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This is a REAL post

The Thinker​(sadist male){NotLooking}
3 years ago • Oct 7, 2020

This is a REAL post

All day long I see posts on the forum. But rarely do I see a REAL post. So I had to make one.

What is a REAL post, you ask? Aren't all posts REAL, you ask?

Well, obviously, not everything is REAL. There are REAL Doms and REAL subs. REAL men and REAL women. Everything else is fake.

If the abover confuses you, well, then you are not REAL. As REAL people know REALity. If you don't get it, no one can explain it to you.

In which case, you should look deep inside yourself and try to understand what you need to do to get REAL. And once you get there, make a REAL post describing your journey.

Now that will be the REAL deal.
Devotedsub​(sub female){His}
3 years ago • Oct 7, 2020
What is REAL harassment? And when will you learn to stop getting on everyone's posts and doing it. You argue with with everyone. Now making posts that reference others' post.. Yes mine specifically.. You took words right out of my blog and took what I said and twisted It.... Just know.. Harassment isn't ok and I hope this will be taken care of. I don't give one rats shit if you think I'm real or not just for the record. People who constantly bring others down and harass others speak for themselves with their actions and their opinions mean nothing to me. Just to be clear about that. However I'm really tired of seeing you do this to others. And some won't speak up. I will. The cage doesn't need this crap.
    The most loved post in topic
Aquarius Dom​(dom male)
3 years ago • Oct 7, 2020


Aquarius Dom​(dom male) • Oct 7, 2020
I agree with Devoted sub I think the only REAL thing about your posts are that they are done for your own malicious amusement Mr Troll
Alpha Wolfe
3 years ago • Oct 7, 2020
Alpha Wolfe • Oct 7, 2020
*grabs popcorn*
SAXMANIAC​(sub female)
3 years ago • Oct 7, 2020

Re: This is a REAL post

SAXMANIAC​(sub female) • Oct 7, 2020
The Thinker wrote:
All day long I see posts on the forum. But rarely do I see a REAL post. So I had to make one.

What is a REAL post, you ask? Aren't all posts REAL, you ask?

Well, obviously, not everything is REAL. There are REAL Doms and REAL subs. REAL men and REAL women. Everything else is fake.

If the abover confuses you, well, then you are not REAL. As REAL people know REALity. If you don't get it, no one can explain it to you.

In which case, you should look deep inside yourself and try to understand what you need to do to get REAL. And once you get there, make a REAL post describing your journey.

Now that will be the REAL deal.

That was REAL annoying.
If you got something to say be a grown up and say it.
The Thinker​(sadist male){NotLooking}
3 years ago • Oct 7, 2020
OK, time for me to get REAL.

What people do, and this is not just limited to BDSM, are two fold. First, they attribute certain chracteristics to themselves. They believe that they are, for example, smart, caring, attractive, empathetic, et cetra, and in general with a lot to offer. It's just a belief. If there was an assessment, they wouldn't score as high as they score themselves. More importantly, the attributes that they assign to themselves are also not the be all and end all, this is just a set of attributes that they themselves place value on, and other people may value other attributes.

Yet, the above action makes them believe that they are the best person on earth. Very few people are self-aware to know that like anyone else, they are flawed. Even fewer people are vocal about their own flaws. And a minuscule few actually work to fix their flaws. This cognitive dissonance leads to having higher expectations than that is feasible, leading to disappointments in all fields of life, education, work, and relationships. Yet people are unwilling to accept that the problem lies with them. Instead, they declare themselves to the flawless, a REAL something. That helps them cope with failures.

Yet, that is a more benign problem. The worse problem is that they assign certain characteristics to a fictional individual, who is perfect, and then call this fictional character a REAL something of other. Last night at chat, a certain macho man (going by his nick, which is about powerlifting) stated that real man give their phone numbers and social media forum information to any random female on the internet to verify, as real men have nothing to hide. This, of course, is super stupid; being guarded about your identity is a necessary evil of the internet age full of scammers and doxxers and what have you. Some other statements I have seen on the forum are about how a REAL Dom does this or not.

To all that, I say, get REAL.

Everyone is flawed. All we are looking for is partial compatibility. A meme can say anything, but trying to lead your life by the words of memes is not wise. Realize that there is nothing REAL about one personality trait over another. People are different. We are all real, and we are all different, and we are all flawed. The only way to navigate life is to have compromises, rather than being a purist. That will only cause you pain. Stay away from characteristics that you don't like, that's absoluely fine. But in return, accept that you may remain alone. I have.

But don't label such characteristics that are incompatible with your preferences as fake. They are just as real as charecteristics that resonate with you. We all live live in a real world, everything is real.
Devotedsub​(sub female){His}
3 years ago • Oct 7, 2020
Ok Thinker.. You win. You're ALWAYS right. I just ask from now on you bypass my blogs. They are MY blogs. I don't mind a disagreement. However, disagreements seem to be your career. And I'm sick of your harassing people. I could say something really mean. But i won't. I'll refrain because I'm above that. Just mind your own business and leave people alone who ask that. Pretty sure I've asked more than once now. If you don't, you are harassing. Bottom line.
3 years ago • Oct 7, 2020
MariGold • Oct 7, 2020
I don't know the circle of people you surround yourself with, but whether I nor my friends believe that we are anything other than flawed, which does not mean that you cannot feel fucking great about yourself too.

You don't like people to debate you, you even reached out to me a couple of days ago asking if we are on bad terms just because I challenged your beliefs in chat, just to come around to basically call me stupid just because I identify as sapiosexual and said that everyone is smart about something and you claimed that would be condescending, when in fact it is the opposite of that.

And yes, punctuation here was not perfect and grammar might need refinement too, but it's not my first language. Deal with it.

As the commenters above I honestly feel bad for you. Must be a lonely life to live to feel so superior in comparison to us flawed ones, but at least we know how to enjoy ours. Take care.