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Poems and more from the Heart, Soul, Mind and Spirit

Poetry that i have written in the past and present. I'll also be adding short stories that I have written (stepping out of my comfort zone), my thoughts, desires, inspirations and the journey of healing on all aspects of my life. Enjoy and thank you for reading ((HUGS))
2 years ago. December 4, 2021 at 2:54 AM

For quite some time, Queen has been sitting silent in the darkness, closed off from everyone.  Her guardian angel, Archangels, Spirit guides, animal totems and the love of a lifetime, have been sending messages, searching for the shining light of her soul.   There has been no response in return, dead silence, she shut out everyone and disappeared.  She couldn't hide forever, she couldn't hide from Heaven.

Heaven found her in the one place no one knew, was hidden from all.  My dear child, heaven whispered.  Please come back, you have to return the key to it's rightful owner.  Why should I? as tears streaming down her face.  The pain is too much to bear! I'm tired of the hurt! I'm not going to have the box opened ever again.

I need you to listen, Heaven said.  You may not realize it, holding on to the past is  not good, let go and  release the key to the rightful owner.  There are so many blessings awaiting you, your spiritual team has been looking all over for you.  I have hidden you from them, I need you to find yourself once again. Open your heart once again let the love flow through.  The chance will present itself once again, let go of the key, get yourself out of the darkness, shine your light brighter than ever before.  Happiness to the fullest will once again be yours.  Regain the trust and faith you have lost.   Open yourself to listen to the messages, stop ignoring us.  Now get some rest, you're exhausted. Remember you are loved by all.


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