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Thoughts and feelings of the moment or revelations I have had and want to share with others that I hope may be useful to perhaps maybe at least one other person in making their day, or at least making them smile or connect a missing dot somewhere
3 years ago. September 20, 2020 at 2:07 PM

Sometimes people believe they are strong, powerful and so in control of every aspect of their lives that their egos become so over inflated they start to believe they are kings. So when they meet someone who just happens to actually be superior to them in every way, yet quiet about it and not flaunt it in anyones face, not attempt to force themselves upon anyone else, the "king" suddenly is left ip a creek without a paddle and nowhere to go but down river. The person is literally an unmovable brick wall.

 "Why not use a sledge hammer to bring it down?" You may ask. Funny you ask actually. You see, that brick wall, was actually your last line if defence. Theres a tunnel on the other side with a light. That light is a freight train barreling toward you now and you are stuck in the way. You placed yourself in the path, refused to leave the wall alone and knocked it down and started a war you werent prepared for.  Now you will learn how mistaken you were on your place. 

The lesson is this: there is always someone better than yourself. Always something new to learn and it matters not how old the person teaching it is. What matters is an open mind, heart and willingness to learn new things. Accept you will never be an expert in anything. There will always be things you dont know, but always be safe in everything you do and protect those you love and hold dear, as well as those around you. They are what matters most and hurting them cuts deep and will never be forgotten the wounds you cause, EVER. 


3 years ago. September 3, 2020 at 10:40 AM

There is always hard rough times for everyone. Sometimes it seems like those times are either never ending, or drag on to torture us. But there are other times that, for whatever odd reason, can throw a curveball. Usually when we least expect it, from the most random location ever. Yet those curveballs are miracles that can change your entire life.

When "shopping" as it were, for submissives most people fo all the wrong things. Message, instantly want to meet up, want go prove they are dominant by being overbering etc.... Yet its the one you didnt see coming, the one who you thought you were happy as is, and then BAM! Suddenly when you stop trying, thats when you find your perfect fit. Perfect in ways even you didnt know you wanted until its in your lap. Then you just know. 

We always thought the pack was complete. We had a pack Handler, a beta, 3 gammas, and an omega we cheerish. But then suddenly one day out of the blue, Kit finds a new human puppy. One in need of protection, care and love. So insistent on saving the puppy it nearly drove us mad. So we tried but the pup vanished. Then eventually reappeared with a new baby. We lunged as soon as we could to ensure the pup was cared for. Drew him in close and got him wrapped around us tightly. 

Tragedy struck in the night, however we were able to pick up the pieces and tighten our bonds. The omega needed us. We took time off, raced up to meet him and ran into furious family. We saved the pup and did collaring, locking and training as well as playing a lot.

The brat puppy was playful but also hurt. So we saved him, helped heal damage with pack Handlers help. We showed him everything we had to offer. He happily accepted, we spent one week. Thats all it took to know this was meant to be. Forever with us as not only pack puppy, also as a total submissive brat who gave up everything for happiness and freedom. Once achieved bumps were hit,  mistakes made, but nothing hot sauce didnt fix. Even now as he transitions to male, hes a perfect fit for us all and we werent looking, yet hes in our heart, our mind and lap all the time.

We always say love comes when not looking, yet we weren't looking and it still came as a wonderful happy puppy who likes being burned, beaten and played with. We wouldnt have ot any other way.


4 years ago. March 14, 2020 at 3:17 PM

So what do you do when they suddenly cancel two months of the year for you and quarantine you inside? Of course you curl up in your warm bed, gather all your fluffy toys and warm bedding and hunker down. Along with your computer (would be much better with beta puppy but that luxury inst an option yet but soon) and you chat the hours away. Read books, watch videos, play video games online where you get to follow puppy around booping his butt saying "Puppy Butt!"

The role of Alpha is very versitile and fluid. There is no one right way to do it. Many different ways to be an Alpha mostly its have fun, look after your puppies and have lots of fun in safe environments. Keeping minds focused on things that dont include world wide panics are the best thing and what better thing to focus on then being randomly spanked? or a squeaky toy those always are a great distraction!

Also recently I found a great podcast to listen to. It was designed for dogs by experts and talks to the listener as the puppy but works wonders for human pups! It affirms how great you are as the dog/puppy. How loved and wonderful you are, how you are the best ever and the human hates leaving you but will come back to play real soon. Its full of love, positivity and greatness that is wonderful for headspace. It is about an hour or so of positive message and 4 hours of soothing wonderful music that is awesome to relax to. It is on Spotify called My Dog's Favorite Podcast if anyone wants to check it out I HIGHLY recommend it. Also first episode has a TON of vocab words in it (okay like 19, but still words I never heard before ever) and so great for teaching new words if you want to. Might need someone who can be awake though its during the naptime part so yeah, hard to focus on words when your sleepy LOL.

My message is though dont panic, chill out, have fun, do great fun things and love yourself, each other, and love what you do to have fun! There always something to do, learn and play with. Be it asexual, hypersexual, big, little, sadist, masochist anything! Always fun to be had just look in the right places, keep an open mind and have fun everywhere!



4 years ago. March 4, 2020 at 1:48 PM

So we started this journey what seems like a very long time ago. The mission was to bring the entire pack together in one place. So far its us (Alpha), omega and one gamma all in one spot. One gamma i know lives with his handler and is happy where he is and im pleased by it and happy for him. Another gamma is doing okay but doubtful he will be able to move here and has kind of gone rouge but is a good pup. Beta however lives on the other side of the world and back in September we started tge slow long journey to move him with the pack. Now the end is finally in sight. And its been such a long roller coaster of a journey. Danger is still very close and threatening, however with the light as a guide, i know we will make it through as a pack and the rewards will be worth the 7 months of trouble, turmoil, fear, pain and danger. Its the best early birthday present/wedding gift the universe could ever give me and i couldnt be happier with it. --Kit--

4 years ago. February 7, 2020 at 1:18 AM

*proceed with caution, delicate subject not all may agree and lots will say breech hard limits*

So the contents of this post will contain children, however none in a sexual way and none with any adults. The context in which they are used is only due to the situation that recently was observed and brought around. They were not harmed, coached, taught or helped along in anything they did. Their parents were well aware of everything happening and not against any of it. To protect them all names are changed and will not be given out. If you have anything negative to say please keep it respectful otherwise I will delete your comment. You can feel free to leave this blog at any time if you feel uncomfortable reading this.

So my older sister was recently visiting us at home and she brought her grandson who is 6, we shall call him Snow. He is a very energetic happy boy who is very curious about the world.

We also babysit my younger sisters son who is 3 who we shall call Ice. Ice already has shown traits that lean toward puppy play. Things such as chewing on puppy toys, barking, howling, crawling on the floor and wanting to play fetch all the time with balls.

What I find interesting is that Snow picked up one of Ice's dinosaurs and asked if he wanted it, then told him to sit. After he did Snow gave him the toy and told him he was a good boy, rubbed his head and Ice was very happy wiggling in delight. Pretty sure that if Ice had a tail, it would have been wagging in joy and delight. Then Snow told him to stay, held his hand up in classic stay position and backed away saying stay repeatedly as he backed away but Ice jumped up and followed giggling. Snow walked Ice back over and took Ice back to the spot telling him to sit again. This "play scene" if you will, continued on for about 20 minutes with both boys laughing and generally having a great time and in the end sat on the couch together playing video games chatting about the dynamics of how the game worked and why.

What I am wondering here is since neither of them have ever been exposed to kink or BDSM before, is that is the relationship of pup and handler just a part of what make you who you are? Or is it something that you learn from others as you are growing up from spending time around others (I.E. adults training real dogs, dogs playing with toys when you are an infant crawling on the floor, and an adult throws toys then you start playing fetch with them and find out how much fun it is and play, then that nature continues as you get older? That because of the accepting nature of the environment you are raised in, no one disputes your behavior but rather encourages it because it is making you happy? Or is this a learned thing that as you grow up you see others interacting in a certain way and how it makes them feel and decide that is how you should behave to feel the same way in order to fit in? If this is so then does it mean that trauma can play a role in brain chemistry and make up turning you into the person you end up becoming when you reach adulthood?

I just find it interesting because Snow called Ice boy and petted him on his head and Ice got happy and ran to him every chance he got super happy and wiggly happy to see him just as you expect a puppy would to see its owner. Ice escorted Snow to the couch, waited for him to get on the couch, then ran to get him his TV remote (a play one) then after he gave him the remote happily, Snow patted the couch and Ice hopped up to sit next to him happily to watch cartoons together.


4 years ago. February 6, 2020 at 4:30 AM

So after one of the worst, most stressful days we have had in a very long time, and managing to make it all the way through it without ripping my own hair out, or other such insane behaviors, I found this website and thought it would be perfect to share here. It is a gay fetish photography one that has amazing pictures on it that some here might find enjoyable. If not then meh oh well move on nothing lost other than a few minutes time. If so awesome got to see some great art pictures of sweet BDSM art that was pretty hot and gave some great ideas

Hope some of you shall enjoy the art and pictures at least and maybe get ideas to either share or try out yourselves.


4 years ago. February 2, 2020 at 10:44 PM

Everyone is focused on Super Bowl Sunday, but of course the most important thing to me was the Puppy Bowl!!!! That is what I look forward too every year it is WAY cuter, funner and awesome with 10 times more benefits for everyone that turns out positive for all the players!! Go Team Ruff and Team Fluff!!!! Love you all your are SUPER cute!!!!

4 years ago. February 1, 2020 at 4:41 PM

So I read this super interesting article related to the science of sex and genders and how it works. It was really fascinating honestly to learn all of it from a scientific point of view and see how it all changes with slight hormonal shifts and deviations to the balance. I will post the link for those interested in checking it out, however there was a part of it I really wanted to put on here that I feel is super important and that should never be forgotten.

"Before you discriminate against someone on the basis of 'biological sex' & identity, ask yourself: have you seen YOUR chromosomes? Do you know the genes of the people you love? The hormones of the people you work with? The state of their cells? Since the answer will be obviously no, please be kind, respect people's right to tell you who they are, and remember that you dont have all the answers. Again: biology is complicated. Kindness and respect dont have to be." Quoted from the article I read not written myself.

This is a great quote and one to really think about before you attack someone for being male, female, non-binary, trans or anything else. You have not looked at their genes under a microscope and are not qualified to make snap judgements about who they are saying they are. If they look perfectly female yet say they are male, then believe them and refer to them as such. It costs nothing to be be kind and polite to people. However it costs everything and burns bridges and oppertunities when you are harsh, mean and rude to others that, maybe not now but later in the future, may come back to haunt you in ways you will never see coming as Karma is always watching and she is a bitch and never plays nice to those who are mean and nasty to others. Have compassion, understand others points of view, see where they are coming from and help where you can. If someone is being mean and offensive, rather than react and lash back the best revenge, is do nothing at all.

People want you to react to their outbursts and when you dont react and walk away you are winning overall as they get no reaction, no fight and you are not hurt because what is the point of listening to people who are mean, rude or nasty when they are obviously doing it for attention, or do not understand the context in which something was said and rather than become educated and deal with the issue civilly they react poorly and choose to attack others in order to feel better themselves. Do not be mean to them, feel bad they are uneducated and try to help them always. Education is the best defense and can help create peace.

Here is the link to the article I read for those interested in reading the science of how sex works on a chromosome level:

4 years ago. January 1, 2020 at 10:15 PM

So I found this on another site and I believe that itrings completely true and it should be seen here as well so I am sharing it for those who would like to see it.


4 years ago. January 1, 2020 at 5:04 PM

So I found this on another site and I believe that itrings completely true and it should be seen here as well so I am sharing it for those who would like to see it.