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beginnerwantithard​(sub female)
3 weeks ago • Jan 18, 2025


I'm up for most things but i'm worried that when people find out i have scars they won't want to know. Yes i have scars but that doesn't mean i don't enjoy a good rodgering. wear a blindfold or ill wear tights a jumper if its an issue. I cant be the only person with this issue, we do last this long sometimes.
If it is an issue then unfortunately i don't know how to fix it....
SirenSoul​(masochist female)
3 weeks ago • Jan 18, 2025
Scares are beautiful they are the marks of a Warrior. Imperfection is the real beauty the raw pureness that makes it unique. Everyone has flaws and scares no one is perfect because perfect does not exist. Imperfect is the perfect beauty. Someone who loves you for you not try to change you. If you do anything you do for yourself. If they want to be part of it they should be happy to even be part of it. Please yourself first with love everything else can wait let it be with peace.

Mindset take your power back everything that belongs to me pour back to me I am in control take what back is mine. Turning off anything that is not supporting you, any TV news or people cutting it out of your life should bring you peace, not a headache. Start becoming the partner and romance your life and enchant it. Say better things to yourself and life in mind reverse mindset and energy. Recharge when you start your day fo for a walk in the morning and have the courage to thrive.

Those who down others for it are the ones who need to love themself and find inner peace with growth. But they love to but do with peace send them love let it be. Even downers need to rise Wanna talk let's get coffee tell them to embrace the beauty.

Return To Innocence
Silver Lining

We got them even I scare's I have stretch marks, a small line on my four heads with a small little bump, Small lines on my arm, Little Cellulite on my legs, And a small scar on my leg. Embrace the beauty and the magic. Art of creation beauty for self.

Embrace the scares with hope and love that you are the original unique you the beauty and the magic of your essence. You gotta start saying better things to yourself like you love someone.

The love you give yourself is inside and outer love heals the core of your whole body and mind with soul. The courage that brought you to say it is a great honor of Integrity.
When you start your day how do you turn it around the mood-setting starts with It is a beautiful day today, open the shades, Have a nice light shower, Self-care, Mirror work saying I am beautiful I bring life with value and gratitude with peace, and love, and I love all the scares and marks I am a Warrior hear me roar. The more you put more love into yourself the more you become and you rise and the more things good changes arise.

Rice cream and rice water can help fade scars and blemishes. Rice contains ingredients with anti-inflammatory, brightening, and soothing properties that can help with wound healing.

Henna temporary tattoos skin color to fade a bit.

Red light therapy is the color of light most commonly used in light therapy for scars, as it has been shown to stimulate collagen production and promote wound healing, potentially reducing the appearance of scars by improving skin texture and reducing inflammation; making it a beneficial option for scar treatment.
Cloth spa masks help even lines and even scars over time.

Lightning cream to help vanish the scar. Castor oil will increase circulation to the area you are trying to target. The castor oil hot pack will draw more blood to the area and encourage the breakdown of old scar tissue, improving the mobility and the appearance of the scar. Softly Dry brushing By improving blood flow to the area, brushing can plump the skin, which can make cellulite appear less visible, but the effect is only temporary.

BCAa helps skin pigment as well. Also when you are working out drink BCAA supplements you firm up your body for yourself. Sculpting the body with workouts helps scars. Yes, working out, particularly gentle stretching and exercises that target the area around a scar, can help improve the appearance of scars by increasing blood flow, promoting flexibility, and preventing excessive scar tissue buildup, especially when done under the guidance of a physical therapist after a significant injury or surgery; however, it's crucial to consult your doctor before starting any new exercise routine, especially if your scar is still healing.

Dance with music to help ease your mind any kind of dance that sets your soul on fire.

Daily vitamins magnesium , omega 3 , iron , collegian. to your everyday life.

Scars To Your Beautiful
The Warrior
Eye Of The Tiger
What A Feeling
Danger Zone
That's My Girl
Boom Clap
Only Girl
Miracles Happen
I Still Believe
Ever Ever After

Last edited by * on Sun Jan 19, 2025 1:35 am, edited 3 times in total
    The most loved post in topic
SirenSoul​(masochist female)
3 weeks ago • Jan 18, 2025
Battle Scares I love even mine they are what make me keep going. We won our battle scares rise each day the sun rises to a new day. Scares are beautiful. They fade over time. But as we age and get older we get lines and our hair turns silver making each day count with love.
A Minx
3 weeks ago • Jan 19, 2025
A Minx • Jan 19, 2025
Yeah, surgical scars (or scars of any kind) really do suck and make me feel self-conscious although most cannot be seen and are covered by clothing but a friend recently said to me during a conversation "Scars are meant to be traced by a tongue..." and that helped to dispell some fears and it can also make things fun! 😋 Then I thought... hell yeah, I can't be the only one who has some fresh and not so fresh scars and if someone doesn't want to play with me then I feel:
A. That's pretty shallow.
B. They are NOT for ME!
C. It speaks volumes about character.
I hope that when you find someone (even if for play), they will love being with you for all the right reasons and scars will not even be an issue, and if it is... yes, we all do last this long and some even longer, lol! They will just need to 'deal' with it and if not then walk on by for any of a variety of reasons.
House Talion​(dom male)
3 weeks ago • Jan 19, 2025
House Talion​(dom male) • Jan 19, 2025
My x-wife/slave had a lot of scars all over her back due to a previous inexperienced master. I had started consistent use of her a week after she agreed to be mine. She seemed especially pleased when she felt my fingers tracing those scars while I had her bent over.

A good partner accepts all of you. Scars, faults, and all.
beginnerwantithard​(sub female)
1 week ago • Feb 3, 2025
Thankyou all so much it has made me feel alittle better. Syill worried as in person or on photos i cannot hide them. HOWEVER i can always wear clothing. Again thankyou all for your kind words it honestly helps
lambsoneVerified Account
lambsoneVerified Account
1 week ago • Feb 3, 2025
lambsoneVerified Account • Feb 3, 2025
I have a long scar on my left leg from the knee to the ankle. I also have a giant scar all the way down my back from neck to tailbone. A scar along my left Ariola and a 1 inch scar on my right thumb. I hardly think about them anymore.
lambsoneVerified Account
lambsoneVerified Account
1 week ago • Feb 3, 2025
lambsoneVerified Account • Feb 3, 2025
All were from operations, except the thumb. A broken glass was the culprit there. I used to be self conscious about them but they have done some fading over the years and with life distractions, they are the least of my worries thankfully. If they were on my face I'd probably have a different opinion ... lol.