attribute while satisfying my wants and needs. (And my thoughts run the spectrum of the possible)

Recently I was informed by a very good friend of a Fetish that apparently others have that I had not even considered. Ah, education can be a scary thing at times.

Great question!
2 days ago • Oct 13, 2024
lambsone{countrySir} • Oct 13, 2024
Height isn't a fetish for me, it's a preference. I like a partner to be taller even if a few inches. At 4'11" I won't have a problem finding someone taller. I like to be able to look up to them and it helps me respect them. But that's just my own psyche.

However, I am finding that the way a person presents themselves precludes height. A dynamic, confident person can overshadow a short height and attract another. But for me, I find it easier to be attracted to someone taller than I.
dryfte​(sub female)
21 hours ago • Oct 15, 2024
dryfte​(sub female) • Oct 15, 2024
While I don’t find it challenging to see eye to eye with most folks,
I much prefer looking up.
But then I suppose kneeling would fix that, or perhaps a blindfold.
11 hours ago • Oct 15, 2024
Tripper • Oct 15, 2024
Even though I'm 6' I still would love a taller female dom. A big, strong woman who will take charge would be awesome.