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Question About Silicone Nipple Suckers

OG Cupcake{4everAlone}
3 years ago • Mar 15, 2021

Question About Silicone Nipple Suckers

OG Cupcake{4everAlone} • Mar 15, 2021
hi all. i have a question in regards to silicone nipple suckers.

item can be found here:

I had mini nipple suckers and didn't have ANY issues. with these ones, I've only worn them a handful of times. however today i decided to put them on and after a few minutes i noticed my nipple was bleeding.

okay, yes, freaked out there for a moment, won't lie.

obviously these nipple suckers provide s much better suction than the mini ones. im thinking this is a case of just too much (hard) suckage, sorta like breastfeeding.

so my questions are:

1. what am i doing wrong?
2. what can i do so this doesn't happen again? (yes ikno don't use them right now!)
3. any tips on healing the nipple?

much appreciated!
Zedland​(dom male)
3 years ago • Mar 15, 2021
Zedland​(dom male) • Mar 15, 2021
Just guessing in the dark here.

1) You're creating a vacuum by displacing overly much air in the suction part. That is either bursting the blood vessels underneath your skin or tearing the skin itself. Which is concerning but not anything to panic about (much easier to say this on my end I admit). Essentially you gave yourself the worst hickey.
2) Displace less air so they suck less. It might be as easy as determining just how hard you have to squeeze the ball to achieve a stimulating fit without blood. Alternatively you can poke pin holes into your toy. Plus of that is its easy. Downside your sucker will fall off eventually, how long that is I can't tell.
3) Essentially your treating a very bad bruise. However given the location I wouldn't recommend heat/cold. Well I would...just not for healing purposes. Instead a moisturizing good cream with a mild analgesic. Also rest.
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OG Cupcake{4everAlone}
3 years ago • Mar 15, 2021
OG Cupcake{4everAlone} • Mar 15, 2021
Zedland​, i appreciate taking the time to provide such a wonderful response to my embarrassing questions!

ill admit I've had some hickeys go wrong but never quiet l ike this.

so okay, I need to play with the suckers before playing with the suckers. will try hard to find the right squeeze so I don't have to poke holes in them.

too late, already did a bit of heat and cold! 😆 they are much better today

again, THANK YOU for the response. maybe someone will find this helpful too!!
Devotedsub​(sub female){His}
3 years ago • Mar 15, 2021
Ok , so I have a different type of pump with attachments, but this happened to me once during a session and I freaked out. I had a blood and milk like texture liquid come out. Almost passed out and ultimately went into subspace (odd I know). Anyway , I did a lot of research and it isn't anything to be very worried about. As mentioned above, it is basically broken blood vessels. It will repair itself and honestly I believe my milk ducts were blocked for a long time and that was the main cause when it happened to me.
Go slow , easy and build up. Listen to your body. And I would take a break from it for a few days just to let your body recover. Hugs !
OG Cupcake{4everAlone}
3 years ago • Mar 15, 2021
OG Cupcake{4everAlone} • Mar 15, 2021
Devotedsub, thank you for sharing your experience with me. it's nice to know that this hasn't only happened to me (which no, I didn't think so).

i am taking a break! lol thank you again ^hugs
Devotedsub​(sub female){His}
3 years ago • Mar 15, 2021
OG cupcake , it gives an uneasy feeling when something unusual happens to use physically when we were only trying to have fun ! I truly freaked out! Not a fan of seeing blood anyway, but once I learned it wasn't anything bad, I was able to relax. I'm glad sharing my experience was helpful to you. 😀
OG Cupcake{4everAlone}
3 years ago • Mar 15, 2021
OG Cupcake{4everAlone} • Mar 15, 2021
thank you for that bit of knowledge FlipSide, after looking it up i wonder if applying a small amount before using the suckers would be beneficial as well.
Zedland​(dom male)
3 years ago • Mar 16, 2021
Zedland​(dom male) • Mar 16, 2021
No problem Cupcake. Sometimes experiments go wrong, it happens to everyone. My worst one involved knife play and a handful of stitches across my shoulder.

Though I was thinking about your issue and wondering if experimenting on a water balloon might be safer that your nipples. If the balloon breaks or is deformed you're probably going too hard.