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Age-Gap Relationships | Rich or Poor

MasterGaryPlus​(dom male)
10 months ago • Dec 1, 2023

Age-Gap Relationships | Rich or Poor

MasterGaryPlus​(dom male) • Dec 1, 2023
Which is creepier?
A rich 60 year old man dating a 25 year old women
A poor 60 year old man dating a 25 year old women
Little Vixie​(sub female){Mgh30}
10 months ago • Dec 1, 2023
Honestly, Neither.
I feel like it becomes an issue when a 60 year old wants to be with an 18 year old. And that goes for both male and female.

Because rationally, what does a 60 year have in common with an 18 year old. I hear a lot of men saying "I date from 18-24 because they are trainable". Like these young girls are dogs to be trained. In my eyes, any one saying that knows that people 25 and older tend to have their crap together and won't fall for the bs. At 18 you're leaving home and learning to be an adult.
Miki​(masochist female)
10 months ago • Dec 1, 2023
Miki​(masochist female) • Dec 1, 2023
Nothing creepy if both are "into it" and neither is harmed, despite the optics and attendant external opinions.

Could be a security thing for the younger and a "pretty accessory" thing for the older one.


... and probably fodder for another thread, but I'll toss this out there if for nothing more than shits and giggles:

What about the reverse? 45+ year old woman and a 20 or 20-something year old fella? Again, if they're happy it's no one's business despite the optics and external jaw-flapping.

That and if such a couple are wise, they would understand and accept that the arrangement is "nothing long term" ---because the "Cougar" will shrivel up into a scary prune-face while "junior" is still more than a little virile.
10 months ago • Dec 1, 2023
lambsone{countrySir} • Dec 1, 2023
This "Cougar's" Master is 14 years younger than her. He's my baby brother's age, who I fed, burped, diapered, bathed, played with, etc. At first I protested any chance of a relationship. That didn't phase him. He just kept talking to me as a person, and over time via text messages and phone calls and online "training" I've found that the age difference doesn't matter now. His voice is deep and firm, he's run his own successful business for many years and is sharp as a tack, raised children, and has loads of experience in BDSM. He's a Born Again Christian like me so we match. I thank God for him everyday, and I met him here.
10 months ago • Dec 1, 2023
lambsone{countrySir} • Dec 1, 2023
Oh, I forgot to mention that I only care that a Dominant is able to support himself in the manner equal to how he wants to live. I have my own income to support myself, but cannot support 2 people.
10 months ago • Dec 1, 2023
Bunnie • Dec 1, 2023
This kind of has an “advertisement” vibe to it, but I’ll bite icon_smile.gif
I’d also be curious to hear your thoughts on the subject @MasterGaryPlus.

I spent most of my youth saying age doesn’t matter. As someone who’s always been attracted to older men, I guess in a way it was simply justifying my choices. Being in my 40’s now, I am learning that age does matter. I’m in a very different place now than I was in my 20’s… which now gives me the understanding of the appeal of younger women. Youth is so refreshing. That carefree, easygoing naivety, combined with the belief of maturity, is super sweet and endearing. Not a lot of baggage yet, and few mistakes that can haunt the hallways. “Easy” is the word that comes to mind. A man can feel like a king with very little effort. And a hot, supple bod to boot!

As my desires and experiences have shifted, I find myself torn. I just cannot date people my own age because I think in a way I’m now moulded towards age-gap relationships. But my latest experience has shown me how nice it can be to have cultural things in common… small things like music taste or childhood references. However, I also love having someone who’s “been there done that,” and who has a rich life built on the foundation of life experiences. Money has never really come into it beyond the knowledge that someone is responsible and wise with their money.

As to the scenario presented, both are possible. Love can occur in any size shape and form. Although statistically the odds are it would more likely be an “arrangement.”
Do I think it’s creepy? Not if those involved are informed, consenting adults.
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Miki​(masochist female)
10 months ago • Dec 1, 2023
Miki​(masochist female) • Dec 1, 2023
Indeed, despite those people who claim "age is just a number"-- matters. One's mindset changes and develops, one acquires wisdom that only life experience can give and unless one is very well-heeled and can afford cosmetic surgery, botox treatments and so-forth, time wears the body down, externally and internally. But to a select portion of the population, BDSM or not, age matters, but less than the attributes of a mutually consented and enjoyed relationship.

@lambstone "Cougar" refers to women (often in their 40s and 50s but could be mid 30s and bored with their marriages)-- who still have great figures and attractive faces, and more importantly seek out like-minded men 10 to 20 years their junior.

Once past 60 very few fit that description and are just "matures", and from what I have read, you don't seem to be one who goes out of your way to chase younger dudes around.
10 months ago • Dec 2, 2023
lambsone{countrySir} • Dec 2, 2023
Miki you'll have to inform my sister of those finer details because she called me a cougar. The last time I was engaged, she called me a Golden Girl. LOL!
Miki​(masochist female)
10 months ago • Dec 2, 2023
Miki​(masochist female) • Dec 2, 2023
lambsone wrote:
Miki you'll have to inform my sister of those finer details because she called me a cougar. The last time I was engaged, she called me a Golden Girl. LOL!

Ohh jeez... Golden Girl more like it (except you're very much still alive) I guess the closest one of those to a cougar was Blanche (Rue Mclanahan I believe) She still had a little gas left in the tank....

So, perhaps the definition of a Cougar has been watered down over the years but when I first learned about it, it was because those still-semi hot middle aged broads were "on the prowl" chasing young, hard wangers around.

Can't blame them if they still have a few miles left on the odometer though, provided they don't prowl too young like a number of female school teachers popping up more and more in the news...

6 or so years ago (I didn't mark my calendar or write it down anywhere) Anyway I was 32 or 33 and hooked up with a 21 year old dude who was into (relatively) older Asian chicks... The guy was a sexual microwave so to speak. The guy popped his rod and was ready to rock the bed less than an hour after shooting off the previous wadd of "Reddi Whip" (A.K.A Man-naise... Special Sauce... Twinkie Filling.. The lust goes on but you get it)

it was a fun time but we moved on amicably and still communicate on rare occasions.

He's upper 20s now of course and it takes a just a tad longer to refuel his rocket. Such is Time and Tide