Here is a fantasy I often ponder about. I would like to build and run the Queendom Church. To avoid taxes and governmental interference I intend to found a religion devoted to the Dark Goddess (myself! See previous post on my own deification). Discipline for slaves will be under the mantle of religious practice. Ecstasy and agony are different sides of the same coin. With religion as a shield, we can push the envelope of physical endurance. Here is how it will work. After several visits and serious consultation, a man who desires to serve will be required to liquidate his wealth no matter how big or small and put it into a an irrevocable trust. He can at this time make provision for any inheritance he wishes to pass on. The remaining funds will go into his trust. Imagine what it would feel like to get rid of everything but a few family photos. I'll allow a man a small box to keep a few memories. You'd put your box in storage and walk into the Queendom with nothing but one set of clothes and your tooth brush. Think how freeing it would be! It would be like entering a monastery as an initiate. Let's say that after selling everything he owns, a man is worth 300 thousand dollars. From that, he would receive about about 4% a year in income for as long as he lived plus Social Security. He's not rich but he has paid for himself. At his death, the principle would be turned over to the Queendom Church. He would also receive a great tax break for giving his wealth to charity. When he moves into the Queendom, he will turn over his monthly income to our female money manager. This manager would fulfill his family obligations and allow him a short holiday once a year to visit family. Let's say he changes his mind. He can leave the Queendom and his monthly stipend would instantly return to him. We could not stop that. However, at his death, the Queendom would receive the principle. He could not stop that, hehe. However, I believe most men would stay. Freed from all of the responsibilities of life, he could serve with his whole heart and mind. Picture yourself there. I have openings for stable boy, gardener, maid, cook, seamstress, and chauffeur. Where do you fit in?
4 years ago. November 25, 2020 at 8:57 PM