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Let's talk rimming

2 months ago • Jul 20, 2024
ByronDeSade • Jul 20, 2024
I just heard a rimshot.....
Sincorrigible​(sub female)
2 months ago • Aug 14, 2024
Sincorrigible​(sub female) • Aug 14, 2024
Sweet Minx wrote:
Hmmm I need a mojito ๐Ÿน.

How about we all use this as a reminder to try not to judge others and to be friendly to newcomers. This lifestyle seems so fluid with people dropping out and falling off. Let's not discourage anyone from being active. Whether they wanna rim or not ๐Ÿ˜‹

A few months ago, I kinda let a sour person discourage me from posting in the forums, I didn't feel welcome. But that was wrong. Don't let a couple sour apples ruin the bunch. We can't all get along but we can be courteous.

I think this is the crux of this. Courtesy. And a good dose of mother's advice that if you can't say anything nice...

Although I think it is absolutely fair to express disagreement or your own personal view/experience. But you can do it politely. I was recently told to stuff it and shut up on a post that I really didn't think merited it. I concluded it said a lot more about them than it did about my mild but disagreeing post, and chose not to engage.

The cage is a small enough community at it is. If we rudely attack people the minute they say something we don't like it won't encourage discussion and sharing of experiences which is what people are trying to listen to and learn and grow.
2 months ago • Aug 16, 2024
I'mME • Aug 16, 2024
I was not going to address anything else coming from this particular forum.

I changed my mind, I'm going to set the record straight.

I did not attack anyone. I asked a question. And right now, we can still ask questions.

I read profiles (as I'm sure that others do as well) whenever I see a writing, a post, etc that catches my interest. Profiles can give an insight (or not) into a mind.

It's clear to me that quite a few commenters in this thread did not read a profile.

I refrained from posting what I thought in particular to two commenters I stead choosing to write it on my blog.
I did not know that that was against the 'rules'.
I did think seriously about copying and pasting EXACTLY what I wrote that got 'X'ed' but what was the point I asked myself. One believes himself a person who can tell people to be silent, the other writes things that don't even make sense.

I don't need others validation on me asking a question.

The OP went and wrote another questionable 'question' along the same vein.

I commented with an answer that I have written many times here and elsewhere. I have seen the same type answer, although wording may vary written hundreds of times.

The OP comments that I'm 'attacking' him and proceeds to talk about the women he is around.

Nowhere did I ever write anything about how he treats women.

To sum this up, I smelled something, I still smell something. Could I be wrong?
I sure could, but it's been a long time. I am a person that will apologize quick like.

I will keep on asking questions, if people do t like it, too bad.
I will not stand around while people accuse me of BS that didn't happen. People unable to look at a situation w some kind of objectivity.
People who want to tell me WTF I'm doing/thinking.

Questions are always going to be a good thing.

I will not assimilate, up is down, where people are labeled because they don't play some type of PC game..

I am a gd human being, one that most here have no clue about.

I see a lot.
2 months ago • Aug 16, 2024
I'mME • Aug 16, 2024
vv V vv wrote:
Do you see dead people?

vv V v,

I've seen some folks that were iffy.

I'm kidding.
Miss Anima​(dom female)
2 months ago • Aug 17, 2024
Miss Anima​(dom female) • Aug 17, 2024
I dont see the same people who complained about this post not being inclusive complaing about the same thing on other posts not being inclusive.
Sincorrigible​(sub female)
2 months ago • Aug 17, 2024
Sincorrigible​(sub female) • Aug 17, 2024
Miss Anima wrote:
I dont see the same people who complained about this post not being inclusive complaing about the same thing on other posts not being inclusive.

Check out the breasts post. Although perhaps not the same people..... I didn't check that. There are certainly regular comments on many posts about inclusivity/diversity.
1 month ago • Aug 19, 2024
I'mME • Aug 19, 2024
I'mME wrote:
I was not going to address anything else coming from this particular forum.

I changed my mind, I'm going to set the record straight.

I did not attack anyone. I asked a question. And right now, we can still ask questions.

I read profiles (as I'm sure that others do as well) whenever I see a writing, a post, etc that catches my interest. Profiles can give an insight (or not) into a mind.

It's clear to me that quite a few commenters in this thread did not read a profile.

I refrained from posting what I thought in particular to two commenters I stead choosing to write it on my blog.
I did not know that that was against the 'rules'.
I did think seriously about copying and pasting EXACTLY what I wrote that got 'X'ed' but what was the point I asked myself. One believes himself a person who can tell people to be silent, the other writes things that don't even make sense.

I don't need others validation on me asking a question.

The OP went and wrote another questionable 'question' along the same vein.

I commented with an answer that I have written many times here and elsewhere. I have seen the same type answer, although wording may vary written hundreds of times.

The OP comments that I'm 'attacking' him and proceeds to talk about the women he is around.

Nowhere did I ever write anything about how he treats women.

To sum this up, I smelled something, I still smell something. Could I be wrong?
I sure could, but it's been a long time. I am a person that will apologize quick like.

I will keep on asking questions, if people do t like it, too bad.
I will not stand around while people accuse me of BS that didn't happen. People unable to look at a situation w some kind of objectivity.
People who want to tell me WTF I'm doing/thinking.

Questions are always going to be a good thing.

I will not assimilate, up is down, where people are labeled because they don't play some type of PC game..

I am a gd human being, one that most here have no clue about.

I see a lot.

After perusing the Forum topics and comments, I decided to add to my statement.

Along with the fact that the OP was not new, they also made a statement about only wanting females perspective. Why? Because they were not gay.
I included that when I asked questions to the OP.

But that was attacking. Some should apply their dispositions equally across the board. I won't hold my breath.