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Acronyms of the Mind

I wish I had started pursuing the adult interests I had sooner in life. But then again, I’m happy I didn’t pursue them sooner. With a few years under my belt now, I’ve not just been able to discover what it is I am interested in, but more importantly, now I understand why I have the kinky interests I do.

Will this knowledge help me, moving forward now? I have no idea. But what I do know is that at every other moment in my life, knowledge has never been a bad thing to have.

It seemed kind of repeatedly coincidental that my kinky interests often had acronyms to them. I didn’t notice it as first. But as I found another and another and another, it became obvious. But what wasn’t so obvious to me, when I was younger, was how they fit together seamlessly, all headed towards the same goal.

I’ve also made up for lost time, learning more about the things that peaked my fancy. And it’s been beneficial to understand why they caught my attention.

That’s what this series of postings will be about … the acronyms of my mind and how they just might factor into a relationship of the near future.

I’ll write about them one at a time, in no particular order.


3 years ago. April 18, 2021 at 5:08 AM

FLR, IRL, CFNM, MF, HUM (-iliation), OTK, CC (Chastity Cage), HER


I decided I’m going to use my journal to explain why I found interest in each of the acronyms that have made me an acronymboy.

One at a time … and in no particular order.

MF (Mind Fuck)

I’ve come across definitions for this one that were intriguing at the sound of them, most terming mind fucking as something like: Confusing the mind.  Manipulating it to the point when an adrenaline rush happens, with a feeling of “high” to follow.

I won’t knock such definitions as they do drive at a very real point.  However, I think the greater explanations will always be dealt out on an individual basis as mind fucking is perhaps the most individual of all interests.  And each mind is different.

Everything within my life, whether vanilla or otherwise, is always connected to a concept I call the comfort zone.  I’ve mentioned this before in a previous posting.  Most ironically, the things in life that intrigue me the most and peak my interests are the ones that tempt me to step outside of the comfort zone.  And for this reason, being mind fucked intrigues me tremendously - not just because I would be led outside of the comfort zone … but more so because I wouldn’t even know I was being led outside of it, until I was already there.

And when I do finally realize it, you bet there will be an adrenaline rush.  Given the circumstances, there might even be arousal - the kind that draws my attention even closer to you in a manner that you just might crave.

And mind fucking can be a most wonderful bit of fun … sometimes even a game.

Like … The “No, Mistress” game.  If the only correct answer is: “Yes, Mistress”, then telling your sub that the new correct answer is “No, Mistress” just might fuck their mind up right away.

But with the instruction to only every answer with: “No, Mistress”, think of all the questions you can now ask.

Some examples:

Should I stop spanking you?  “No, Mistress.”
Should I unlock your chastity cage?  “No, Mistress.”
Should I allow you to cum tonight? “No, Mistress.”
Should I allow you to eat dinner at the kitchen table, instead of on the kitchen floor? “No, Mistress.”
Should I allow you to wear clothing? “No, Mistress.”
Should I allow you to face towards the television while you massage my feet? “No, Mistress.”
Should I allow you to sleep in bed with me tonight, instead of in your cage by the window? “No, Mistress.”
Oh, the question possibilities are not only endless, but could be found for every single moment … if you so desired.

Giving tasks with unrealistic time limits seems like a good example.
"I want you ready to go, in the car and the inside of the car warmed up by the time I come out of the house.”

Then you forego the stereotype that it takes a woman forever to get ready - being ready in two minutes and walking out the house on a cold winter’s day … the car started and him inside it, but the heater still warming up.

With him blindfolded and his wrists cuffed behind his back, you say: “Open your mouth.”
He opens his mouth, but is wondering: “What is she going to put in my mouth?”

Chinese water torture is a kind of torture where water is slowly dripped on a person’s forehead, then putting longer and longer gaps of time between each forthcoming drip until they go nuts - waiting for the next drip to happen.

And while mind fucking doesn’t need to be so severe as to drive a person nuts, there is something to be said for not only controlling a person’s body and decision-making, but also, their future thoughts that haven’t even been generated yet.

Promising him a reward over the weekend for good behavior or obedience or thoughtfulness and then waiting until 3am on Monday morning to give him that reward … I guarantee you that every ticking second of Sunday evening will have him hoping and hoping and hoping.  And then when you both go to bed that Sunday night, falling asleep without any reward given, his brain will scramble.  But he will be too tired to get upset.

Then at 3am, you wake him up to give him the reward, but here’s the added fun about it all:  you never said what the reward was going to be.

Control his thoughts.  Fuck his mind.  And he will become … your creation.


FLR, IRL, CFNM, MF, Hum (-iliation), OTK, CC (Chastity Cage), HER

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