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SweetSirRendering​(sub female)
2 years ago • Sep 9, 2021
if only the block weren’t so limited…

i find no reason to personally block anyone as i already have all new messages and bonds blocked to people i haven’t talked with privately and i rarely make an exception to invite anyone new in, so block is not something i’ve played with.

however, i DO understand the myriad of reasons people choose to do it. the dialogue here in this forum has many perfect examples in problem behaviors one would want to avoid in their private personal communication channels. so, what reason is the most valid? every single one. nobody is required to explain themselves if they choose that route.

now back to my opening statement, i do wish we had a “gag” button, where we could actually completely silence a person; all comments and responses, 💥 BAM hidden, as if they were never there. it works in chat, why not everywhere?

yes, we are all adults and should be able to handle dissenting opinions and the like, but some folks are ridiculous. we can choose not to feed them, but it’s like a traffic accident and one cannot help but rubberneck. as ridiculous as my gag idea and certain folks are, we each reserve the right to be any way we want to be, and others can block accordingly. xo
Taramafor​(sub male)
2 years ago • Sep 10, 2021
Taramafor​(sub male) • Sep 10, 2021
Quote: You're forgetting something super critical. This is YOUR take on matters that matter, and you cannot and will not be allowed to speak for all of humanity as though yours is the only valid point of view.

Excuse me? You dare to presume what I can or can not do as if it's your choice and not mine? No. Bad Miki. *Rolls up a nespaper and bonks her on the head with it*

I can. I did. And i'm going to do it again. You can't stop me. Think you can "allow" my actions? You can try. You will fail. You're a brat. I know you understand. Fun isn't it?

It's not just MY take on the matter. If a tree falls in a forest then it falls in the forest. Regardless of wherever it's seen or not. Taken into consideration or not.

A fart happens. It comes from an ass. It comes from an ass from a person. Becasue of biological events. This is a simple FACT Miki. It's NOT an opinion. It's an event that HAPPENS. Wherever you accept that or delude yourself is on you. But that's what happens and that is why.

Pick any person. Any ass. Any fart. Food. Processed. PFFT! nose. Biological response. Ewwwwww. This is very simple. There's nothing complicated about this. Action. Reaction. Result.

PROVE me wrong if you can. I'm not afraid of being proven wrong. But you better have a better answer then "Because different viewpoints". Can you disprove that a fart doesn't happen because of something like eating too much and a biological respone happening?

Your move.
Taramafor​(sub male)
2 years ago • Sep 10, 2021
Taramafor​(sub male) • Sep 10, 2021
Alright, someone just blocked me. Let's get into it. It's about the topic after all.

I just got a message. I will quote the wording without calling out names.

Quote: You simply are posting in forums to get into arguments, to FORCE YOUR SINGULAR VIEW upon others.

Ahem. Well what the bloody hell have peope been doing to me then? If I believe something is a fact then I beleive it is a fact. Opions are not facts. Facts are facts. You can have two different opinions and they can both be correct. But if it's a fact that a rock is a rock, then calling it a pizza isn't going to sotp you breaking your teeth if you try to chew on that rock.

To be clear, facts and opinions are two different things. One is "What you think". The other is "What is the situation".

You can try to prove me wrong. I don't mind that. I even invite and encourage it. I'm not afraid of that.

But TELLING someone what you ASSUME? I've at no point ever said "I have a single view". I'm very much aware you all have your own thoughts/opinons. That doesn't make assumptions true though. Only a hypocrite tries to get the last word in and act like they're in the right. This person is also a dom and I believe they have a fear of control to the extent that they feel so insecure about themselves that they have to be that person that gets the last word in and not even let someone reply. Some doms can be like that. I've come across that type before. If they're even remotely similar then I suspect it's a fear of not being in control leading to evasiveness. And I also know people like that have issues (the so called dom I know from earlier was suicidal on a good day. Pick up on the hint). Because they're cowards that want to be more capable but can't even face/confront the scary situations. People actually do hate themselves for it. Doms more so. It's not handling a situation. It's not exchanging thoughts/opinions. It's just going "I'm in the right. I get the last word in. That's the final say."

... Singular view anyone? This is hypocritical. I always get YOUR reply. YOUR response. I get YOUR thoughts and opinions regardless of wherever I agree with them or not. I don't do it because I "care" about you. I don't do it because I owe anyone anything. I do it because what if I'm wrong? I always consider this. But do others? No more mr nice guy.

It is true that I get into arguments. I do not deny this. I also try to keep those arguments civil. Without raised voices or yelling. I call people into questions because there are times we can not trust our own opinion alone.

I give my own opinion. You give yours. Which is PROVEN right? And if you can't prove that then do you even know your own opinion if you can't even say why? I can admit when I am wrong. But at what point has it ever been proven?

That aside, what kind of person is so insecure that they have to get the last word in and are exactly what they complain about? They pushed their "singular viewpoint" on me. And didn't even get my thoughts/opinons. This is hypocritical isn't it?

This is why I hate cowards. Or people that get the last word in. I'd NEVER stoop to that level. Not under ANY circumstances. I'm not going to explain why. I'm simply saying I don't stand for being walked over. Would you?

And do you know what happens when people aren't noticed and taken into considiration when you act like you're in the right? I used to be that person in the past.

It lead to someone shooting themselves. Treat ME that way and you'll treat others that way. I never block anyone because I talk people out of suicide now. They BS themselves and assume it's for others. I put my foot down. Get them angry. Then they find a partner. That feels good.

I talk stubborn people with an open ear into forming agreements. That feels good.

You want a perfect life free of drama? You want to live in a fairy tale world where nothing ever goes wrong and everything is perfect? It. Doesn't. Exist. I FACE those escary situations. I know the results I get when people LISTEN to each other. Maybe you think I don't But I pay attention to everything everyone does. The good, the bad. The happy, the sad.

It can make my head feel like it wants to explode sometimes. But then I just remember. "I'll always ask you for your opinoin." I always listen even if it seems like I don't. For all you know I could be lying. But I work hard to get the results I do. I refuse to ever allow past mistakes to happen. I refuse to be that person that pulls the deaf ears and turned backs card.

And you know something? It hurts. It hurts when people mistreat me and abuse me. And sometimes people that do that actually try to understand me and we work things out. And we're happy.

However, that doesn't mean I'm going to be happy about someone that is what they complain about and doesn't even consider anything other then their own single narrow midned viewpoint alone. You might THINK it's me.

What if it's YOURSELF?

Pick anything you ever complained about to anyone. What if it's not "them". What if it's YOU and YOU have your own responsibility in that?

Want to BS me that you're perfect? Do you see me doing that? When I make mistakes I say I make them. When I say I mean and intend to do something I admit that. What do others do?

Got reminded of that suicidal dom that did the same thing. I'm pissed off. I'm also concerned for the dom that just blocked me. Because I know what people like that go through. They blame others and they never consider that maybe THEY'RE the reason other people get hurt. If this person is anything like the dom I know then they'll never even want to talk about that. I really want yo beleive that's not the case. But people that get the last word in are the worst. I can handle so many situations. But I'll never be able to handle this one. Because they really don't want to hear anything other then their own opinion or an agreement about it.

I don't want "Let's agree about everything". That isn't realistic. I want to hear "What are our concerns". THAT is realistic. I don't want to hear "I'm perfect". I want to hear "What are our flaws". And I very much admit I have my own.

But what the fuck do other people do? Want to know why arguments happen? Well... Bunnie never treated me this way. Neither did bloody belladonna. They don't do that. I don't do that. We don't go "Let's get the last word in". We just go "Let's consider each other."

Consideration. Is it really that hard? To think about things with an open mind? For some people it is. But good luck getting them to admit that. It isn't easy. It never is. But I'll be damned if I'm seen as something I'm not.

Last edited by * on Fri Sep 10, 2021 5:20 pm, edited 1 time in total
Thotsferatu​(switch female)
2 years ago • Sep 10, 2021
SweetSirRendering wrote:
if only the block weren’t so limited…

i find no reason to personally block anyone as i already have all new messages and bonds blocked to people i haven’t talked with privately and i rarely make an exception to invite anyone new in, so block is not something i’ve played with.

however, i DO understand the myriad of reasons people choose to do it. the dialogue here in this forum has many perfect examples in problem behaviors one would want to avoid in their private personal communication channels. so, what reason is the most valid? every single one. nobody is required to explain themselves if they choose that route.

now back to my opening statement, i do wish we had a “gag” button, where we could actually completely silence a person; all comments and responses, 💥 BAM hidden, as if they were never there. it works in chat, why not everywhere?

yes, we are all adults and should be able to handle dissenting opinions and the like, but some folks are ridiculous. we can choose not to feed them, but it’s like a traffic accident and one cannot help but rubberneck. as ridiculous as my gag idea and certain folks are, we each reserve the right to be any way we want to be, and others can block accordingly. xo

I think an option for total, “I can’t see you, you can’t see me” blocks is beneficial to social communities like this. Sometimes you absolutely cannot engage with someone’s droning lack of self-awareness. And in rare cases, the more unstable among them can do things like troll or stalk people from post to post and make their experience frustrating. I think the individual ability to shun in those cases is crucial.
2 years ago • Feb 2, 2022
I'mME • Feb 2, 2022

You talk to so many people, you block them so you do not contact them again.

Are you a self-aware person? Your reasoning behind blocking someone shows a lack of empathy. It is telling of your character, you should invest in paper and writing utensil or be more discriminate about what you want which would make whom you contact less in number.

pennywise wrote:
Blocking someone also throws a message that shows you’ve blocked them.

Personally I use it on some apps/sites so that I don’t contact that person again by mistake.

When you talk to a lot of people there’s simply no way to keep track of who has told you to beat it, or you’ve decided aren’t right for you.

Blocking is good for that.