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Freedom within slavery... The journey to me.

Just insight into my crazy beautiful life.
2 years ago. September 10, 2021 at 6:58 AM


What do you see?


What do you see from a distance, looking at me on bent knees? Do you you see a slave waiting to be claimed? Do see something so beautiful that you hunger for it?


What you don’t see is the intent behind such a position. For me on my journey, it is required within my surrender, that I kneel daily. Not for anyone but myself. To center myself. To meditate on the beauty within myself and my surrender. This is for me. After that I do kneel for the one my heart serves. But is it truly for Him? No it is for me as well. To take the time to stop everything, even though He has no clue, that in that moment nothing else matters. Right here and now I choose to kneel. I choose to honor all that He is to me. It is not entirely for Him, as he cannot see.


To get to that point in my journey has not been easy. To simply serve even when not asked. To simply be.


So when you see me, do really see me? The years of tears and abuse? The struggles within it all.


You want what I have? Do you? Can you truly comprehend the darkness within me that screams to be set free? Can you truly say you want that?


You want to learn to be what I am. You sure? It is going hurt like nothing you have ever endured before. Are you truly willing to give all that you are to another. Even if it means you die inside so they can live? Are you truly willing to lose everything you are to become everything they need. You say..YES..but are you sure?

You cant just submit and it will always be beautiful. Are you willing to face every demon including His? Believe me on paper it is so beautiful. Reality, it’s the hardest task you will under go.


Are you willing to take whatever He tells you and accept that it is for not just for the betterment of you, but for the sanity in Him.

Not as easy as it sounds.

To sit on your hands and not serve, not to DO anything but stand a part of you cannot catch a breath?


Do you truly see, I am merely a human. I am not perfect.


Do you see, that in the moment you see me kneeling, that the weight of the world got so much to carry it brought me to my knees..


I said all this to get to this one point.

When you see me kneeling I am at my weakest moment surrendering to myself, accepting I am human, I am surrendering to My God all my pain, in that moment and am surrendering all I have to my Master, to take all that he needs to feed his strength to overcome whatever

 demon he is facing.


So I ask you,

When you see me kneeling..

Do you infact see me, or the fantasy?


I challenge each and everyone of you to find who you are, and in that moment someone looks at you, they understand why they see beauty. Because they infact, truly see you


Keep love and respect in the lifestyle.

Embrace your journey its who YOU are. Your story to tell


slave Draconica

Sweet Ginger​(sub female){} - Beautifully worded...thank you for sharing 🌹
2 years ago
slaveDraconica​(other female){Not in svc} - Thank you so much for your kindness.
2 years ago

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