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Found Profile Belonging to Someone I Know to be RL Abuser

dollMaker​(dom male)
3 years ago • Jun 4, 2020
dollMaker​(dom male) • Jun 4, 2020
Contact site admin, give them all you have on this person, and it may be they already have reports on them and yours will be the one that sees this person banned.

My view, the cage should not be a place for abusers, they should be kicked out, as should all who are racist, homo, bi, pan, trans phobic. There should be zero tolerance for all of these types. Present the evidence, let admin do their jobs, and be vigilant for these persons return, and report again.
Road Toad
3 years ago • Jun 4, 2020
Road Toad • Jun 4, 2020
As I said before, do it in a generic fashion.
For someone to bring slander charges would be to invite the authorities to investigate them.
They would rather duck and cover then have anyone find out what they have done; preditors are spinless shits.
As long as you do not say something to the effect of "Bob went to Bobett's house at 123 Bobson Lane and did this to her" they can't prove shit.
The only way they could is if they admitted to what they did.
And then it's not Slander
IowaDom​(dom male)
3 years ago • Jun 4, 2020
IowaDom​(dom male) • Jun 4, 2020
Hate to disagree yet again, but the actual term is libel, and it DOES not require you enter a name, or an address, and is not a criminal case, it would be a civil case, so the authorities have nothing to do with it.

If you publish something in writing, and it can be determined who you are speaking about by a "reasonable person", and it causes them harm in damn near any manner, it IS LIBELOUS if you cannot prove what you said. And if you think that abuser as you call him is just going to sit on his hands while you call him out publicly, you are mistaken, One cute way, especially if you have no proof, and you have already stated you do not, would be to file a suit against you and PUBLICLY clear their name, no proof - he is gonna win.
Road Toad
3 years ago • Jun 4, 2020
Road Toad • Jun 4, 2020
I understand what you are saying as I am sure everyone else here does.
I would encourage you since you seem to be so knowledgable on these issues, to help her in her endeavor instead of warning her that she should keep her mouth shut.
Road Toad
3 years ago • Jun 4, 2020
Road Toad • Jun 4, 2020
For those of you that are unaware, Libel is written words, Slander is spoken words.

my bad, typing to people is the same as speaking to them, for me anyways
Elly​(sub female)
3 years ago • Jun 4, 2020
Elly​(sub female) • Jun 4, 2020
If I write a blog, I do not intend to mention anything other than the generic traits of predators. They all play the same game and use the same tactics. What applies to one will apply to the rest, albeit to varying degrees. The concern about being libelous is something that is wise to stay aware of and be cautious about. The only way to ensure anything I say is generic is to talk about predators as a whole and how they function, rather than gear anything towards personal experience. It's more helpful if it's generic, anyway.
IowaDom​(dom male)
3 years ago • Jun 4, 2020
IowaDom​(dom male) • Jun 4, 2020
That is a wise approach. Heighten overall awareness without exposing your self to unnecessary risk (regardless of the degree of risk). I hate predators and abusive scumbags as much as the rest on here, my only intention was keeping you in a safe position, or at a minimum, highlighting a potential risk. What you are wanting to do is very honorable, and as a general rule, I tend to expect (and prepare for) the exact opposite from the predators and abusers.
Taramafor​(sub male)
3 years ago • Jun 4, 2020
Taramafor​(sub male) • Jun 4, 2020
There tends to be two sides to every story. How do I know this isn't a case of someone assuming the worst of things?

What's more even if the worst of things did happen how do I know those bad situations weren't worked out between the abuser and whoever they abused?

There's just no context of the situation here.
3 years ago • Jun 4, 2020
Bunnie • Jun 4, 2020
I haven’t read through the other responses yet, so apologies if I just simply repeat what others have said.

Please report this straight to Admin. Yes, it is our responsibility to keep each other safe, and I see this as the most important way of doing that. They need to be given the opportunity to be able to address these things from an official standpoint. Crossed “t’s” and dotted “i’s” are far more effective than emotions when dealing with enforcing standards of conduct.

Everyone else’s responses will be based from their own personal experiences or beliefs.

Please allow the people who’s position it is to deal with these things, to do their job (in creating a safe space for us all), by giving them all of the information necessary to make informed decisions.
MalakaiY​(dom male)
3 years ago • Jun 5, 2020
MalakaiY​(dom male) • Jun 5, 2020
I hate to be "that guy", but what you're doing or planning to do seems more like revenge than anything.
If you were really trying to "help the public", it would be very easy to do.
For example, tell the community, from your experience, what to potentially watch out for.
So others can learn something from your unfortunate experiences.
Correct me if I'm wrong, but targeting one person is not really helping the public unless he or she is the only abuser on this planet.

You said this person is an abuser in real life.....But not on this forum(Because he/she would be banned already)?
So do we just take your word for it then?
I have to ask, what is his or her side of the story?
Because it could range anywhere from "He/she didn't get me this expensive thing" to actual abuse.

I get that people want to be helpful and all, but shouldn't we also think about this a bit?