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Murmurations of Me

As much as being a sub courses through my veins, I have this other-worldly yearning to try and explain what all of this is doing to me... So I’m going to try, day by day, to put my scrambled thoughts into written words in the hope I find my own clarity...
3 years ago. May 23, 2021 at 12:12 PM

Maybe I’m alone in this, I don’t know! But I’ve written so many blogs that I didn’t share and I’m really not sure why! Maybe I’ve reached a point where writing my “blogs” is more like journaling? It’s just some of it seems too personal to share, others too raunchy, and others are just - well they could be perceived as just downright rude!!!


I don’t see myself as crude or brash, I personally prefer to be measured in my words. So what’s stopping me?  

In my opinion, each person takes something different from what I write. Some resonates quite effectively with others’ opinions, experiences and desires, some are utterly diverse in their views. That is ultimately what I love AND hate about the written word simultaneously - that clear, concise, precise wording can still be misinterpreted. Writing is far from an exact science. 

So this brings me to the topic of this blog: opinions. I have sooooooo many! As I’m sure do others. Why then is it such a hard concept to understand that just because we all have them, and some want to express them, that an opinion is just that: an opinion. It’s not a judgement, a criticism or an instruction on what you should or shouldn’t do; simply a thought process we all go through and should respect each other’s. If we all had the same ones, life would be a very boring world indeed.

So maybe we should stop and absorb what someone else sees once in a while. Just because one person’s observation at a beach is the ebb and flow of the tide and another’s is how warm the sand is beneath their feet, it doesn’t mean one or the other of them was/wasn’t at the beach! One person’s warm is another person’s cold. A physical observation is no different to a mental one. To one of those people, the idea of the sea is terrifying and all-consuming so the sand is their soft haven. To the other, the sand feels like it may engulf them so the safety lies in the water that they can float away in. 

Respect people’s observations in life. They come from a different place to yours - some positive, some negative. Take what you can from them instead of instantly offering your own. You may just find that you’re actually arguing the same point... 


Contemplative mode today...


gabriel kerry​(dom male) - My opinions flow from having the conversation with myself to try see it from another perspective. My opinion on that matter comes from age. That's my opinion on opinions.
3 years ago
Sweet Ginger​(sub female){} - I think when "we" read blogs we should sometimes think of what we can get from it, perhaps a different perspective, common feelings just expressed differently and a or glimpse perhaps into where that person's head/heart is at at least at that particular moment.
3 years ago
MLP​(sub female){Not lookin} - I agree. Some of what I read admittedly is completely at odds with my own thoughts, but that’s normal. What I interpret is often different to others also. It doesn’t mean any of us is “wrong” just simply that we think or perceive differently.
3 years ago

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