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Thoughts From A New Me

I Am A Unicorn
I Am Uni
I Am Me

I Am But A Caterpillar
Set Free

Thinking Myself
Untill I Am Born Again

I Am A Butterfly
I Have Wings
I Fly

I Am FlitterFly
I Am Flitter
I Am Me

As I Fly
I See
A Wicked World

I Slowly Die
Find Again
Me... :)

Reborn Again
Out Of The Ashes
I Rise

High High High
Into The Sky
And I See

I Am A Phenix
I Rise
I Live
I Am Set Free

I Am Me.. :)
I Am Me.. :)
2 months ago. June 28, 2024 at 1:30 AM


I'm just a girl... 


I'm just a girl. 
A girl who is only one part of what you see. 

A girl in a mask. 
Many parts of one person. 
Divided up. 

Only a tiny piece of what is me. 
Only to see, what is shown to the outside world. 

I'm just a girl. 
A girl, You have to dig deep to see, the real amazing parts of me. 

I'm just a girl, with many words used to describe me. 
But these are only words, used to describe all the parts of me. 

All the many, many faces, that You see. 

I'm just a girl. 
A girl that is much more than most give me credit for. 

Much to much for One, not able, or willing, to put forth the effort, to find the inner most amazing parts You see. 

I'm just a girl. 
Only showing a glimpse of me. 
With a smile and a tear. 

I'm just a girl. 
One who will shine bright and fierce. 
But only when given the time and the opertunity. 

While getting to know me. 
It seems those hard edges chip away rather  easily. 

I'm just a girl. 
Brused, battered, and holding hope. 

Hope that once another sees through the facade  of the many faces of me. 
They will then bring forth, the amazing parts of  me. 

For it is in the touch, the eyes, the soul that holds the key, to her entire being. 

Happiness, bliss, humbly accepting and giving of herself to The. 

I'm just a girl... 


Thank You 

flitter'fly... :):):) 

dawnrobin 🥰 



Spanks hard​(dom male){Looking } - When I see a person I see the whole person not just what is seen on the outside because there is more than outward appearance each person has feelings that can be hurt when they are misjudged.
2 months ago
The Kinky Poet​(other male) - Beautiful read
It takes many facets to make a Diamond sparkle, so all your facets make you the Beautiful Diamond that you are
Love and light T.K.P x
2 months ago
DoseofCam​(sub female){Collared} - I’m just a girl 😩🤞
2 months ago

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