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Solo Pain Experiment?

SweetCakeGirly​(sub female)
2 months ago • Jun 27, 2024

Solo Pain Experiment?

Hi! I have a question! I want to explore something that gives me a bit of unease because of past experiences. I want to explore a bit of pain, nothing that will cut me or anything like that. Last week I did a bit of nipple torture and I enjoyed it immensely. So, I wanted to ask what I could do or use to keep exploring that on my own? Idk if I'm explaining myself well. I don't have a Dom so I wanna do this on my own. LOL Sorry and thank you!!
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TopekaDom​(dom male)
2 months ago • Jun 27, 2024
TopekaDom​(dom male) • Jun 27, 2024
You are not alone in wanting to experience self inflected pain. The main thing is to not get carried away and do too much at one time.

you also need to be ready to get out of ever you try rather quickly, in case there is a problem.

That being said: Since you did not say what kind of nipple play you did, I am going to assume it was clothes pins. Depending on the number of pins you used, you can increase the amount on the nipple or add pins to the edge of the breast while using pins.

You can also add pins to the labia on either side or both and then increase the number over time. Plus you can always add one to the clitorius.

Now one thing I can suggest, but others may not care for is some mild electrical play. This can be done fairly cheaply by buying one of those trick pens that will shock you when you click it. Right on the meat of your ass is best. But I would do the above first.

You can also replace the clothes pins with bulldog clamps. Specially on the labia.
SweetCakeGirly​(sub female)
2 months ago • Jun 27, 2024
Thank you! Yeah, I pinched it hard and I used clothes pins. I don't think I want to try that with my vulva just yet. And I can check the electrical play like that. Thank you for the tips! icon_biggrin.gif
Aquarius Dom​(dom male)
2 months ago • Jun 29, 2024
Aquarius Dom​(dom male) • Jun 29, 2024
It depends to a degree on the purpose of the exploration?
Is it to discover what the sensations of different activities feel like ? Which is great for any future interactions with a partner!
Are you exploring where your limits are for a given activity? If so please be careful and ensure you stop before you hit the buffers ! Which could then lead to said actions becoming a boundary or trigger in the future!
Just my thoughts!
SweetCakeGirly​(sub female)
2 months ago • Jun 29, 2024
Aquarius Dom wrote:
It depends to a degree on the purpose of the exploration?
Is it to discover what the sensations of different activities feel like ? Which is great for any future interactions with a partner!
Are you exploring where your limits are for a given activity? If so please be careful and ensure you stop before you hit the buffers ! Which could then lead to said actions becoming a boundary or trigger in the future!
Just my thoughts!

Exacto! I wanna know my triggers and my limits so I can communicate better with my future Dom. icon_smile.gif Thank you!
2 months ago • Jul 4, 2024
InATimelyFashion • Jul 4, 2024
Hangers with claps on them for the nipples , Suction with pinch things at the end . elctro vibrator but nothing to harm you , Find soft bound kit easy to bind yourself you get out easy. Hump your pillow with huge dildo and put thong backwards shove in your clit pull it up put pillow under pillow watch some you know. Clamp on your clits. Vibrator with beads. Puts some tacts in your bar then lean in to something but only to pinch put take at ends if so. Tie nipples have something pulls them up a bit not to harm not for long. Use a walker get some soft rope tie yourself to it spread your legs so you play with self medical play. Get some those toys you play long distance so someone turn it on someone you trust has one like a bullet and vibe and something hitting your g spot. Get a soft cloth make a mask holes for nose and mouth get it wet so you feel more hard core. Put needles in top of your nails feel little bit of pain. Make sure little hot with a fan on some hard core music you like dim the lights make sure you know your safe and sane also. use a wooden spoon on your bare ass spank it good. use a a makeup brush and put upside down wear in pussy do kegles and squeezer it to tight that pussy up. Get ginger root but use lube put but in air spread legs and squeeze in your ass spank your butt. Take a belt whip your clit you must count to 20 or more mean it. Get a charity belt wear it for few hours get a corset wear it tight you feel you are locked in. More you work on this train yourself you will be maso as ever. Find a domme in the area other women good lovers love to play. but get to know them first. Go on second life they have bdsm and rlv and toys with avatar you feel the pain and feeling with self in real and their also on the game find someone to play with those devices and remote still stay here. Find someone willing do online but not be jerk but earn your trust. SL21B Adult Exhibitor Showcase got a lot of education use tho til july 22 in virtual place. you need to make avatar first but this for self use only still coming to the gate look in forums for info on pain.
2 months ago • Jul 4, 2024
InATimelyFashion • Jul 4, 2024
Self use only play still stay on cage site also.
Just education use for self use.
Passion Bay: Adult Beach and Learning Center make sure to look over 18.

Go few newbie places first fix avatar look more adult like.
How To Get Started

Other newb places things. freebies for self use.
female basics
male basics
newb starting for now

Newb learning of pain and dress up best to know safe and sane.
pain torture room learning
2 months ago • Jul 4, 2024
InATimelyFashion • Jul 4, 2024
Self use only stay on site here also this just starter help you here on gate site.
For those don't have time but need a fast learning touch the stuff and read. Freedom Continent to be safe. Fast easy reading helpful also if your new have disability/mental health. Walk to the right hand side go back to he side of the outer part like booths you will see five stores away were books posters are for learning and info have girl with light red hair picture in background same photo lots of books in front have statue of 3 people holding each other going in circle have no idea but you will find it. Sign will teaching bdsm on top tho.
House Talion​(dom male)
2 months ago • Jul 6, 2024
House Talion​(dom male) • Jul 6, 2024
Kitchen treatment. All kitchen tools can be used in a kinky way and you'll never know what you might find in the junk/utilities drawer
CruelPuppetMaster​(dom male)
1 month ago • Jul 20, 2024
Lots of excellent suggestions here. Here's a quick and simple one:

Take a rubber band and tie a knot in the middle so it has two loops. Put the thumb and first finger of one hand through the loops and hold it over your nipple (or elsewhere) while you pull back the knot with your other hand.

Then let go.