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The Call

TopekaDom​(dom male)
1 month ago • Aug 10, 2024

The Call

TopekaDom​(dom male) • Aug 10, 2024
After reading a submissive's profile here on the Cage, I saw where she had used a wonderful phrase for being drawn into the lifestyle:

The Call

Never in my experience had I ever thought of it that way!

But she was right, and the image brought back a memory: my first experience with BDSM.

I was flipping through one my Father's Playboys, in my preteen years, when I came across an article with some interesting photos. They were black and white line drawings of tied up women.

Now mind you, this was the 70s, and images like that were not often seen in the Midwest. But I was captivated (so to speak), and excited to see things like that.

The article spoke of women who liked being tied up and engaging in sex. It totally thrilled me. I figured out that if they liked it, then someone had to do the tying.

This my road was set.

So for those that wish to express such memories:

How did you receive The Call?
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Restless Rae​(sub female)
1 month ago • Aug 10, 2024
Restless Rae​(sub female) • Aug 10, 2024
Ha, glad I could help!

What I was referring to in my case was a sort of innate, nebulous, hunger for "something" without knowing what it was, only that it formed a vital part of me. It all started to make sense over time through all manner of random experiences/encounters - eventually putting pieces of the puzzle together.

Such experiences range from abstract things like my innocent fascination with my patent leather school shoes as a kid, to seeing movies like Secretary and recognising myself in them. The most telling one though was the desire for my partners to be more experienced than me, and to be nurturing while "teaching me how to be" (which I now understand is my need for a Daddy Dom!)

The list goes on (and of course, porn played a part in it) but it's only really interesting to me lol.
DidiRN​(sub female)
1 month ago • Aug 11, 2024
DidiRN​(sub female) • Aug 11, 2024
What a wonderful way to put it!

For me it was a feeling of something missing, like a hole in my soul that nothing could fill.

I knew I liked pain and bondage in high school but hid it to fit in. I found it again through hardcore smutty books (not 50, never 50) and porn. I found that the need to give up control, serve and trust someone is what causes that hole to have a constant ache and that I feel better with instructions and clear rules, especially when I'm in crowds of strangers. I don't 'people' well (wierd for a nurse, I know) unless I am somewhere with clear rules and expectations, it's even better if I know what I'm doing (like work).

It can be quite complicated and, for me, has as much to do with the mental and emotional need as the physical, perhaps even more.
Miki​(masochist female)
1 month ago • Aug 11, 2024
Miki​(masochist female) • Aug 11, 2024
The Call, the urge, gravitating to what a guy writes or says... It's just a thing.


The only reason that prompted me to write this....

Dad's magazines

You get a top Miki rating for having the balls to admit that
Sincorrigible​(sub female)
1 month ago • Aug 12, 2024
Sincorrigible​(sub female) • Aug 12, 2024
I think I had... Odd awarenesses... about myself way before I had any kind of epiphany or calling regarding Ds/bdsm specifically. My mum's bodice ripper historical novels.. Seeking out the sex in those, often 'rape' or claiming of women type scenes.....

My father's beside drawer magazines.. But the stories of kidnaps into white vans etc, not the images. His Harold Robbins novel with a naked girl serving drinks to clothed men.

A boyfriend on my engineering course who insisted I took the porsche posters down(cos he was a jaguar man) , one for each orgasm. I'm not sharing how long that took 😉. And his instructions re my not wearing underwear, not showering. His direction to meet him in odd places to fuck.... Damn... That tree!! 😁

But then my intro to ds itself came from literotica of all places... Loving the cyber Sex, the stories, the free orgasms... Until one day in chat a man said, 'I want you to do something for me'. Then all the little puzzle pieces started falling into place.

And before you know it, you have a demo bunny at the BBB happy to have hot wax poured all over her in a 'public' space just cos a nice dominant says, ' I want you to do this with me' 😁(I think that one's on fet 😉)
helpfulhints​(sub female)
1 month ago • Aug 14, 2024
helpfulhints​(sub female) • Aug 14, 2024
In my younger days my sexual hang ups were extensive. I watched porn but vanilla didn’t do it for me. Watching or reading about BDSM and imagining myself in those scenarios was my ultimate delight. So I experimented with my then husband and managed to get over my issues.