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Random thoughts. Some of them will be erotic and kink-related, but some of them won't be, and as such people might find them boring. Some will be related to personal fantasies, but some to personal experiences as well.
1 year ago. June 1, 2023 at 4:24 AM

I was going to post something else entirely, but I changed my mind-  and so instead, I just want to say thank you to our fallen heroes, who laid their lives on the line and gave their lives to make this country a free and wonderful place.  In these dark times, it seems like some have forgotten the value of the freedoms they fought for, and some are now even fighting to take those freedoms away from us.  Maybe it's time our generation once again, like our forbears in the 60's, takes up the fight to reclaim our freedoms that are being threatened and even rolled back in many cases.  But for now, I salute those who fought overseas against tyranny and oppression, and made the sacrifices to protect the things that we take for granted.

autisticbarbie - facts
1 year ago

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