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True Slave Training Is .....

lambsoneVerified Account
lambsoneVerified Account
2 months ago • Nov 25, 2024

True Slave Training Is .....

lambsoneVerified Account • Nov 25, 2024
I was reading a blog recently written by a self-proclaimed supposedly experienced Slave Master. (I have no way to verify his qualifications so .... please don't rush to the conclusion that he is a fake.)

The intent of the blog was to be helpful and give ideas to other Masters/Mistresses on how to train their slaves to be what they want them to be, but admits that the ideas would have to be fitted or adapted to the individual dynamic. So thus they are starting points where no training has happened, or continuing points where some training has already happened.

As I read several of this Master's blog ideas, I began to get the impression that most of it was training a Slave to be little more than a sex object, learning to serve him in the way he seeks. Indeed he even mentions that he wants his Slave to think of being a sex object. I find this personally exciting but also limiting to the slave's personality and creativity in serving a Master/Mistress.

So I'd like to play devil's advocate and throw questions out there for discussion as to the intent of Slave training and what the final outcome of training is.

Are slaves merely to be sex objects and have their minds only on pleasing in a sexual manner? Is this goal for a Master/Mistress a limited or unlimited goal? Will it truly develop all parts of a Slave or does a Master/Mistress even care about other aspects of a Slave worthy of developing? To be sure it would depend on the type of dynamic and agreement they would have together. This goes without saying.

Any thoughts/input about Slave training and it's outcome? Doesn't have to be specifically about what I've asked. What does your dynamic look like?
Bishop​(dom male)Verified Account
Bishop​(dom male)Verified Account
2 months ago • Nov 25, 2024
Bishop​(dom male)Verified Account • Nov 25, 2024
Personally, I think any sort of D/s needs to have input from both parties. I like to focus more on the non-sexual aspects, like protocols, rituals, and rules…but only if all parties can agree on what they are. I like to give my submissive a lot of room to be creative, ie…if she gets me a cup of coffee or plates my food, all I ask is that she presents it with some sort of “display” (if that’s the right word). I want her to be herself and bring herself to the relationship. I think “training” can actually go both ways. The Dominant needs to train himself in how to meet her needs, and vice versa. This, to me, is especially true in a M/s dynamic. I would recommend anytime a “dom” talks about training and does so without the s types input…run like hell.
    The most loved post in topic
B L O N D I E​(sub female)
2 months ago • Nov 25, 2024
B L O N D I E​(sub female) • Nov 25, 2024
I think you have to remember that a lot of self-proclaimed slaves want that to be the end goal--to only be treated as a sex object. I identify as a slave and I recently communicated with someone who had this as his goal. He wanted his slave to be a non-person, to stay locked in the house around the clock, no contact with the outside world, and for him and the slave to consider "it" an object, not a person.

That isn't what I seek in my slavery. I want to my submission to be valued because, in my view, it doesn't mean anything unless I give it of my own free will. If I'm just a thing to which my Master is entitled to treat as an inanimate object, then my submission means nothing.

There are plenty of people who want this kind of slavery, though, and that's between the parties involved. Someone who wants to be treated as an inanimate object instead of a person will seek out this kind of relationship. I have nothing to say about that and I wish both of them all the success and happiness in the world. It just isn't for me.

I think this is another version of kink shaming. It might not be for me, but it isn't for me to judge another person's desires, nor is it for me to judge the dominant or Master who seeks that in their slave.

We're all consenting adults here. This whole community is a massive case of buyer beware. If a woman (or other submissive) gets into that kind of relationship when they don't really want it, then that's on them. It's incumbent on each of us to do our due diligence and vet the other person so we don't get into a situation we don't want. All of that vetting needs to be done upfront. If someone doesn't do that work first before diving in, then there's no one else to blame, not even the other party. That's my take on it.
Sincorrigible​(sub female)
2 months ago • Nov 25, 2024
Sincorrigible​(sub female) • Nov 25, 2024
I think all Ds and Ms is about finding someone with whom your energies and desires align. We all want different things. And training/alignment can be about so many different things.

I love the thought of what you describe above in that blog, but only in terms of me seeing my sexual service to another as part of my devotion to them within the dynamic. When I read blogs/manifestos that state those things up front, to me it's like crass porn. Rather than focusing on the person as an individual and seeing the much bigger connection picture.

Whilst I wouldn't necessarily see that man as fake, I'd see him as sex obsessed, potentially a mysoginist, and lacking in sound relationship skills. So, not my type. But that's fine. I wouldn't be his either. 😉
lambsoneVerified Account
lambsoneVerified Account
2 months ago • Nov 25, 2024
lambsoneVerified Account • Nov 25, 2024
@B L O N D I E

"I think this is another version of kink shaming."

Just in case people were wondering, no shaming from me either. Just wondering more about the slave lifestyle, and what kind of variations there were.

I agree with you though, being an object 100% of the time is not for me, but I think I'd like it some of the time ***wink***.
lambsoneVerified Account
lambsoneVerified Account
2 months ago • Nov 25, 2024
lambsoneVerified Account • Nov 25, 2024

Definitely input from both and the blog does stress that, I forgot to mention that.

I agree that the Master/Mistress has to educate themselves on what their slave needs and who they are.

I'd like to have the structure myself and sometimes tpe, but also room for some creativity to show the Master/Mistress sides of myself they might not know.
lambsoneVerified Account
lambsoneVerified Account
2 months ago • Nov 25, 2024
lambsoneVerified Account • Nov 25, 2024

"I love the thought of what you describe above in that blog, but only in terms of me seeing my sexual service to another as part of my devotion to them within the dynamic."

Oh boy do I love that thought!!!!
Sweetlydepraved​(masochist female)Verified Account
2 months ago • Nov 26, 2024
Sweetlydepraved​(masochist female)Verified Account • Nov 26, 2024
I can be but it doesn’t mean I am. So what that means is I am fully trained to adopt that objectification mindset when my Daddy wants it. It is very nuanced how he lets me know and much of it relies on my intuition. Sometimes it’s for a day, sometimes for a few weeks. I usually fall into calling him Master during those times, but “Daddy always comes back”. Daddy is like home base, it’s where we revert to the more vanilla version of us. He has been hard enough on me as times where I beg for Daddy, doesn’t always mean I get Daddy back when I ask, but he is pretty good at knowing when I really really need to revert.
lambsoneVerified Account
lambsoneVerified Account
2 months ago • Nov 26, 2024
lambsoneVerified Account • Nov 26, 2024

That's cool. I'm glad he understands when you really need him to be Daddy for you. And I'm assuming you are completely content in the dynamic you've both agreed on.

I kind of enjoy the idea of being in a strict slave mode (whatever my future partner and I decide that is) because it gives me some sense of security, but there are times when I'm feeling too vulnerable and need more warmth than that. I don't ever want to get so detached that I can no longer feel like a human being who's cared for and wanted.
lambsoneVerified Account
lambsoneVerified Account
2 months ago • Nov 26, 2024
lambsoneVerified Account • Nov 26, 2024
I have been reading a few interesting articles on Slave training and several also include Sub training.

It does seem as though this is up to the Master/Mistress to determine what they want, and then get input from their sub/slave as to what they want. Together they work out the dynamic which an be reevaluated over time and revised.

So really training looks different and sometimes similar for each dynamic.

Some of the common areas are:
1. How the Master/Mistress and sub/slaves are addressed.
2. Protocols: high, low, or none perhaps
3. Clear rules for the sub/slave
4. Duties for the sub/slave
5. Timing/length of time: 24/7/365, part-time, only bedroom, domestic only, etc.
6. Positions they learn to take if you require them.
7. Punishments for disobedience
8. Rewards for obedience
9. Casual, fun times to just be yourselves with one another.

So far that's what I've been able to gleen. The relationship can be as structured as you want/need or as unstructured.