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Acronyms of the Mind

I wish I had started pursuing the adult interests I had sooner in life. But then again, I’m happy I didn’t pursue them sooner. With a few years under my belt now, I’ve not just been able to discover what it is I am interested in, but more importantly, now I understand why I have the kinky interests I do.

Will this knowledge help me, moving forward now? I have no idea. But what I do know is that at every other moment in my life, knowledge has never been a bad thing to have.

It seemed kind of repeatedly coincidental that my kinky interests often had acronyms to them. I didn’t notice it as first. But as I found another and another and another, it became obvious. But what wasn’t so obvious to me, when I was younger, was how they fit together seamlessly, all headed towards the same goal.

I’ve also made up for lost time, learning more about the things that peaked my fancy. And it’s been beneficial to understand why they caught my attention.

That’s what this series of postings will be about … the acronyms of my mind and how they just might factor into a relationship of the near future.

I’ll write about them one at a time, in no particular order.


3 years ago. April 18, 2021 at 5:09 AM

FLR, IRL, CFNM, MF, HUM (-iliation), OTK, CC (Chastity Cage), HER


I decided I’m going to use my journal to explain why I found interest in each of the acronyms that have made me an acronymboy.

One at a time … and in no particular order.

HUM (-iliation)

I read somewhere that humiliation is often felt when your status is lowered in front of others.

I think there’s an interesting starting point to it.  Whereas shame and guilt are things you feel about yourself, humiliation is often derived from how someone else has made you feel.

It is widely viewed as a negative thing.  So … why is it so intoxicating for some?

The boring answer might be that humiliation is so intense that it makes your brain work harder to process the emotion, an arguable but medically documented statement.  Pain and pleasure come from the same part of the brain.  Maybe there’s something to the reason as to why they can be interchangeable.

The more interesting answer might be that humiliation is: suddenly receiving something you wanted and not knowing how to react to it.

But humiliation isn’t something that has a negative effect of me.  In fact, I tend to use the word “crave” when I speak of it.

I’ve never been humiliated face to face, but I’ve received a lot of emails where people typed humiliating things to me.  And they weren’t all negative comments.  When I read those messages (and when I go back and re-read them again), I get unique physical reactions from them.

First is the typical male reaction of arousal.  Then I get a slight tightness across my chest, as if I need more oxygen.  Then my scalp tingles, like little bits of electricity are dancing across my skin.  Then I get a mental picture of whatever is being typed to me … almost as if the person typing it was standing right in front of me.

But I can only imagine what it feels like when I hear a voice say it, in a face-to-face fashion.  Oh, what a stimulating fantasy.  And what an even more stimulating reality it would be.

Humiliation is still a personal ongoing research topic for me as I really can’t explain why I love it so much.  It would be nice to know why I love it, but then again, if I ever fully understand the reasonings behind my attraction to it … it just might lose its luster.

What I do know is … humiliation is the rainbow sprinkles on the top of my ice cream.


FLR, IRL, CFNM, MF, HUM (-iliation), OTK, CC (Chastity Cage), HER

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