Sometimes we meet people that causes us to dive deeper into who we are as a person. Maybe just part of a conversation that makes you rethink what you think you know. They unknowingly challenge you.
These moments can cause unexpected growth. They should be cherished because we should always be in a state of self growth. Knowing who we are and bettering ourselves not only for us, but also for our partners or perspective partners.
Even knowing yourself, you can gain further understanding by knowing what makes you…you. What areas can you put the work into to make you a better version of yourself than you were today?
I can tell you that from personal communications with others, that I have, and still do, dig in and self evaluate to create a better version of myself. A deeper understanding.
Ask your self, “Who Am I?”
You may find out that the answer isn’t as simple as you once thought.
Thank you to those that have knowingly and unknowingly made me ask that very question.