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Poems and more from the Heart, Soul, Mind and Spirit

Poetry that i have written in the past and present. I'll also be adding short stories that I have written (stepping out of my comfort zone), my thoughts, desires, inspirations and the journey of healing on all aspects of my life. Enjoy and thank you for reading ((HUGS))
2 years ago. December 28, 2021 at 1:19 PM

Dear Santa,

I know you have come and gone, but I would like you make an exception and start working on this


Lately, I've been thinking more of my last post, even more so these past couple of days.  Please help us be more diligent of knowing and recognizing the signs of abuse even the silent ones.  Help us listen to our intuition/gut feeling when something isn't right, it isn't.

We need to get together as a community and be the  voices for those afraid to use their own out of fear, afraid that no one will understand or help. To provide that safe space, comfort, strength, guidance and hope for those in a position where they can't see a way out alive.  We need to say enough is enough and take action and stop sitting on the sidelines hoping that things will change.  Change happens with action not sitting back and hoping that either party will take that critical step to change the situation.

I've seen a lot of hurt during my lifetime, even as a child.  I remember my mother trying to help a woman who was being severely abused.  We got in the car and drove to her residence, I could see her friend looking out of the window a look on her face I will never forget.  She looked defeated, hopeless.  I didn't see what my mother was doing or trying to do.  After awhile, my mom drove away.  I waved goodbye (like all kids)not knowing what the outcome would be. I still wonder about her at times, if she was able to get away, if so, how?  I never saw her again after that day. I remember coming downstairs and seeing my stepfather burn my mother with a knife, I don't remember what happened after that, I think i ran into the kitchen and told him to stop hurting her.  Even as a kid (about 9 yrs old), i didn't run away from the fire.

Help us to stop normalizing abuse in AND out of the  the LS.  I came across a post on fb (let me see if I can remember it correctly) the poster was asking about samples of contracts they that can use.  One comment stated were that they are legally worthless, another stated they're useless because there is a gray line of not being able to" consent to being a sex slave and beaten by your master", another comment mentioned that it's similar to blackmail.   I'm still trying to wrap my brain around that. 

Help us, guide us, teach us to know there are many types of abuse, the silent treatment, ghosting, telling someone that what they seek, who they are/strong desire to be  is not for them/should be reconsidered is mental and psychological abuse which leads into being emotional abuse and continues to spiral downwards and the outcome not a good one.  I don't care how experienced or inexperienced someone is on either side of the table, shit like this shouldn't be said.  You're trying to fit someone in a box that they don't need to be in.  Look at it this way,  did we like when our parents or other relatives kept putting us in their boxes? How they feel we should be?  Living our lives to their standards, not our own. Being told that what we want in life isn't for us and we need to be XYZ instead.  How did it make you feel? What rollercoaster ride of emotions did you go through?  Do you get it now?  No? Here's another example, you do everything right in the eyes of those you feel you need to please, and still be told that's not good enough, you'll never be good enough to be........

Also, there is financial abuse which also leads to mental, emotional down fall/abuse (now I understand, there are some who have tpe which includes financial control which is agreed upon)  What if it's not? Being forced to give up financial information that keeps you bound to that person. Unable to get away, losing all that you have worked for, not being able to buy groceries without permission?  the other party living life on your dime, your hard earned money. While you're struggling, you become depressed, feeling hopeless.

My point is santa......abuse comes in all forms, one leads into another into another. No one consents to being abused. If I had the opportunity/resources, I would  start an organization  to help victims (doesn't matter if they're in the LS or not) get the help they need and be able to set up an account strictly for travel expenses & bail money.  WE both know this is one of the reasons why I haven't totally lost my shit and fuck people up like I need to ( I have a list of names) THE TIME IS NOW TO TAKE ACTION. WE NEED TO WORK TOGETHER.

Love Always,

P.S. Where's my coquito?


sarahrah - Wow, this is beautifully written so straight shooter. God bless you, the world needs people like you. This moved me. Amazing you don’t run from fire. Yeah- I have my bdsm desires, which can sometimes be confusing and troubling- but I have also wondered if I might try to do something to help actual victims. This is inspiring to me, Thankyou❤️
2 years ago
My Dear{Trust} - Great job. Lots of good thoughts here.

I still want a whip that cracks though! 😉
2 years ago
Sweet Ginger​(sub female){} - You have a good heart, even after all you been through it didn't crush you. Sometimes life makes people bitter, it gave you empathy..something that seems to be lacking in our world today. Wishing you continual healing and blessings. 🌻
2 years ago

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