3 years ago •
Nov 22, 2020
3 years ago •
Nov 22, 2020
I was 29 yrs old (as I mentioned in another topic before, I had run away from a couple of girls years before who were in pursuit of me, but I didn't feel I had enough to offer in the way of personal comforts and was more focused upon building my career). So anyway, by now I was moving along nicely and had a girlfreind (my first, whom I was serious about) that I had been seeing for several months. I remember more about events before and after our encounter than I do about the encounter itself, but it was good and satisfactory to her as well. It happened at her apartment. We woke up next morning and she was refreshed and happy. I kissed her and rushed back to my house to get ready for work.
She had two boys, the elder was 15 and he was a juvenile delinquent and had a bad attitude about any man in his mother's life that wasn't his own father. The younger boy was totally accepting and didn't take after his older brother. I liked him and we talked often. I believed he had a bright future ahead. The older boy was possessive of his mother and wanted his own father back rather than anyone else. At some point I can remember sitting with her in my car someplace and asking if she could steer him to accept that his father was not coming back to live with the family, and that he wouldn't always get his way in life. She explained she knew all to well that her son would never give up trying to get his dad back. I recall that the boy did somehow sabotage our relationship, so I walked away, wishing her best of luck.
It wasn't to be for about another decade that the chance to have another girl in my life happened.
But hey, no complaints here. Life happens and sometimes it ain't pretty.