So I know I just blogged the other day. But I got to thinking after my last post. About how I could be more romantic and caring for my kitten. And I remember a while ago I promised her (and you guys) bad kink poetry. It's not my strong suit but it is sweet and filled with love. So... here's a sonnet I've been working on. I don't think it's in the proper Iambic pentameter but it's been a few years and the syllabus and theme are correct. I'm taking it as a win and am Pretty happy with it for being out of practice. Without further ado... I present Bound:
You who brought the idea of cuff, ropes
to bind you tight for gain of passions throes.
A path that led to perilous slopes
but now with each knot love and trust grows.
Oh how our adventure just begun.
New roles and places we find that fit.
Now bound together complete, one.
Dynamic, we built with love, and grit.
Building us into something more.
strength in submission you discovered
Made vulnerable in my core,
domination show me uncovered.
Submissive and tied you have bound
my heart true dominant I have found