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Question For The Alphas Out There

6 months ago • Mar 17, 2024
I'mME • Mar 17, 2024
FOR THE REST OF MY FELLOW CAGE MEMBERS, SEE WHAT HAPPENS WHEN ONE RECOGNIZES A-HOLE BUT STILL TRIES TO ENGAGE ? I'm an older person and I've been around the block. I smelled this person, and stepped off the cliff anyways. I give myself the BIRD...
6 months ago • Mar 17, 2024
MadPoet • Mar 17, 2024
I'mME wrote:

*Funny how I keep founding resistance to a simple response and even funnier that you need to lie in order to try to have an argument, second response to this post the first mention of beta and after that many times the word was mentioned by people who called themselves alpha.*

YOU seem confused. Resistance? To what? YOU?
Resistance would mean, I bought into your BULLSHIT. You brought into this your fallacy fucking argument. I'm not sure if you are a joke or really this stuck in your little head. No, I am not meek, quiet, and yes I HAVE THE CAPACITY TO MEET YOU AT EVERY TURN.
BUT I chose to give another perspective, the smiling kitty face. Ask TF around, it's not my normal mode. I did that so you would know I was giving somewhat friendly debate. You KNOW THAT ALREADY.

Do not ever call me a gd liar, nor write that I have gaslit ANYONE. Those are circles that you roll around in, every single thing you have posted SAYS SO.

YOUR lack of a profile speaks VOLUMES. I do believe that there is a revived post or a new one dedicated to empty profiles, you should check it out. NO, I do not give links.

If I missed someone using the word beta, it was an oversight, however it was not multiple people, so who is gaslighting and/or a liar? Rhetorical

You need to provide proof of YOUR words, that I'm a liar and multiple instances of bets were used in this comment section.

I smell you! A little troll, maybe not even who you portray yourself to be.

One of the few things I own that have value, is my integrity. I shan't let anyone, but especially a manipulative Richard Head such as yourself step on it.

The proof is in the thread itself, and yes you lied when you claimed that I was the first one to use the word beta, because if you actually read the thread, you will clearly see that the second person who responded used it and explained the dynamics in her experience with beta males, the third person who responded also used the same words so, please put some glasses, have read and learn how to respect others is not my fault that you can’t read, can’t understand or even worst think that your infallible.

My profile being blank has nothing to do with my argument and the fact you need to use that as a tool to justify your shitty language and attitude towards me says everything I need to know about an older person who’s acting like a toddler.

PS: the person who used the word beta already proved my point of you lying about what I said .
6 months ago • Mar 17, 2024
MadPoet • Mar 17, 2024
I'mME wrote:
aradialspire wrote:
I just saw all this insanity.

I was the one who spoke about beta males in the context of Alphas.

I have dealt with Alpha Doms who call themselves that because I've had beta male subs who have fantasies involving Alpha males. I did not use it in a derogatory context, and the beta male subculture is WELL known and documented. It's not a slur.

The beta male submissive fantasy requires an Alpha male to play off of, and it doesn't matter if any of you fine people don't think that Alpha Dom/mes or subs are valid as a category. Some people get off on catgirls, ponyplay, or whatever they're into. They exist; they do not require your permission or interest to do so.

I am sick of people dogpiling on Lambsone for just trying to discuss this topic. Maybe it's not your topic. I don't identify personally with the Alpha and Beta dynamic, but I don't have to have a good time. Let these people have their thing. I've seen some of the same people here harping on Alphas defending other kinks or edgeplay.

But back to the topic at hand, and people trying to misconstrue the situation, as if I were implying something negative? Haha. The man was a beta male. He identified as a beta male. He wanted to be held in a cage; he wanted to eat Alpha seed out of my cunt and be forced to suck an Alpha dick once the deed was done and then fucked by one. He DESCRIBED himself as a beta male.


Let these people have their fun! They are literally bothering no one. Some might think they're energy vampires or descendants of ancient bloodlines, but that's their business. I am here for all of it.

Oh Me too, Aradial. As Sweet Rendering said, We bought a ticket for this ride called life. I'm going to the damn end. 🤣

Se how I wasn’t the first person who used the word beta yet you claimed I was just to puke all the bullshit you puke to me? I’m assuming you’re going to admit being wrong or that’s an impossible task for a person like you?

I’ll wait to see what you’re able to construct as a response
Sir Don​(dom male){Nt looking}
6 months ago • Mar 17, 2024

You are barking up the wrong tree

MadPoet wrote:
Sir Don wrote:
With what I seeing from your words, you are telling everyone that you are right and everyone else is wrong. Telling people that you used a word in this thread first " beta" . Perhaps you should reread this instead suggesting that someone else should. The first poster to this besides the op used it .
Just because you have your own self imposed title doesn't mean you can come on here and act like an asshat. Just because you disagree doesn't make you right.

Now @ lamdsone my apologies for this here
You have a legitimate topic for discussion.
Discussion about this are opinions. Not trying to prove a point.
Have a great evening

You should re read what I said, because you got it all wrong and that’s a common thing I see.

I don’t impose myself any titles, I leave for others who feel the need to put themselves labels and then feel offended when those labels are deconstructed by others.

If you have read the entire thread, which I doubt, you’ll find that the word beta was used first not by me as I specified, other user made the claim that only me have used that word and that’s a blatant lie and of course I don’t as going to address that statement.

Just because a you can’t read properly or understand what other people say doesn’t give you the right to call me names, so use my name or don’t talk to me at all, it’s that clear?
6 months ago • Mar 17, 2024
I'mME • Mar 17, 2024
MadPoet wrote:
I'mME wrote:

Lambsome did not ever use the word beta, nowhere in this thread was beta even mentioned until you wrote it. The idea of a false dichotomy assumes there are only two choices, hence the use of the word dichotomy.
She just wanted to know if someone used the word alpha to describe themselves, what that meant to them.

Now, the person who uses the word alpha, may or may not be thinking in terms of alpha/beta or they could be using it to describe their position in a household, or they could be using it for other reasons.

Perhaps you might start another forum post if you want to have a better understanding of WHY people use alpha as a descriptor.

A Master never stops learning, I'm not sure why you think that. You do realize someone can have mastered something and still learn about said something?
The one constant about living life is that it the world is always changing, No?

One could say that your thoughts on Masters is a false dichotomy.

You should read the thread again before making the claim that not a single time the word “beta” was used before I used it.

I mean, we’re adults and we are supposed to have certain levels of understanding, then why you didn’t read everything before making the claim? or was just an attempt to discredit what I said because you didn’t like it or didn’t understand it?

I’m really curious about this interaction because it discourages people from interacting if the responses are this kind and with that level of lack of understanding.


*You should read the thread again before making the claim that not a single time the word “beta” was used before I used it.*

Had you simply said this instead of calling me a liar then writing I was gaslighting, I may have apologized. But you didn't, so I won't.

The person gaslighting here, IS YOU.
The only narc tendencies that I see in this exchange reside in you.

*or was just an attempt to discredit what I said because you didn’t like it or didn’t understand it?*

This statement right here ☝️☝️☝️☝️is PURE BULLSHIT. No need to explain why. But it's your words like this that made me ponder IF this is suppose to be satire, are you a joke. Not a question anymore.

Your agenda (make no mistake you have one) IS literally one of the biggest wastes of energy that I see ppl engage in every single day.
But what brings me comfort is the FACT that people like you are living their best life, behind a keyboard, because said ppl don't have the cojones to be this in person.....
6 months ago • Mar 17, 2024

Re: You are barking up the wrong tree

MadPoet • Mar 17, 2024
Sir Don wrote:
MadPoet wrote:
Sir Don wrote:
With what I seeing from your words, you are telling everyone that you are right and everyone else is wrong. Telling people that you used a word in this thread first " beta" . Perhaps you should reread this instead suggesting that someone else should. The first poster to this besides the op used it .
Just because you have your own self imposed title doesn't mean you can come on here and act like an asshat. Just because you disagree doesn't make you right.

Now @ lamdsone my apologies for this here
You have a legitimate topic for discussion.
Discussion about this are opinions. Not trying to prove a point.
Have a great evening

You should re read what I said, because you got it all wrong and that’s a common thing I see.

I don’t impose myself any titles, I leave for others who feel the need to put themselves labels and then feel offended when those labels are deconstructed by others.

If you have read the entire thread, which I doubt, you’ll find that the word beta was used first not by me as I specified, other user made the claim that only me have used that word and that’s a blatant lie and of course I don’t as going to address that statement.

Just because a you can’t read properly or understand what other people say doesn’t give you the right to call me names, so use my name or don’t talk to me at all, it’s that clear?

Not at all, that was your comment and I responded, you’re just not addressing my answer and that’s a typical behaviour here I see.
6 months ago • Mar 17, 2024
MadPoet • Mar 17, 2024
I'mME wrote:
MadPoet wrote:
I'mME wrote:

Lambsome did not ever use the word beta, nowhere in this thread was beta even mentioned until you wrote it. The idea of a false dichotomy assumes there are only two choices, hence the use of the word dichotomy.
She just wanted to know if someone used the word alpha to describe themselves, what that meant to them.

Now, the person who uses the word alpha, may or may not be thinking in terms of alpha/beta or they could be using it to describe their position in a household, or they could be using it for other reasons.

Perhaps you might start another forum post if you want to have a better understanding of WHY people use alpha as a descriptor.

A Master never stops learning, I'm not sure why you think that. You do realize someone can have mastered something and still learn about said something?
The one constant about living life is that it the world is always changing, No?

One could say that your thoughts on Masters is a false dichotomy.

You should read the thread again before making the claim that not a single time the word “beta” was used before I used it.

I mean, we’re adults and we are supposed to have certain levels of understanding, then why you didn’t read everything before making the claim? or was just an attempt to discredit what I said because you didn’t like it or didn’t understand it?

I’m really curious about this interaction because it discourages people from interacting if the responses are this kind and with that level of lack of understanding.


*You should read the thread again before making the claim that not a single time the word “beta” was used before I used it.*

Had you simply said this instead of calling me a liar then writing I was gaslighting, I may have apologized. But you didn't, so I won't.

The person gaslighting here, IS YOU.
The only narc tendencies that I see in this exchange reside in you.

*or was just an attempt to discredit what I said because you didn’t like it or didn’t understand it?*

This statement right here ☝️☝️☝️☝️is PURE BULLSHIT. No need to explain why. But it's your words like this that made me ponder IF this is suppose to be satire, are you a joke. Not a question anymore.

Your agenda (make no mistake you have one) IS literally one of the biggest wastes of energy that I see ppl engage in every single day.
But what brings me comfort is the FACT that people like you are living their best life, behind a keyboard, because said ppl don't have the cojones to be this in person.....

See how you’re the done gaslighting? You lied about your hat I said and instead of being honest and say” hey, yes Inwas wrong” you keep on with the bullshit and aggressive language just not to admit being wrong, that’s a childish behaviour and I will keep calling you a liar unless you’re able to admit being wrong .

The rest of your histerical response is just a defensive mechanism when you found yourself being trapped into the truth of your own words.

Get over and claramente tengo todos los cojones para decirte esto en persona si eso es lo que necesitas para admitir que estĂĄs equivocada.
Sir Don​(dom male){Nt looking}
6 months ago • Mar 17, 2024
@ MadPoet
This not about me at all ,
What is the original question that this feed is about?
Reread the question until you understand it .
Now I am not going to entertain anything else here .because it takes away from the what it was originally asked about.
If you wish you can inbox ?? Message me if you didn't understand