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Some of my erotic poetry
2 months ago. March 19, 2024 at 12:01 AM

Magical connection

Creeping in your head at night to have a sneak around, trying to find your naughty thoughts looking to see if they could be found

I want to find all your sexual secrets, all the kinks that turn you on, so I can write them down in poetry and sign them wrote by Ron

I'm looking in your darkest corners, where your kinks are safely kept, you think I'm just a dream but I've been peeking whilst you slept

Then when you read my poetry you'll think wow he has read my mind, he's written about my favourite things of the most kinky kind

You'll wonder how I did it, how I stole secrets from your brain, naughty rhymes of kinky pleasures to arouse you once again

Stanzas like they were written typed by you on his phone, how can he know these sacred things these secrets are your own

I just close my eyes and think of you, pictures and words pop into my brain, it's like a magical connection I've made with you again


Xsky​(switch female) - ❤️❤️
2 months ago
The Kinky Poet​(other male) - Thank you gorgeous
Love and light T.K.P xx
2 months ago
flitter'fly​(sub female) - Dream walking, Mr. Ron
That and useing ones intellect is kinda hot.
Thank You
2 months ago
The Kinky Poet​(other male) - Thank you. I'm glad you liked it
Love and light T.K.P x
2 months ago

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