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Stupid Questions For Men

Oxyacetylene​(dom male)
2 weeks ago • Sep 2, 2024

Stupid Questions For Men

Oxyacetylene​(dom male) • Sep 2, 2024
I created this thread years ago in an effort to help women understand men more after seeing a similar thread titled "Stupid Questions For Women". The general idea is for women to have a completely judgement and ridicule-free space to ask any question they have about men concern BDSM, their feelings towards it, or just about how we live our day-to-day lives. Topic that were shared on the previous forum of the same name were "Do men ever play with their penis" Answer: Yes
And "How often do you clean yourselves because I had a co-worker with a long, scraggily beard who had egg crumbs stuck in it and when he was asked if he had eggs for breakfast he said, a week ago, EWWWW" Answer: Many guys shower daily and that guy was a gross outlier.

These were some examples of the questions that women on this site can come here and ask men for answers. So please ask away, and remember if a forum is left alone for 12 months straight it is retired from the list so please keep this discussion alive because I think it can provide a good medium for meeting new people with out it immediately being about how we feel about BDSM and sex. Have fun!
House Talion​(dom male)
1 week ago • Sep 5, 2024
House Talion​(dom male) • Sep 5, 2024
Might be better to have a thread for inexperienced men as I havbt met any other experienced men that have stupid questions
Miki​(masochist female)
1 week ago • Sep 6, 2024
Miki​(masochist female) • Sep 6, 2024
I have no questions at this time for gents but overall I feel that both this and the earlier "... for women" thread ought to dispose of the word "stupid" and replace it with "basic" or even "possibly silly..." as the use of the word "stupid" invites controversy and eventually (big surprise in this place) back-and-forth pissing contests.


But that's just my 2 cents from where I'm sitting......
    The most loved post in topic
1 week ago • Sep 6, 2024
lambsone • Sep 6, 2024
I have a question:

A penis seems to be very important to a man. I'm guessing there might be some psychological connection as well, but I don't know what it is. I'm wondering how men think/feel about their penises, erection, cumming, thrusting, other? Any takers?
Heero​(dom male)
1 week ago • Sep 6, 2024
Heero​(dom male) • Sep 6, 2024
lambsone wrote:
I have a question:

A penis seems to be very important to a man. I'm guessing there might be some psychological connection as well, but I don't know what it is. I'm wondering how men think/feel about their penises, erection, cumming, thrusting, other? Any takers?
Hahaha, for the average male, our penis is VERY important to us hahaha.

I'm maybe not as obsessed with my own penis as some men are, and I've also never been suicidal, but when I'm watching a show or something and they mention castration, the first thought in my head is usually something along the lines of "I'd rather die!" So maybe that's some indication.

Lately there has been hypothetical questions going around to couples of different sexes like "What would you do if you and your boyfriend/girlfriend switched bodies for a day?" I can say that until such questions started making the rounds, I had no curiosity for experiencing how the other half lives. Having a penis is awesome. I've never wanted to not have one.
MisterAshmodai​(dom male)
1 week ago • Sep 6, 2024
MisterAshmodai​(dom male) • Sep 6, 2024
Miki wrote:
I have no questions at this time for gents but overall I feel that both this and the earlier "... for women" thread ought to dispose of the word "stupid" and replace it with "basic" or even "possibly silly..." as the use of the word "stupid" invites controversy and eventually (big surprise in this place) back-and-forth pissing contests.


But that's just my 2 cents from where I'm sitting......

It does kind of have a 'Men for Dummies' feel to it, though certainly presented with good intentions.

Perhaps, something along the line of 'questions you've always been embarrassed to ask' or elsewise that similarly indicates that this is a forum meant for questions you might not ask outside in the open world for whatever reason.
MisterAshmodai​(dom male)
1 week ago • Sep 6, 2024
MisterAshmodai​(dom male) • Sep 6, 2024
lambsone wrote:
I have a question:

A penis seems to be very important to a man. I'm guessing there might be some psychological connection as well, but I don't know what it is. I'm wondering how men think/feel about their penises, erection, cumming, thrusting, other? Any takers?

I'm not going to say that my penis is not important to me, but I've always felt that it is rather overrated in the popular opinion. I enjoy using my penis and have endeavored to improve the skill involved, but considering the arsenal at my disposal, the penis only really seems to stand out because it doesn't serve many other functions.
It is nice in that it is tailor-made for its purpose and with a little practice, you can increase the variety of what it can do to an extent, but I never thought it really compared to what you can do with fingers or tongue, especially with practice, and the extent to which people in general become hyper focused on the penis really does a disservice to sex.

I would still rather lose a finger than my dick, but I would probably at least pause if my tongue were at risk.
sabre1​(sub male)
1 week ago • Sep 7, 2024
sabre1​(sub male) • Sep 7, 2024
Yes, my penis is very important to me. I thought that, as I age, my desires would lessen some. That has proven to not be the case. I still get spontaneous erections, with an emotional need for attention. And I really enjoy the feel of my penis growing, feeling the pulse in my head and my pants. Due to my wife's medical issues, we rarely have sex. So I basically am frustrated any time I don't have something to concentrate on.
I truly miss the thrusting action, the emotional and physical buildup of sex, and the physical and emotional release of sex with my wife.
I can "take matters in hand" to satisfy yhe physical pressure, but there is no real release of the emotional need.
1 week ago • Sep 7, 2024
lambsone • Sep 7, 2024

That sounds like a tough situation to be in.
1 week ago • Sep 7, 2024
lambsone • Sep 7, 2024

Very reasonable thoughts.