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10 months ago • Aug 14, 2023
Notely • Aug 14, 2023
Many will flatter you, enjoy the embrace but be very selective when it comes to your heart and set boundaries using your intuition and gut feeling it will let you know. You don't need to feel to please or beg nor chase your job only to be yourself, be sexy for you embrace your feminine allure energy but in a way for yourself to light the flame they are the ones needed to win your heart and respect to take the hand and lead the way of a connection with feeling. But write a little bit more like what books you like to read , hobbies , what music you like and so on but don't put too much. Also going to say not for me to say but going need to let go the words new to the lifestyle but put your are evolving it's not their job to teach you or tame you but if they grow a good friendship with feeling to respect you to show the way with out sexual intercourse they need to be grown out the frat life to understand as person as yourself. You can be on the market but not for sale, not single, not taken but reserved for the one that respects the heart. Can be too good to be true, don't fall for it, go by effect, not sweet words. Invest in a book called Psychic Intelligence, tune in and discover the power of your intuition. helps you read people good knowing when it's true when it's not tapping into your intuition , You can check out at your local library or get an online good investment for protecting yourself from fools I read this book back 2011 good life savor to invest in your future help you also with the journey with yourself in the present. This is just enlightenment not by force but just trying to help. Your local library may have it or book store also. Don't take the lifestyle as Fifty shades of grey go way beyond that as gotta me more in real feeling if someone is just using you for a fetish not your heart that is not love why say love has to be more of a feeling.

But when the emails become too good to be true, you have had enough. You have to put your foot down, you have the right to your happiness because it's yours alone. They can't get mad that it's not the same, and one can force a connection on you if not the same not the same. Really it's about the great deep connection building in to more the whole relationship thing is later not the first thing on the mind need to build the feeling and connection with vibe I will tell you women from another women putting yourself on not available N/A not everyone needs to know your static or if your single or not someone wants to get to know you then might have to be a mystery because this game of who is single who is not can get kind of old live your life be yourself the right one will come when it's the right time unexpected serendipity Finding something beautiful without looking for it. No Answer is an Answer , When it's not the same or they in a rush wish them the best you don't have to apply to them all your profile is your temple they should respect it well. Work the the inner you and the outer you and your passion of life before more but still put yourself out their but they need to take the time with you.

On A demisexual level Love has to be on a deep level but with a feeling , soul connection , on the same page vibration , communication , chemistry . built with trust and openness with love being a team . Taking it slow, allow it to flow this love when the time is right let it be.

Keep your mind, speak up, invest in learning for yourself, becoming the partner for yourself. In life not here to learn here to remember who you are and make a lovely life for yourself. With your evolving lifestyle, be the teacher for yourself, figure out what you like and dislike and make a list for yourself. Treat the lifestyle with respect even with yourself. It's an art as a bond with love and trust with partnership. If you are only one for one only be for one for one know one can force you do things that do match your ways it has to be on the same page or will not work. So the knowledge shared will save you about 22 years beyond words. You will know longer have to be new but renewed in the evolving from years to 24 hours you will know what you need to do for yourself go with what you feel.
Alpha Female & Submissive Vixen: Two Sides of One Coin…

Homework for Subs
Doms vs. Female Abusers: Spotting Predators

Dominant vs. Domineering Men…

Can He Handle Your Sexuality?
The Hierarchy of Female Emotional Needs: Unleashing Your “Inner Vixen”

Is All BDSM The Same?

Embracing Your “Sexual Freak”
Alpha Subs: How To Find A Dom?

Sub Rights: Coping With The Pressure To Submit As A Novice Submissive
Five Questions Every Dom Should Ask A Submissive

Building Her Up!: Nurturing A Confident, Vivacious Sensual Submissive

Sex is not the first thing, the wrong energy, not the right connection or no soul. Only after looks and body does it come to being attracted to a person once you start to figure that out. Just because the humping might feel good does mean its love. Either person needs to be calm to make you laugh and work together. A relationship is not the first thing about getting to now each other. Dance , Sing , read , to each other , breathe together - communicate. Don't count on sex to be the door to intimacy. It's the other way around first to develop intimacy skills . Then make love to enjoy them.

The Right kind will be centered with growth only wanting one they let things flow. The right kind is unexpectedly the serendipity kind. Souls will click, energy will be right in the right vibration at the right time. Show you the blueprints and effects. Take the time and make you feel safe. I Respect you. Support you through everything. Will make time for you. Person that can see through your soul can read you well in your mind and soul. They understand partnership is a two way street. Dates you four seasons. Will want to inter-dose with your friends and family. Will be respectful, be fully dressed and clean with good hygiene. More fully committed. Respecting both of each other's feelings will talk it out. Grown enough to be kind and take responsibility.

So become the partner you seek, love yourself and life and make your life beautiful. Be the reflection you deserve.

Keep looking not for a person but for your passion, Your Love, Your Courage, Your goals, your Dreams., your happiness, yourself. keep looking. Explore your worth before you explore another. know your worth.

Trust chemistry , Chemistry that you don't have to question , at all. Where nothing feels forced. it;s just natural. Everything just flows & it is so obvious. It's such a rare connection with another person.

My favorite sex position is one where you are down to grow with you as a person and care about your mental health & well being.

Arouse me mentally so I can feel you spiritually then when we touch physically we'll fall in sync soulfully.

If you want to know mine , Study my soul . explore poets my admires , listen to my favorite songs and learn about the stars , the oceans and beautifully wild things.
Last thing but genuine friendship, partnership , if we click we vibe.
Love is rare , But to love first love you first Master that so you can love another then go on with loving.

Does have to be a Romantic relationship to be romantic just be conversation and laughter. Just genuine Bond
Without attachments , without judgment , no forced love , without jealousy , enjoy the moments , growing friendship , the company , be each other's peace , things grow and flow , Buddha level. If we let go of the old ways we just accept each other, everyone be a bond, be each other peace see if we click the whole relationship thing comes later.
Sweet Ginger​(sub female){}
10 months ago • Aug 14, 2023
AlphaByDesign wrote:
There are a lot of savory characters on sites like this so you have to be careful and follow your gut. It’s better to be safe than sorry. I have on occasion sent a submissive more than one message if she really caught my attention because I’ve assumed that she is probably experiencing the very thing your describing.
I don’t seem to have that problem because the submissive females on this site don’t like tall charming Doms with strong hands and deep baritone voices but that’s my problem haha

"We" do! Can you recommend any? 🤭
AlphaByDesign​(dom male)
10 months ago • Aug 14, 2023
AlphaByDesign​(dom male) • Aug 14, 2023
Sweet Ginger wrote:
AlphaByDesign wrote:
There are a lot of savory characters on sites like this so you have to be careful and follow your gut. It’s better to be safe than sorry. I have on occasion sent a submissive more than one message if she really caught my attention because I’ve assumed that she is probably experiencing the very thing your describing.
I don’t seem to have that problem because the submissive females on this site don’t like tall charming Doms with strong hands and deep baritone voices but that’s my problem haha

"We" do! Can you recommend any? 🤭
10 months ago • Aug 14, 2023
Notely • Aug 14, 2023
I agree with above what many have said.

You seem to be already intelligent , be careful about saying you are new to the lifestyle because it can get into the wrong hands, sweet talk to do things to get what they want, don't please anyone if they tell you need to or they won't have you that just a game they are playing they need to respect you. When they see someone saying something new like they know they get from under your skin try to sweet you then leave you out to dry with feelings being hurt. But this save you from a broken heart why good to put your needs first don't let the the heart get to attached til you know its right.

They can say they are into the same things but they need to show effect. Blank profiles no photos not listed don't go for , If they only showing their cock only wanting nudes right away decline do not answer back do not submit to anyone on this site or any where know one owns you also know one is your Master good genuine does not say they are a Master or Dom they show up act like one not force it.

Might be those ocean eyes but beauty they need to be able to look through your eyes and mind and soul with mind take it slow it takes the right one to light the fire that can truly respect you get emotionally invested before getting hooked they with sweet effect with blue prints.  Go by the vibe, the energy and body language, how they write and how they treat you as  well. Your pictures are fine, they are semi not showing too much just showing your art a little bit the rest for the eye and mind. But you need to watch out for the ones that are pretending and sweet talk putting on a show of words but showing know effect in return. Win you over in desperation, want you right away but not take the time to truly get to know you. But even if you are here on this site you are not here to be available for everyone fine to be open but not open to just all not everyone will be for you they might sound like good pursuers but its needs to be the right vibration at the right time as connection can not be forced it needs to be way that done naturally over time building a friendship they can be your peace not a headache. They need to respect your temple or the gate is closed. Some see women single they will begin with message's but at times also ones using more then one profile to bother you it seems to be the same line they wanna see how they can get through to you this the wrong way to bond its undercover stalker.  They can tell you are beautiful that Fine but to much  if they are saying to much only after your beauty and your body and being pushy and telling you all they sweet talk the sexual things they want to do with you this that for you to submit  truly it's  a red flag of lust desperation of control.  Why you gotta be careful, be bit selective and looks are not everything someone needs to like you for your skin deep also allow  you to be yourself and have feelings. It's takes a year to get to know someone so they gotta be willing to be have patience make time for you when the time is right that exchange modest pictures and voice and via cam in modest way that maybe 6 months down the road can even meet they should be willing to meet you first someone really invested they will move mountains for you. But you both need to meet a few times before anything make sure the feelings are the same just as you meet in real still gotta take it slow don't dive in to quick they can court you as a girlfriend but BDSM is the last thing it's gotta be little vanilla with the bond fine to lift the romance department you want to know the feelings are the same before you go further on the same page in to the same things if not the same won't work if they don't have a soul only after sex your body tell them goodbye.  After the year of getting to know each other it can take two in half years to fully in to engagement bond of love should be taken slow as of another year in half to a  year  that might sound a lot but love can not be rushed needs to go slow so it can grow going to fast can lead to getting hurt.  Don't allow anyone to move you in right away, moving too quickly is just a sign that this person is desperate to take away your rights and not respect you. Anyone can put on a show, don't buy into it.  You need some distance before going further. It's fine if they want to rent a cottage or apartment near you when they travel to you to be closer to see you. This show's great interest.  But also at first never give them your home town info only the big major city at first down the road should meet 2 towns  down away or the big city that you both in separate rooms they need to lead in courtship lead with the heart not the parts they hold your hand take to a park and dinner but they need to do many things with you in public take you out in public not hide you. Put your hanky down to see if they will get it for you when it falls. They can take you out dancing and be willing to look in your eyes; they can't take their eyes off you. You can take a grasp at love when it gets further. You can write each other letters without getting too attached but show feelings to each other.  The thing is they need to win you over slowly by energy with trust over time and trust with respect to earn your heart not about you submitting but they can lead and take your hand show you the way they can water you so you can bloom and grow keep growing but never try to change you but become the beauty you truly feel as you are even more. Save the risque photos for later. It needs to be kept to the imagination. At this point they need to use their mind how they want to get to come and see you date you as many times. Fine to tease with your feminine side with dresses and roses and your youth inside without overdoing it just show a little not too much this how you keep it grounded if you show to much they take the sandwich can run put the value in your life because your true essence is value of a gem they need to respect you in all ways not force you to do things that do not make you feel comfortable. They need to be open and honest upfront that when the time's right they need to cam their whole house to show you they are single and need to know they mentally stable and secure before even dating them they are clean, take pride in themself with appearance and carry it good. They should clean up well in a respectful way, well groomed and clean shaven modest classy casual not lazy. It will show you how much value they put into wanting to be with you but not just cleaning up good but how they can invest the time to see you. They should be also financially secure not making you pay for things all the time does have to be fancy but it needs to be safe but good that you are somewhat secure in your own life so you have way to do yourself have own car and transportation they can also invest in transportation if you can not drive but they should not be driving in car with at first unless a friend or family member to meet them with you at first.

When its gets to crazy you getting weird messages you can set and edit your profile at the bottom check mark this (Show my profile to registered users only) Not saying but if they so interested they willing to invest you don't have to be bother by the wrong kind this site is affordable. How many alts does this person have if they keep bothering you if they are filter them out weed them out. Set to your friends for free to message you.
10 months ago • Aug 14, 2023
Notely • Aug 14, 2023
I Mean don't say you are new to this in profile to the lifestyle, not here to tell you what to do, how to live your life but save you from azzhats. You can say how ever you like but evolving is more safer. Just when the wrong type sees that you write you are new they try to use and abuse those limits using no consent they can lure you into a deep temptation of lust but that is not love when they try to get you to submit right away not saying you are but being protective of yourself.
Just because you change your profile or a blog they should not target you as your words for yourself embrace they should admire you to even be part of you not think they have you.
Satindragon{Not Lookin}
10 months ago • Aug 15, 2023
Satindragon{Not Lookin} • Aug 15, 2023
Since you are a premium member there is this little email tool that allows you to block folks you have not ever had contact with.

I find it very useful.
9 months ago • Aug 18, 2023
greeneyegirl • Aug 18, 2023
Yes!! I just joined today & have been bombarded with messages. At first I was thinking “ok, I can handle this.” But then men would message me over & over if they saw I was online but hadn’t responded to them yet. I couldn’t keep up with answering them, trying to keep track of who interested me, etc. I finally started deleting the messages from the pushy men without even reading them because I can’t handle someone acting like that.
It clearly says on my profile I am new to the lifestyle & want to learn more about it. I appreciate the attention but it shouldn’t make me feel so overwhelmed.
Luckily, the messages have slowed down so I can focus on who has peaked my interest & check out all the site has to offer.

Good luck from this newbie!
Satindragon{Not Lookin}
9 months ago • Aug 18, 2023
Satindragon{Not Lookin} • Aug 18, 2023

Just take your time. It isn't necessary to answer them all. Take a look at their profile and see if you even want to respond. Don't let anyone tell you you have to call them Master, Sir or even Daddy. Those are things that come once a dynamic is established.

Keep in mind this is a journey not a destination.