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Life in poly as told by me

Welcome to my blog please enjoy and interact. Im a 38 year old poly open non monogamist.
5 months ago. January 8, 2024 at 12:07 PM

I left off at the very beginning of our encounters. The early days of poly was interesting to say the least. I knew no one in this life style so i made the worst mistake i tried to con non poly people into being in it with me and my awesome wife. She was having an amazing run at it all, for an anti social person she was doing pretty amazing at networking. She had 3 or 4 dom meetings in the first 6 months and in that time met another couple. I had struck out terribly i ruined a friendship in the name of converting someone and had made 4 others very weird in the process. Just kept thinking man what did i do? Honestly i found out 2 things people no matter where you find people they are judgmental and poly has a dirty name even in kink circles and it makes women super uncomfortable not all but a lot. What was a perv newly freed to a world to do? Every reply i got was less then flattering and men not wrote me like i had the secret to life hidden in mu joke shorts in an attempt to sleep with my wife....weird times in deed they are for me. The animal in my head thought this could really be fun and the repressed person i had been was scared it was all a trap a plan to catch me cheating or doing something my Christian upbringing would shun and ridicule. Had to try and make it all make sense which in it self was an interesting problem to have. It was like a kid who had stolen candy then being gifted a candy shop......

Tarotable - That is a really analogy. Perfect example of what being poly is like, and it totally sucks when one partner does exceptionally welland the other doesn't. That's been my experience.
5 months ago
Tarotable - *great analogy
5 months ago
Chance​(other male) - Im so glad my stories are hitting home with others i have always worried it was just me
5 months ago
Tarotable - I think being poly is more difficult when coming into the lifestyle after being monogamously married. I know young people who started their first relationship with a poly mindset, and they don't have the same struggles. It is the way they see relationships. Open, autonomous, more equals more. I think they are also better at accepting various sexual orientations and genders. The way they see the world is more open. I think that is beautiful. I don't know if you caught it, but NPR's "1A" did a segment last week on polyamory. I think public understanding is important. Google it. It was a good segment. You'll also see more mainstream discussion in the search results. It is becoming a topic of conversation in the U.S. That being said, there could also be a group who will attempt to be swift to eliminate it because it doesn't fit their idea of what marriage or intimate relationships should look like.
5 months ago

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