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Rose's Thorns.

A general pondering.
2 years ago. November 25, 2021 at 8:53 PM

So happy Thanksgiving is triggering now.... someone likes to be passive aggressive assert they are right and humiliate and belittle anyone with a different opinion. 


Thanks for letting me know my opinion is trash and yours is better then blocking me because you can't accept other people have different views and double down on belittling others like a little bully. Seriously its not supposed to be triggering that peace was achieved and people stopped killing each other. God knows what's happened to the education system if you think peace is a bad thing, feel free to visit Northern Ireland. 


Happy Thanksgiving. 


Peace is a good thing. Go and see a therapist. (I have after being assaulted, that's why im recommending you speak to someone, its helpful)


I didn't ask for your opinion or to come into my inbox with a belittling and humiliating tone at my Happy Thanksgiving post. 


You are your own problem. Good luck. 



FlitterFly​(sub female) - Yes Ms. Rosethorn
I agree

In why I try to come on hear
As you have and reply in the proper manner

But at some point
We tend to stoop down to a lesser level

( guilty )

Just wish more people
Would treat others
As they would like to be treated

Before Being The Bully
That they claim others of being

But when handed back to them
Its a pity party

So When Does It Stop

Sadly never
Some will never grow up

You are a Gem

Thank You
And Happy Thanksgiving
2 years ago
rosethorn​(sub female) - Thanks for part of the problem honestly is this is how women socialise quite a bit I think we need to learn how to get along better and I include myself in that too
2 years ago
FlitterFly​(sub female) - Yes sadly
Its as if we are back in elementary school

I have always been my own person
And not followed the crowd

Sadly I have been bullied
A Rare Flower Left To Bloom

But in always being me
And never being apart of
The other side of the bullying

I have often found myself
on the end of either
the bullying
Or the beat downs

Because I have always been
The one to
Bring The bitch fight On Myself
In order to allow others
Not be the ones who are bullied

But as I age
I have brought that fight with me

And now tend to smack down quicker
Then even I would like

I would love
if we could all grow up
And treat one another with the respect we ourselves demand

Sadly will never happen
Sadly there are those whom need to be put to pasture
so to speak

So that we may keep
our own inner piece.

Keep Your Piece
MS. Rosethorn

2 years ago
rosethorn​(sub female) - I don't agree with the idea of discounting anybody or putting them out to pasture as though they are less than human or their opinions are different from ours because that doesn't mean the less valid there just different opinions. We forgotten the idea of making mistakes learning from mistakes growing from them and forgiving people that's what would actually change it but again that's just my opinion
2 years ago
Maxorde{Not lookin} - Deep sigh…bullies….well….. I wish that everyone was seen as equal.
2 years ago
rosethorn​(sub female) - The ability to agree to disagree has just evaporated which is sad and it's one of the reasons Thanksgiving is important
2 years ago
Maxorde{Not lookin} - By no means do I agree with everyone…but EVERYONE is entitled to their opinion. ‘Nuff said!
2 years ago
rosethorn​(sub female) - Exactly but if no one can admit that they've changed their mind or made a mistake and learnt from it then we're never going to move forward we seem to want to hold people accountable for ever with no offer of forgiveness or even the ability to change your mind without it being held against you
2 years ago
Maxorde{Not lookin} - Ah yes…true
2 years ago

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