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4 years ago • Oct 4, 2020


truckstopjunkie • Oct 4, 2020
What does omittance mean to you? I ask this question because, this is a subject necessary for some trauma, however, it is used to defer lying, by some people. The net does not go out of it's way to define omittance but in law it can be a jailable offence. The net does define it as NEGLECT. The term was introduced in the 15th century by Shakespeare. He wrote that omittance is not quitance. In biblical studies omittance is covered in depth as well as in law. So, what does it mean to you? I'm asking all the way across the board. If you have ever dealt with anyone that practices omittance, you will understand why I am asking this question.
4 years ago • Oct 4, 2020
truckstopjunkie • Oct 4, 2020
Well, I have dealt with omittance. Omittance is the failure to disclose information in a sworn environment. For instance, I'm on the stand and I'm asked to tell the truth, the while truth and nothing but the truth. I know the truth, but I willfully choose to not admit any of my involvement, which in fact is not the whole truth, however it by law is seen as a whole lie. I omitted my involvement.
Okay, some people do not like to lie from their mouth, the lie is spoken and they have communicated proof. Omittance of the offense usually an affair or a cardinal sin or a crime, so to get out of speaking a lie they omit the action. It's like denying, however it goes deeper, because omittance, from my experience is the foundation of lies if there is such a foundation. Its tricky because the lie was never told but admittance wasnt either. It like wrongfully washing a bad conscience and anyone that uses omittance is hard to see as having a conscience at all, or a belief system. It's hard for me to explain, in a clear manner. It is a weapon, it is hurtful, and it is neglectful to other parties involved. I'm actually hoping that someone can give me more info on the subject because I am unable to see where omittance is healthy however in some instances I can see where it can be healthy. In my experience omittance has been the breeder of deflection, projection, neglect, deceit and violence. Its touchy and most people that use omittance omit to talk about it. I do apologize for not knowing enough to actually be clearer, and hence my question to you all.
slavebilly​(sub male)
4 years ago • Oct 4, 2020
slavebilly​(sub male) • Oct 4, 2020
Are you looking for a general answer or one that applies to a BSDM relationship? If in BDSM how would you see omission happening?
4 years ago • Oct 4, 2020
truckstopjunkie • Oct 4, 2020
Well, in BDSM most are attracted to the therapeutic need of certain acts due to some kind of trauma brought about in their lifetime. Yeah some folks are in it because it's a kink. On the ritualistic and therapeutic side of BDSM, I have seen where neither party involved in a relationship gets their desired treatment one from another. In any such trauma in order to heal and become whole omittance has to be dealt with. In order to go forward and to heal and to actually participate in a healthy relationship of any kind is to admit and heal and be a healthy participant in a relationship. I guess my whole goal here is to help people become aware of what omittance in and what it does. I'm not trying to prove a point or point fingers, it's just that there are people in this lifestyle that feel that omittance is justifiable and that it is not an offense. My goal here is for my own understanding, because I do not omit and I do not understand it. I have ran in to this in this lifestyle more so than anywhere else. It's not to prod or provoke, it's more for my own awareness, to see if I cause this in others, and if so how do I help someone without being as you say so abrasive when I actually do care to help. So if this is seen as another provoking I assure you it for my understanding in the Hope's of first helping people that I love in this lifestyle, and to help others that may be dealing with this on both spectrums. And yes I feel as if in some manner I ask for omittance, without actually desiring it. In a nutshell, it is for me and my benefit to enrich and achieve what I desire in this lifestyle. Around the world again, maybe that's my problem. Lol it is my problem. It would have been simpler to just say that. Besides the more I wrote the more my mouth is shut. Lol
Redfoxmask​(dom male)
4 years ago • Oct 4, 2020
Redfoxmask​(dom male) • Oct 4, 2020
Omittance to me is when someone knowingly leaves out pertinent data that pertains to a situation knowing at some point that omittance will have to be dealt with at least that's the way that I see it
    The most loved post in topic
4 years ago • Oct 4, 2020
MariGold • Oct 4, 2020
I think omittance in relation to trauma can be a tricky one. Omittance is a conscious act, a choice if you will. Of course certain circumstances can play into that - as in your analogy when taking the stand, nervousness could play into that.

Trauma is not a choice and is not conscious. It's mainly unconscious and can become conscious when triggered or through delayed PTSD. The traumatic event happening is too much to handle for the mind and body, so it makes the decision to bury it deep, that is nothing you can actively stop or choose not to do. Triggers and trauma don't have to be your enemies though, you can work on understanding them, working with them and living with them in symbiosis. I don't like the idea of "getting rid of trauma", I believe it accompanies you for life but you can come to a point where you accept it instead of fighting it. It needs incredibly empathetic partners to deal with that alongside them. I think that's the tricky part.

Hope that makes sense.
4 years ago • Oct 4, 2020
truckstopjunkie • Oct 4, 2020
That makes all the sense in the world. That traumatic omittance, I get, and I'm not the most empathetic person, that I should be. I appreciate this because the person I dealt with this omittance was diagnosed with PTSD. Now that you have mentioned this I see where I triggered her a lot. I didnt realize that someone could be triggered in the manner of setting off a mental episode. I'm careful about mentality beauties, I see where noone asks for them and not to down myself, but I am ashamed because I wasnt aware. Thanks this does explain a lot to me. I'm an alcoholic in recover, i was not aware that these ran so parallel. I viewed her omittance as a retaliation but I didnt understand why she was retaliating. I've been in the lifestyle for a minute, but I am seeing that I have a lot more to learn. There isnt a whole lot of info on omittance that I have found. I do know that it does need to be understood, because I run into it quite a bit. After some reflection i was seeing that i had something to do with it. Thanks xoLeah. Is there any info that you can point me to that might help me understand how not to trigger this because i must be pretty good at triggering it.
4 years ago • Oct 4, 2020
MariGold • Oct 4, 2020
I was diagnosed with delayed PTSD as well. If you have specific questions I might be able to help with, feel free to message me.

In general, I think, as you stated you are a recovering addict, there is this saying that "hurt people hurt people" and I think nothing could be more true.

Knowing that and owning it and wanting to educate yourself and heal is a wonderful start!
LongerJohnny​(dom male){B&C}Verified Account
4 years ago • Oct 4, 2020
LongerJohnny​(dom male){B&C}Verified Account • Oct 4, 2020
*IMPORTANT* This is not an attempt to address omittance in a trauma-related context. Rather it has to do with competing definitions regarding untruths. This is by no means definitive.

Both are are attempts at deception. The main difference is the means by which the deception is perpetrated:
- A lie is a false statement. The important point here is that the affirmative act of stating something (affirmative in this case meaning 'assertive' or 'propositional') is directly and necessarily in opposition to NOT making a statement, or omitting.
- Omission is not a statement per se. however it can be seen as the affirmative act of leaving out something.
In both cases a person is attempting to deceive, and while legally either may be a punishable offense, technically they are not the same things. Neither act is the whole truth but (get ready for a ridiculous example) neither is any current explanation of the nature of the universe but we refer to that as an unknown, not a lie or an omission. Bringing us to...
- If A is actually the truth, but someone believes B to be the truth and says as much, has he attempted to deceive anyone - or is he just wrong? One's perception of the truth must be taken into consideration.

Both are frequently used interchangeably or synonymously. But Cambridge, Webster, Funk and Wagnall all seem to agree that lying and omission are not necessarily the same things.

Bullshit is bullshit, we all know what it is, and sometimes it is right out in the open stinkin' up the joint.