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Locked in Closet to Sleep

chattel​(sub female)
1 year ago • May 26, 2023
chattel​(sub female) • May 26, 2023
How is reward / punishment to encourage / discourage certain behaviors not manipulation?
1 year ago • May 26, 2023
I'mME • May 26, 2023
chattel wrote:
How is reward / punishment to encourage / discourage certain behaviors not manipulation?

If I know this is the rule, and these are the consequences . I know why, the what, the how. This is where negotiation is important .
1 year ago • May 26, 2023
I'mME • May 26, 2023
chattel wrote:
Ok, doesn't answer the question at all

I don't see manipulation. I wouldn't agree to do something that I know I'm not going to do. Period. I also am a grown woman, if I do something that inadvertently bothered my Dom then that's warrants a conversation.
Sleeping in a closet with the reasoning behind it being to make you do something or want something more then you already want that something is what I asked about ? You said he did that to make you desire to be in his bed. I inquired as to whether you already desired that? You said yes you do. But the closet was to make you desire that more. That's when I asked if you
had agreed to psychological manipulation . Tio which you replied you agreed to a reward/punishment dynamic..
Okay I don't consider reward/punishment to be manipulation. If you don't want to do something then don't agree to it.

I don't need a reward to do what I am supposed to do. I just do it. There is no manipulating involved.

If this is play for your dynamic then I would consider it to be on the psych level of manipulation. Whee you aren't sure if they are serious or not about being able to make to desire something more than what you already desire that something.

What scale do you use to measure that , there isn't one, which ours it into the psych category.

Reward/punishment scale is did something get done or not?

So my answer is that I don't believe reward/punishment is psychological manipulation.

If you are saying that sleeping in the closet is a punishment for not desiring him enough , well see above how does one measure that.
Psych manipulation is a type of manipulation play.

I guess I didn't look at reward/punishment as play. Bc for me it wouldn't be. I'm supposed to do a, b, c then that's what I do.

I'm looking at it from a rules standpoint , maybe that makes more sense .
MstrSol​(dom male)
1 year ago • May 27, 2023

Re: Locked in Closet to Sleep

MstrSol​(dom male) • May 27, 2023
laylalikesitall wrote:
Do any doms or subs find the time the sub spends tied up and gagged in the closet to sleep overnight is an effective way for the sub to have a lot of time to reflect on her goals as a good sun or would you think of it as a punishment?

Sorry but unless your Dom has a camera in that closet and staying up keeping an eye on you, that doesn't seem SSC. When my subs submit to bondage I am taking full responsibility for their well-being. So having them sleep in restraints, especially gags, means I am willing to risk that some anticipated thing might happen when I am not looking and negatively impact their well-being. To me that is not acceptable.

Now, caging them next to my bed where they have significant freedom of motion and can easily get my attention is another matter entirely..