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The In Between Times

5 months ago • Feb 6, 2024

The In Between Times

lambsone • Feb 6, 2024
I have my own ideas about this but thought it would be good to ask how others handle it.

When you are in between relationships, do you keep up with the skills needed to be a good partner? For me I plan on practicing more deep throating with a dildo. Also stretching my pussy and practicing wearing a plug, etc. Things like that. Perhaps reading about submission in the lifestyle and relationships in general.

What about you, no matter which position you hold/hope to hold or identify as?
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fluffypoppet​(sub female){Protected}
5 months ago • Feb 6, 2024
I research always.

Any skills I pursue match my interests. For example, I’ve learned several knots because I enjoy self-tie.

Skills to please a partner will be developed with said partner. For example, I have a training set of pretty pink butt plugs. I have no desire to try them on my own.

There are Doms that prefer to teach and I am an eager student… but I’m not inclined to guess what they might like when there’s sooo much for me to learn about what I do and don’t like independently.
Literate Lycan​(dom male)
5 months ago • Feb 6, 2024
Literate Lycan​(dom male) • Feb 6, 2024
I believe continuing to educate yourself in the endeavor or lifestyle choice you elect is very smart. Read up and learn to make better choices in the future.

I wouldn't worry about stretching body parts. Stretching in general is good for core maintenance and strength, but your pussy and ass are probably just perfect the way they are. Practicing oral techniques to overcome gag reflexes also not a bad skill if that's what you desire.
5 months ago • Feb 6, 2024
lambsone • Feb 6, 2024
I hope I don't start getting a bunch of advice and critiques now that you gave me advice LL. I was really looking to find out what OTHERS do. To learn about THEM. What do you do LL? I would enjoy hearing your practices.
Literate Lycan​(dom male)
5 months ago • Feb 7, 2024
Literate Lycan​(dom male) • Feb 7, 2024
I read and research what fascinates me. I was interested in rope, so I started reading up, purchasing books and materials (scissors, safety first) and attending a seminar. I've tied off on my own legs and arm to see how it feels and to hone my skills.

I study anatomy and continue to do so. I read blogs here and when I see something I'm not aware of, I converse with my friends.

I've been fortunate enough to find myself in a League of Gentlemen as I refer to us, with the thoughts of expanding it. Like-minded individuals who can bounce ideas of the lifestyle off one another to advance our own concepts and to somewhat review and protect as it were. Maybe even mentor one another. Because in teaching, we also learn.
5 months ago • Feb 7, 2024
lambsone • Feb 7, 2024
Thank you LL, thank was very interesting.
5 months ago • Feb 7, 2024
lambsone • Feb 7, 2024
Thanks for sharing Poppet.
Steellover​(sub male)
5 months ago • Feb 7, 2024
Steellover​(sub male) • Feb 7, 2024
Lifestyle specific- reading, researching, learning, and networking. But as someone stated above, I believe skills to please a partner would depend on said partner. Once I am with one, I will work on those specific skills that she wishes me to.

Non-specific- self improvement, trying to be a more understanding and compassionate partner, keeping fit, and in general, working to make myself a well-rounded person.
5 months ago • Feb 7, 2024
lambsone • Feb 7, 2024
Thanks for sharing Steellover.
SAXMANIAC​(sub female)
5 months ago • Feb 9, 2024
SAXMANIAC​(sub female) • Feb 9, 2024
I like to read anything pertaining to the lifestyle, but I also like to write; putting my fantasies on paper so I can go back to them and even expand on them.

Also, I'm a firm believer in masturbation. 🙂