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What would you do?

kajirasubm{On Hiatus }
3 years ago • Aug 30, 2020

What would you do?

kajirasubm{On Hiatus } • Aug 30, 2020
So I am relatively new to the cage, but not BDSM.

Once upon a time, I had a hugely popular BDSM blog composed entirely of original content.
Specifically, my writing - my words.

Tonight I came across a blog on The Cage.
Paragraph after paragraph with all these lofty and noble ideals.
Piqued my curiosity to visit the person's profile.

When lo and behold - I came across words which I had written and posted on my blog almost 10 years ago....and I find my words "appropriated " all these years later by someone on The Cage.
Who has the audacity to not only steal the words, but put them in poster format and sign it with their name- as though they had written it!

I don't know whether to be immensely flattered to have my words travel for all this time and still resonate, or be enraged that someone would steal someone else's written word.

If a boundary, like plagiarism is crossed
" accidentally ", should the person take the words down and ask forgiveness and correctly attribute the author's name?

Does the definition of boundaries and limits apply to plagiarism and being your unique self?
    The most loved post in topic
Aquarius Dom​(dom male)
3 years ago • Aug 30, 2020
Aquarius Dom​(dom male) • Aug 30, 2020
Just allow Karma to deal with it !
There is no point stressing your soul !
I guess when we release words into the public domain they cease to be our sole property!
Though I do agree that crediting you would have been the correct course of action !!
sir james ladies​(sub female){oh yes ple}
3 years ago • Aug 30, 2020
Hi people call me Doc
If what you say is true and I have no reason to question this here is the problem and solution. words put on the internet are not considered protected by any law because of the fact it is a world wide place of expression it would be impossible to protect them copy rite laws vary from country to country so if it was written as a blog it become the property of the world. leaving you only one option show the person the proof of your original blog and ask for them to give you credit. or just live with the knowledge that your words where listened to and carry on. if however it was printed as a book or article then you may demand credit and have them ether credit it to you or sue but this may become very expensive for you with no way to recoup that cost or finally have them removed. ether way understand if some one take things to hart then they become theirs.
3 years ago • Aug 30, 2020
Bunnie • Aug 30, 2020
@ kajirasubm,

At first I was thinking “oh how lovely to see someone honouring your words like that”... until I continued reading and saw the part about them claiming it as their own words... yeah that’s a big fat “No” from me. Not cool. I really don’t understand that.

I think just asking them to please remove the claim of it being theirs... and giving credit where credit belongs, would be how I would approach it.
3 years ago • Aug 30, 2020
Tthomas • Aug 30, 2020
Follow your heart and your head.
One will win out over the other.

If it were me I would let them know that I was the author.
In a none threatening way.

Let his/her newly informed conscious be his/her guide.
djinni​(dom female){smplylaura}
3 years ago • Aug 30, 2020
Oh this truly sucks and it infuriates me! My spider senses have been tingling lately about blogs such as those and if I have time I’ve been searching out the text to see if I can find the original authors and calling people out on it. Sharing others words for education purposes is fine, but only if you give credit to the author/source.

Do not hesitate to call them out. Try privately if you want, but honestly I think doing it publicly is fine as well. This lets others know they are full of crap and a thief.
MasterRon​(dom male)
3 years ago • Aug 30, 2020
MasterRon​(dom male) • Aug 30, 2020
Agree with djinni. I think calling them out is appropriate. If they are claiming something that doesn't belong to them as theirs then they should be outed in public. However, to rule out the possibility that they might have done so inadvertently or unknowingly, and to give them a chance to correct that mistake its a good idea to have a private conversation first.

And you do have the rights to anything you right as long as you mention it somewhere in a blog that it cannot be reproduced without permission or without credits. Yes, the legal standings are not very clear around that.
shesosweet​(sub female)
3 years ago • Aug 30, 2020
shesosweet​(sub female) • Aug 30, 2020
I think there is a rule in terms of service on CAGE about this. It is plagarism and if they don't respond to your request I think you can and should report the post as copied.

It doesn't have to be legally copywrited in order to be theft- plagarism is taking credit for someone else's work, period.

If you have the old blog, to prove it, that is!