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Sex Dolls - yes or no ?

BikerDan​(other male)
2 years ago • Jul 17, 2021

Sex Dolls - yes or no ?

BikerDan​(other male) • Jul 17, 2021
I have just ordered a life-size fully functional male sex doll.

5'9", 110lb, steel skeleton with movable joints, 8 inch ribbed oral and anal cavities and swappable penises.
Delivery in 5 weeks time.

My husband is disabled and terminally ill and has agreed to let me buy the doll to satisfy my fetish and
sexual needs and urges because he is unable to.

I will keep it hooded and in tight latex,leather or lycra as my permanent sex slave in my dedicated playroom.

I see the advantages - it wont cheat, lie or steal. It wears what I dress it in, It moves where I put it and doesn't talk back.

It requires no feeding or emptying, never gets ill, never says no.

What are everyone else's thoughts on using a life size doll both within and outwith a relationship ?
MissBonnie​(dom female){oz}
2 years ago • Jul 18, 2021
You forgot your partner wont get jealous!

I say if it works for you BOTH (you and your Husband) then how can it be a bad thing. I have friend that has a female one, He uses it to practice new rope work on. His sub thinks its a wonderful thing. She doesn't like rope, he gets practice (for events) and she gets to do the other things she enjoys, win for BOTH.
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Miki​(masochist female)
2 years ago • Jul 18, 2021
Miki​(masochist female) • Jul 18, 2021
... But you'll sure have to clean those "cavities"!!!

* * *

I don't see anything wrong with that, and I'm sure your husband finds it preferable to the "other" solution, giving license to you going out and having flings.

* * *

Personally I'd not have one of those things, although the idea is stimulating... The last thing I need is my stuffy relatives or nosy neighbors coming to visit and finding a sex doll sitting in the corner and having to explain "her" presence-- without my face affecting the color of an apple.

(both relatives and neighbors do seem to enjoy snooping around the place when I am otherwise occupied)

That, and not being in any relationships, I'd not have a lot of trouble just going out and finding a playmate for a night or two, so the doll wouldn't really have a purpose to fulfill.

* * *

That having been said, once you're done with the artificial sex guy, and/or or he "peters" out.. Do have fun looking your garbage man square in the eyes when it comes time to give your doll the heave-ho.
BikerDan​(other male)
2 years ago • Jul 18, 2021
BikerDan​(other male) • Jul 18, 2021
I plan to use mine for rope practice, bondage and suspension among other things.
I can leave it tied up for days without any concern for it's well-being.

I wish I had got one years ago !!
Best thing ever for a sex addicted fetishist like me.
It's also 'watersports' safe and can be used in the shower or even a bath up to its neck. Wish I had room for a hot tub.........
BikerDan​(other male)
2 years ago • Jul 18, 2021
BikerDan​(other male) • Jul 18, 2021
Yes Miki, good points.

My playroom is getting an en-suite shower with a douche on a separate hose for washing him (and me) out.
I have ceiling anchors all over the room so I can suspend him in the shower and clean his cavities

When he 'peters' out, I'll keep him geared up as a mannequin in a corner and buy a new one. He will stand on his own feet if positioned correctly.

As for friends, all mine and my work colleagues know what i'm like, and they all know I'm getting it already.

My sex therapist also thought it was a good idea as it wasn't cheating, my husband approved, and I could do the 'scenes' I wanted and satisfy most of my sexual and fetish needs, all in the privacy of my own purpose-built playroom, completely separate from our main bedroom.
IowaDom​(dom male)
2 years ago • Jul 18, 2021
IowaDom​(dom male) • Jul 18, 2021
In your situation, seems a great idea from what you have shared! Both of you approve of it, and you get your needs met as well! I hope it works out perfectly!
BikerDan​(other male)
2 years ago • Jul 18, 2021
BikerDan​(other male) • Jul 18, 2021
Thank you IowaDom. My husband wasn't sure at first, but after seeing photos of a similar doll, he's quite enthusiastic.
We used to have sex and fetish play every day, but with his disabilities and fragility, he is unable to satisfy my needs himself now.
I had to resort to masturbation and fleshlights, which easily milk me dry, but doesn't fulfill the full fetish experience of being with a fully geared sub.
I tried stuffing bike leathers to make a fetish doll and fitted the fleshlight in place, but without the mass of a body, it didn't work in my sling because there isn't enough inertia.

This doll is 110lb. perfect
I love a fully geared sub tied into a sling with it's 'bits' accessible.

They advise using lube and condoms, but I will use it bare like I do my fleshlights.
I use J-lube which is water based and easy to mix.
Miki​(masochist female)
2 years ago • Jul 19, 2021
Miki​(masochist female) • Jul 19, 2021
BikerDan wrote:
Yes Miki, good points.

My playroom is getting an en-suite shower with a douche on a separate hose for washing him (and me) out.
I have ceiling anchors all over the room so I can suspend him in the shower and clean his cavities

When he 'peters' out, I'll keep him geared up as a mannequin in a corner and buy a new one. He will stand on his own feet if positioned correctly.

As for friends, all mine and my work colleagues know what i'm like, and they all know I'm getting it already.

My sex therapist also thought it was a good idea as it wasn't cheating, my husband approved, and I could do the 'scenes' I wanted and satisfy most of my sexual and fetish needs, all in the privacy of my own purpose-built playroom, completely separate from our main bedroom.


Great idea!

When you're "done" with him, personally I'd hate it if you toss him out on his artificial ass...

.. Rather.. If you guys have a cool urban apartment-- (sorry you just aroused your not-so-local female interior designer-- ) Please-- - set him in a corner and dress him in accoutrements suitable for the next season! Personally I decorate my place a little advance of as season, my favorites being in the cooler weather months)

I'm not saying dump your wallet for a Dummy-- Just dress him in "whatever" for the season.. Such as, hypothetically of course, you were into College Football (as is for ABSOLUTE sure-- Yours Truly)

-- an outfit befitting a trip to State College PA for a Penn State game in October.

(Don't be surprised to bump into me, dolled up in School attire, pleated skirts, a dab of makeup and an insufferable smile))


--I'm required to recite that-- And I totally dig it.
IowaDom​(dom male)
2 years ago • Jul 19, 2021
IowaDom​(dom male) • Jul 19, 2021
Well that's a good idea! But ... what about his reward for all his service and submission? Doesn't he deserve a nice reward? Take him skydiving over the Gulf of Mexico - about 3 miles out - he'd appreciate that icon_wink.gif

and no matter where he makes shore, people will talk for years icon_razz.gif
BikerDan​(other male)
2 years ago • Jul 19, 2021
BikerDan​(other male) • Jul 19, 2021
Miki, It would always be in either full coverage rubber, bike leathers, armour, lycra, PVC, trackies etc... which are all ALWAYS in season !
I'm not a sport fan with the exception of a some soccer and cycling team strips I find arousing.

IowaDom, that would certainly be an interesting beach find once they realise its not a dead body washed up, but I'm not sure it would float, at 110lb and a steel skeleton. It's probably not as bouyant as a real body.