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Mo Cumhacht

Work in Progress...

"Confront the dark parts of yourself and work to banish them with illumination and forgiveness. Your willingness to wrestle your demons will cause your angels to sing. Use the pain as fuel, as a reminder of your strength."
- August Wilson
1 year ago. April 2, 2023 at 11:18 PM

I have found myself completely overwhelmed with life lately. It's one of those times where it just seems to come at you from all sides. Every time you think you get one stressor under control, another bitch slaps you out of nowhere. Then all hell breaks loose on the one that you thought you had a handle on. I feel like a balloon, continuously being blown into. It begins to swell to gross proportions. At some point it will not be able to contain the air and POP!! I feel like a rubber band being stretched beyond capacity. You know it's only a matter of time and SNAP!! I have been balancing on this precipice for months now. And I'm angry. Enraged. Pissed the fuck off with nowhere to direct it. 

I cannot escape the stressors. I cannot remove myself from them. I cannot keep them at a distance. I know that I need to find my center amidst this turmoil but I truly feel it beyond my capabilities at this time. I cannot control the stressors but I am also incapable of controlling my response. The situations I find myself in are ones that require me to curb my needs in order to keep the peace that is needed within their respective environments. I have articulated my position to the relevant parties but it seems to fall on deaf ears in favor of said ears hearing what they wish to. I have attempted on multiple occasions over the past few months to express my frustrations with said parties with no viable resolution.

Where does this leave me? What do I do when needs aren't being met but the situation must remain as must I? I cannot continue to operate at this level of irritation. It is not healthy to me and it is even less healthy for the individual that blows just that last bit of air in that balloon or gives that rubber band one last pull. Because my temper will explode. It is not a matter of if, but when and who. I am unheard, disrespected,  disregarded and overwhelmed despite doing everything but screaming this at everyone involved. I'm exhausted.





ErosRising​(dom male){Hekate} - Been there, bought the t-shirt, and burned it.

Sometimes the best thing that we can do when we can’t remove ourselves from the situation is to take a step back and see what the universe is trying to teach us. Look at it from a different perspective. Try a different approach.

Everyone needs to be heard and there needs met. If they aren’t hearing you, speak differently in a different approach until you find one that works and the understand what you are saying. Be upfront about your needs and the importance of them being met. Talk to the parties hypothetically, using another person and ask their opinion on what that person should do. Then when they give it, tell them you were talking about yourself. This can be a real eye opener to some people who aren’t listening to what is going on right in front of their face.

Stay strong. Everything happens for a reason and that reason will reveal itself when the time comes.


1 year ago
HurtSoGood - Thank you for taking the time to respond to my word vomit 😊 I appreciate the input and perspective. I am trying to stay strong.
1 year ago

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