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Could you do traditional with the dynamic

SirenSoul​(masochist female)
1 month ago • Dec 27, 2024

Could you do traditional with the dynamic

Could you do traditional with the dynamic If was the right person match. If they are willing and know what they want.but not off the bat but slow. Pursue and the sweet effect. What do you think?
dollMaker​(dom male)
1 month ago • Dec 27, 2024
dollMaker​(dom male) • Dec 27, 2024
Its hard to offer a view, thought without clarification of what you mean by traditional.
SirenSoul​(masochist female)
1 month ago • Dec 27, 2024
1950s though this era , Head of Household , taken in hand relationships willing to lead protect make one feel safe and secure allow to grow with molding , domestic goddess , stepford , traditional vintage love with pain and passion punishment with love . With M/s ,D/s , Domestic discipline. Sub needs to feel protected and safe know trust is there. Hand holding , courtship , dating old fashion way with love. Connection and chemistry sinked souls. Soft feminine with the Strong dynamic grown leading Hand that willing to lead. Hand written letter ,hand made love , the little things. Build on long term and Marriage.rife or die , grow , learn , team work , agree on thing . Yin and Yang , evolve together in to one.
dollMaker​(dom male)
1 month ago • Dec 27, 2024
dollMaker​(dom male) • Dec 27, 2024
That was what I thought you meant, thank you for the clarification.

Yes, I could, would, but as you say it would have to be with the right person, or persons, and for myself it would not follow the model, be built on the foundation of some rightwinger’s conservative trad fever dream, so no stupid idea of male superiority, and none of the 1950s hatreds, and marriage as a foundation, nope, been there tried that, and it’s highly unlikely I would ever want to do that again. Frankly its not required, unless you are some conservative religious person and feel its a sin not to be.

Last edited by * on Fri Dec 27, 2024 11:23 am, edited 1 time in total
SirenSoul​(masochist female)
1 month ago • Dec 27, 2024
Whatever works each and their own. I just like old fashion values I may not calls trads but it people do what makes you happy agree on what works. Many live also the other way around also. I like to be under a man as he leads but Sub has mind and should speak up but both hold the key. Time and place for it . I’m not in to the politics. This more within and reek though the veins. I got in to in the 2003 but brought up wearing dresses my first ex wanted me to more a lady he was in to this he told me write my dreams and goals when we got together he wanted to know what needed to be worked on to be molded be precious gems in public I was 22. But you never stop
Learning and growing a your experience grows.
vv V vv​(sadist male)
1 month ago • Dec 27, 2024
vv V vv​(sadist male) • Dec 27, 2024
Yes I could with the right submissive who would have to be a mix of June Cleaver and Mortica Addams.
BUT yes there’s always one. She would need to have some direction, some goal in her life other then sitting on the couch binge watching Hallmark movies sipping martinis and sucking down bon bons while creating drama for me from nothing. She should pursue some passion in her life education, music no drums, the arts, street racing.
No stepford wife I want some fight in her.
SirenSoul​(masochist female)
1 month ago • Dec 27, 2024
Love that never dies awakens and weakens the soul. Crave a warm touch and a soul. It's rare but it takes someone to understand it and meant it.
You date the person like you first met them everyday never gets old. Kind things make me cry & feel whole. It's a real feeling.
never give up on this kind two people work on through the madness and the good do silly the crying the pain things make you laugh. Empathy the vulnerability, the fears, the dreams willing to take everything and build a life with it. Serendipity
The best love that awakens the soul; that makes us reach for more , than plants that fire in our hearts and brings peace to out minds that's what I hope to give forever.
Vintage Love
Just sharing nothing more.

Last edited by * on Fri Dec 27, 2024 11:58 am, edited 2 times in total
intenseoldman​(dom male)
1 month ago • Dec 27, 2024

trad wife

intenseoldman​(dom male) • Dec 27, 2024
I was married 30 years and the best years were when my wife stayed home, raised our kids and was a trad wife.

We lived in the country where we grew a huge vegetable garden, big enough, that we sold vegetables on weekends. She had her own flower garden in front of our house that she built a cute little fence around to keep the bunnies out. She baked bread, and I came home to a delicious dinner every day. She loved all the domestic duties of a trad wife. Many couple-friends we had liked to drive out to the country to visit us because our house was warm and inviting to everyone. We had many friends and some wonderful parties. Our kids never went to day care and she taught all of them more than they could ever learn in preschool. She had lots of energy for me, and I felt like a king when I got home from work. She would bathe in the afternoon while our kids napped, and dress up for me down to her pretty lingerie. She'd be fresh and beautiful as a daisy when I walked through the door. We had the best sex of our marriage during that time.

We both kind of grew out of it as the kids grew older and she joined the workforce. Needless to say, I've had other experiences but I think those days were the happiest.

I am sure what I described doesn't encompass all your vision of "traditional" (in a D/s or M/s dynamic I presume). I think it touches on the heart of a trad wife, though, her love of domesticity, embracing all of her femininity and pleasing her man. You might describe in more detail what you want out of the "traditional" you have in mind. I'd be interested as I'm sure others would as well.

Best of luck to you in finding what you want. You'll make the right man very happy.
SirenSoul​(masochist female)
1 month ago • Dec 27, 2024
vv V vv wrote:
Yes I could with the right submissive who would have to be a mix of June Cleaver and Mortica Addams.
BUT yes there’s always one. She would need to have some direction, some goal in her life other then sitting on the couch binge watching Hallmark movies sipping martinis and sucking down bon bons while creating drama for me from nothing. She should pursue some passion in her life education, music no drums, the arts, street racing.
No stepford wife I want some fight in her.

Ya the eating Bon bons all day watching soap opera old saying silly tho but you gotta have some effect. True yes life should have a routine even if to stay home bit of learning , sewing , tidy the home , fine arts , On his arm , Showing her off , Wife was more like a Executive wife had to have model manner training host her husbands business party's and events in home. Exercise and health , volunteer so on. They don't need a degree but be willing to take direction and learn walk in heels , dress prim and proper , old money not about the make tags but value and modesty. Does have to be perfect but how they carry them self be sexy for them and their partner together. She does know how cook or clean the Head of House hold needs to show her not get mad over spilled milk it takes time and patience. These day's cooked meals more take out or something that easy to make good to have home cooked meal at times. We had to take home economics and child development. Does have to be fancy but even old or new from second hand store make fresh and new. Good hygiene freshen up before husband comes home be ready to greet let him have few mins to breath and fill his glass full. Women does wake up this way man molds her.

Old manner thing I use to follow I had to also read Emily post manners book. 1950s handbook tho was not saying had to do it all you still need to have bit of a brain and and have rights also time and place for it. People need feeling but need love nothing out of hate so take with grain of salt.

My Fair Lady
Making Of A Lady
Babygirl 2024
Stepford Wives
Princess Bride
Say Anything ,You got Mail
Pretty in pink , 16 candles
Z: The Beginning of Everything
great gatsby
Marie Antoinette , The Duchess , anastasia 1997
Jones "She's a Lady" , Lana Del Rey - Young and Beautiful , Sixpence None the Richer - Kiss Me
In Your Eyes • Peter Gabriel. So this is love
Lady In Red The Bangles - Eternal Flame ,
Emily Watts - La Vie En Rose

Last edited by * on Fri Dec 27, 2024 12:25 pm, edited 2 times in total
lambsoneVerified Account
lambsoneVerified Account
1 month ago • Dec 27, 2024
lambsoneVerified Account • Dec 27, 2024
I grew up in that type of household and my mother never laid around eating bon bons all day. She worked her tail off every day from morning to night. She anticipated all of our needs before we ever knew we had them. And all that on top of being bi-polar.

Yes it's absolutely possible if both in the dynamic agree on it. I've seen several Dominant profiles here that state this type of lifestyle in their profiles. Fetlife has whole groups dedicated to the discussion of things like Taken In Hand, 1950's, etc.

I don't personally care for the concept of domestic discipline but I do value a relationship with the man as the head of the household and the woman /children submitting to his authority. But within this structure there is also the workings of what each is talented in when considering how to run the household. For example one might be better at managing the finances than the other. The husband being the final authority if/when a major decision needs to be made. However he must take his wife's counsel into consideration. She is his support person and he needs her perspective. They are a team.

Communication is a key element as it is in all relationships. Both discuss and decide together how they will live out their relationship so that each knows what to expect. Regular meetings should happen to touch base on whether any adjustments need to be made. Just like all relationships.

So yes the lifestyle you speak of is totally possible in today's world.