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3 years ago • Apr 28, 2020
limpkin • Apr 28, 2020
Totally fair!!! Have fun.
Meg​(dom female){NotLooking}
3 years ago • Apr 30, 2020
Zedland, TheLittlePrincess, LaVieEnRose, SR13, JohnBond, Living and Loving, Rose K, Subbyboi777, Mybodyisurs70, Nemesis, Queen of Hearts, Gidgetbaby, tangledupinyou, Queen Ebony, Draconyx, MasterRon, Knightsundere, limpkin, kalckk, House Talion, MegsDandelion wrote:
we are the cool people
Do any of you have some good silly ideas. Entirely non-sexual, somewhat complicated tasks of which one must take photos as proof. I'm looking to either annoy or bore them into going away forever, or get some hillarious photos that don't include their dangly bits.

kalckk wrote:
I'm sure there are dipshits in every role in BDSM. You should flesh out your profile more so they can get a better idea of who you are!

House Talion wrote:
But what am I supposed to do if they want to pay me? I'm sooooo not into that, or into subs that aren't my sub.

ccchaser wrote:
RangersFairy wrote:
Meg wrote:
RangersFairy wrote:
Or be an adult and just ignore them.
Tried that. Did for years. This is more entertaining
So you are an immature non-dominant then. True Dominants won't ever behave like that. I hope subs start to realize that.
Agreed, immature for sure.

Aww Booo😭 Sounds like you two aren't getting enough Inbox action to understand what it's like to have 75 new junk messages every day to sift through to find the three genuinely cool people to whom I actually want to talk.

I cannot think of one single way that I can make it any clearer on my profile that I'm not here as a virtual fleshlight of wish fulfilment for a bunch of desperate randos, that I'm in a committed monogamous relationship with my sub, and that I'm completely uninterested in domming anyone else. Maybe I could find a way to resort to flashing text. Maybe I should change all of my photos to signs that say GO AWAY. I feel like this sort of thing would deter the people who find my profile to whom I do enjoy talking.

If you have any other solutions, for doing something productive to stop nasty morons from continuously begging me for attention I'd love to hear them, otherwise, sit down and be quiet.

Zedland wrote:
TheLittlePrincess wrote:
LaVieEnRose wrote:
SR13 wrote:
JohnBond wrote:
Living and Loving wrote:
Rose K wrote:
Subbyboi777 wrote:
Mybodyisurs70 wrote:
Nemesis wrote:
Queen of Hearts wrote:
Gidgetbaby wrote:
tangledupinyou wrote:
Queen Ebony wrote:
Draconyx wrote:
MasterRon wrote:
Knightsundere wrote:
limpkin wrote:
MegsDandelion wrote:
Fallible Malleable
3 years ago • Apr 30, 2020
Fallible Malleable • Apr 30, 2020
Not one of the cool people you have listed above but have followed this thread and like your approach. I offer the following ideas:

Ask them to deck themselves out in their best wear, go to the local shop and purchase a small amount of cat food and then donate it to a local animal shelter. * In your profile you mention the desire to foster orphan kitties once you are able to do so. This would help homeless animals, or those who might depend on the animal food bank in order to maintain their pets at home. *

Ask them to send you a video of their best fully clothed burlesque number. If they are into exhibitionism or it would bring you delight, you could ask them to film it in a public park. Of course, reminding them to maintain safe social distancing.

Tell them to write a synopsis or pitch for a potential new sci-fi, dystopic, apocalyptic, zombie, or horror novel. Must include a color visual for the potential book cover.

I do hope people come up with clever ideas and you are able to provide updates. Have fun!
MstressWhipplash​(dom female)
3 years ago • Oct 27, 2020
Joking aside change your Avatar and ignore them.

I am poly and need to block the incompatible people on Fetlife. Here it is non UK contact I get which is moot anyway because a person needs to be local to me and no more than 2 hours away before I agree to even starting any form of non kink "get-to-know-each-other" chat.

I can tell if they are are not my kind of person when they ask questions already on my profile.

Mistress Whipplash Ma'am
3 years ago • Oct 27, 2020
Zhivago • Oct 27, 2020
You write it as if anyone really cares.
3 years ago • Oct 28, 2020
Zhivago • Oct 28, 2020