Lately, i have had a lot on my mind between my son, my 21 yr old daughter L, z my youngest and the life im trying to have for myself.
I was thinking about leaving the LS because I know I cannot fully be who I be in that aspect. Going back to living my "rocky road" life. I've been asking.for guidance, meditating, and my favorite overthinking. Then I just let.go, I let all the feelings.and thoughts go, it was really weighing heavy.
Then the signs started to appear little by little, one at a time. There was too much for sort out on my own. First for z, worries about her going for another eeg and how she is NOT going to allow.the nurses to apply the leads. Her father wants to hold her down, nope, not happening. She is going to be admitted so she can be sedated, hopefully this way it won't be too traumatizing. Then L, who is going to be a new mother, I was worried, but I see things are.going to be ok. She has the support.of us all.
As for my son, there is a lot.of healing that be done. One day at a time. Along his journey, of self discovery, becoming humbled, and learning that it's ok to fall as long get back up ( I know, I know, that was.for He finally him a reading. He has been doing the online readings and needed.another perspective. As I him his reading, michael.comes through (I havent done years and shut down that gift). Very emotional both. Well, the next day.the unexpected happened, Anthony asked me do I realize how dope I said no, he said I should because i have a connection that i should be proud of having(i just smiled.amd walked.away) of he only knew.the half.of it lol
As.for me living the LS the way it's meant for me. Im still.have a lot of do.and decisions to.make. One thing for sure is that this is not going to be what at all I expect.
((HUGS)) and love all 💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜