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Random thoughts. Some of them will be erotic and kink-related, but some of them won't be, and as such people might find them boring. Some will be related to personal fantasies, but some to personal experiences as well.
2 years ago. May 4, 2022 at 4:56 AM

This is going to be tough to write about, but I hope I can do so in a way that doesn't stir the pot.

I am, like many people, upset by the possibility of Roe/Wade being overturned in the U.S.

But it isn't just the thought of losing abortion access that worries me.  Technically speaking, as a male, I should have no say in this either way, although the problem is, many who are making this decision are likewise, men who will never have to face such a terrible choice. And thus, should have no say either way, either.  Which is part of the whole issue here.

But I fear there may be more at stake.

Whether you feel that the State should force an underage rape victim who has been brutally assaulted by her uncle to carry her rapist's baby to term against her will, is one thing- and for the record, yes, I do have a serious problem with this. 

Rather, I don't believe that for many of these so-called "pro life" activists, that abortion is the real issue.  Because even if they succeed in outlawing all abortions without any exceptions, I fear that they won't stop there.

Right now, there are plenty of ways to prevent unwanted pregnancies.  Condoms, the pill, and many other forms of contraception.  Make these free and easily available, and the demand for abortion would decrease. So logically you would expect that most pro-life activists would be ardently campaigning for these things.

Yet, they are not.  They are actively campaigning AGAINST them.  In fact, some are even hoping to outlaw all forms of contraception and birth control altogether.


Because, abortion isn't really their main issue. 

What is it then?


It's simple:  Repression and control.


Control of other's sexual behaviors, restriction of other's sexual freedoms, denial of others' sexual pleasure, and most importantly, subjugation of women and women's sexuality. 

I would suspect that even if most people are pro-life to some degree (and for the record, most polls suggest that at least 60 percent of Americans still want some form of abortion to be legal) I would bet that only a VERY SMALL number of people would want to see birth control and contraception outlawed. The type of people who read Atwood's "The Handmaid's Tale" and instead of being horrified by the dystopian society portrayed in that work of fiction,  they are envious of it.

This should scare all of us.

If abstenence is your kink, or if sexual repression and control is your kink, then as I said in my last post, I am not here to judge, or to kink-shame.

But one thing everyone who partakes in the BDSM scene should know, it is that we should not subject unwilling participants or bystanders to our own kinks.  It's about being safe, sane, and above all.... CONSENSUAL.  When a governing body seeks to strip it's people of their most private and intimate freedoms, that is not consensual.  It goes way too far.

Sasa​(dom female) - Those rich people, the old men who decide, they will have access to abortion if their young sidesteps might get pregnant. What they want to decide is abusive for the women and the kids. Aren't the orphanages already too full? If they fight for life, why not starting there plus giving contraceptives for free plus education. What is wrong with the USA?

2 years ago
ButterfliesAndCuffs​(sub female) - It’s essentially government mandated pregnancy. Is the government also going to provide free healthcare for mother and child, paid maternity leave, daycare or tax free payments so she can take care of the child at home? If a woman gets an illegal abortion and happens to survive, will we imprison her? If she tries to cross the border to get an abortion, will she be detained? Will child support be retroactive to the date of conception? There’s no plan or concern for any of that.
2 years ago
Steellover​(sub male) - ^Of course not; that is a huge part of the problem.
They claim to have compassion for "unborn children," but have absolutely NO compassion for regular people. None at all.
2 years ago

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