So it finally came! the shibari rope and the wax! and the wax was kind of a bust. Mostly due to user error and some poor timing on my part. But hey there's always next time. The rope, however, was amazing. Kitten absolutely loved it. Mind you we started out simple and only did a basic wrist restraint but it was still a blast. However after that simple tie and flipping through that book I think I found my BDSM prestige class. This is one thing I would really like to become more talented at.
Something about the beauty of the ropes against her skin and the complexity of the knots and the ties. Something to think about. and the more talented I get the more I want to expand into suspension. It was one of those moments in life that just seemed to vibe and felt right. And I think I want to prestige into ropes. And my little rope bunny, (Rope kitten?) Seems to very much enjoy my new found excitement.