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Question For The Alphas Out There

3 months ago • Mar 17, 2024
lambsone • Mar 17, 2024
Well we both said our piece and I don't see that we'll come together on it. The comments can stand as they are, and I thank you for your contribution.
Literate Lycan​(dom male)
3 months ago • Mar 17, 2024
Literate Lycan​(dom male) • Mar 17, 2024
Lambsone, I understand your original question. For the sake of civilized conversation, alpha is easily defined as trailblazer and leader, maybe even fearless. The question was how does one define themselves as alpha and how do they differ from what they consider non-alpha.

What about using the term alpha offends so much? We aren't scientists conducting an accurate study here. Like many of the terms "we" use in this lifestyle, it's often fantasy and based in our own minds and denotes desire. Are there really any "Masters" or "slaves" out there? Truth is, yes. Many countries do have slavery - but it's illegal and has been for a very long time. Within the confines of our community, it's a fantasy that some people put themselves into. They identify as slaves and Masters. But they are NOT really. At any given moment, either party can remove their consent (and this happens often). So why does the term alpha cause such a malaise for some? I think I know why. šŸ˜‰

Most leaders I know are all about improving and advancing their people. In a spectrum they tend to be what society would consider "alpha" regardless of throwing out big words to indicate it's a societal construct. Aren't we members of this society? And being an "alpha" isn't misogynistic nor toxic. It's just a term that is used, regardless of whether someone feels it's a valid term or not. (There are some assholes who may indicate they are alpha males or alphas females who are toxic, but the term itself shouldn't be subverted to mean all those who are alpha are bad).

I especially enjoyed simplyLaura's response above. Honestly I think it's much better than any response I could have given.

So back on track, regardless of your pedigree with using really big words, respond to the intent of the original question, or go enjoy a Shamrock Shake at McDonald's.
3 months ago • Mar 17, 2024
MadPoet • Mar 17, 2024
I'mME wrote:
MadPoet wrote:
Do we all agree with the fact that the idea of ā€œalphaā€ is just a social construct right? Actually the idea of an alpha male is demonstrably false, thatā€™s the fallacy of false dichotomy, and as is stated is a fallacious assumption based on stereotypical male conceptions, mostly related to misogynistic behaviours rather than any real phenomena.

The way the question was framed, one might fall into that opinion. However, women answered and related the term to themselves.

Thatā€™s not an opinion is a fact, the idea of alpha or beta in humans is just not real, whether we like it or not. And thereā€™s nothing wrong with tearing apart those assumptions based on nothing but wrong conceptions about humans. I see so much resistance to this idea and thatā€™s fascinating considering the environment here where people supposedly have open minds but I was even told that Iā€™m saying ā€œnegative things and criticisingā€, still wondering whatā€™s the negative thing that I said?
3 months ago • Mar 17, 2024
I'mME • Mar 17, 2024
MadPoet wrote:
lambsone wrote:
In my internet research I find that some believe Alphas to be a fact and others believe it not to be. So ... we will just have to agree to disagree.

Iā€™m not talking about beliefs but facts, Iā€™m talking about the psychology of the terms not the personal fantasies which are perfectly acceptable and understandable but theyā€™re fantasies and not reality.

Masculinity or femininity are multidimensional not enclosed to a rudimentary concept that is more related to other animals and even in those cases the idea is highly disputed but not in humans, we donā€™t have that category of alpha or beta, and in a huge proportion those who call themselves alpha are into the category of narcissistic personality psychologically speaking and my advice is always staying far away from narcissists.


Why is declaring oneself to be a Dom or a Master any different that declaring to be an Alpha?
3 months ago • Mar 17, 2024
MadPoet • Mar 17, 2024
Literate Lycan wrote:
Lambsone, I understand your original question. For the sake of civilized conversation, alpha is easily defined as trailblazer and leader, maybe even fearless. The question was how does one define themselves as alpha and how do they differ from what they consider non-alpha.

What about using the term alpha offends so much? We aren't scientists conducting an accurate study here. Like many of the terms "we" use in this lifestyle, it's often fantasy and based in our own minds and denotes desire. Are there really any "Masters" or "slaves" out there? Truth is, yes. Many countries do have slavery - but it's illegal and has been for a very long time. Within the confines of our community, it's a fantasy that some people put themselves into. They identify as slaves and Masters. But they are NOT really. At any given moment, either party can remove their consent (and this happens often). So why does the term alpha cause such a malaise for some? I think I know why. šŸ˜‰

Most leaders I know are all about improving and advancing their people. In a spectrum they tend to be what society would consider "alpha" regardless of throwing out big words to indicate it's a societal construct. Aren't we members of this society? And being an "alpha" isn't misogynistic nor toxic. It's just a term that is used, regardless of whether someone feels it's a valid term or not. (There are some assholes who may indicate they are alpha males or alphas females who are toxic, but the term itself shouldn't be subverted to mean all those who are alpha are bad).

I especially enjoyed simplyLaura's response above. Honestly I think it's much better than any response I could have given.

So back on track, regardless of your pedigree with using really big words, respond to the intent of the original question, or go enjoy a Shamrock Shake at McDonald's.

Not a big alpha if you canā€™t even address me directly, but I get the point of being offended by reality, hence the response so defensive not from any position of understanding but trying to impose an opinion.

Like Tywin Lannister in the books said ā€œ Any man who must say, "I am the king" is no true king.ā€ in this case any man who must say Iā€™m an alpha is clearly not a true alpha nor a true man. Next time quote me if you are going to address my argument.
3 months ago • Mar 17, 2024
lambsone • Mar 17, 2024
Literate Lycan and ImME, I thank you also for your contributions to the thread.
3 months ago • Mar 17, 2024
MadPoet • Mar 17, 2024
I'mME wrote:
MadPoet wrote:
lambsone wrote:
In my internet research I find that some believe Alphas to be a fact and others believe it not to be. So ... we will just have to agree to disagree.

Iā€™m not talking about beliefs but facts, Iā€™m talking about the psychology of the terms not the personal fantasies which are perfectly acceptable and understandable but theyā€™re fantasies and not reality.

Masculinity or femininity are multidimensional not enclosed to a rudimentary concept that is more related to other animals and even in those cases the idea is highly disputed but not in humans, we donā€™t have that category of alpha or beta, and in a huge proportion those who call themselves alpha are into the category of narcissistic personality psychologically speaking and my advice is always staying far away from narcissists.


Why is declaring oneself to be a Dom or a Master any different that declaring to be an Alpha?

Thereā€™s no such thing as ā€œmastersā€ too, thatā€™s also product of egotistical behaviour, you master something when you have nothing left to learn, but when it comes to human interactions we learn until we die, so no, thereā€™s no master either. And my question wasnā€™t even answered, why so much defensive responses to a simple argument?
3 months ago • Mar 17, 2024
MadPoet • Mar 17, 2024
Literate Lycan wrote:

Have the best of days.

Not a true alpha nor a true man I see, funny how you just proved my statement to be true, itā€™s all about ego and the fact you use my words but at the same time didnā€™t quote or addressed me directly is the very proof of that.

I couldnā€™t think of a better way to describe the reality of the self called ā€œalphasā€ than your previous comment.

Have a nice day too, be respectful and learn how to have an honest conversation next time.
3 months ago • Mar 17, 2024
lambsone • Mar 17, 2024

Why is declaring oneself to be a Dom or a Master any different that declaring to be an Alpha?"

The declaration isn't any different. That's one of the reasons I asked in the first place. I wanted to discover what made Alphas think it was.

"Masculinity or femininity are multidimensional"
I am curious about what your take is on the multidimensional you mentioned. Just wanting to understand your comment better. (Yes I left out the animal comparison because I wanted to find out specifics on the multidimensional aspects of people.)