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Licking and Kicking

I've spent my life licking wounds and kicking tires, but I'm on a quest for healing and stability. I document it all here, as I travel this path to gain self-awareness through honest introspection. In the end it may document a train wreck or a dumpster fire, but I hope it will highlight improvement through my efforts.
1 month ago. August 4, 2024 at 12:07 AM

Yesterday was not my finest moment.  I've been tired, overworked, and have way too much on my plate.  My brain must be full.  While checking into a hotel and making arrangements to keep my car in the hotel parking garage I insisted my car was white.  No madame he tells me, I see your car on my surveillance camera and your car is silver.  Again I insist that my car is white.  And back and forth we went.  You guessed it- the car I had just spent 8 hours driving is silver.  It has been since February when my son crashed my white car and I bought the same car in silver.  I don't think I can show my face at this hotel again.  Especially since I then embarrassed myself further by forgetting the instructions about how to get the parking garage doors to open and after holding up a line of cars I had to go back into the hotel to get help.  It was purely mortifying. 

Please make me feel better- share an embarrassing story of your own.  Pretty please.

Sincorrigible​(sub female) - I used to commute regularly by rail between Cambridge and London. Staring at the departure board one day, going 'fuck, fuck, FUCK!!!' Rushing to the ticket counter, disbelieving, and furious. Blurting angrily to the lovely lady at the counter, 'why the hell are there no trains showing going to Cambridge?!'

A rather stony stare. 'Madame, you're in Cambridge.'

1 month ago
Goody​(sub female) - Love it- and I love more that you shared this! It makes me feel so much better to not be the only one having total mental lapses! I remember laughing at my grandmother who drove into her parking spot one day saying "where is my car?" (As she was driving it). Now I truly get it!
1 month ago
Susie Q{Daddy Ant} - It’s bad when you have an experience like this with adults but it guts you when it’s with kids. I came in from work one day and had left a detailed note for my two older girls(12 & 14) to get the dinner ready so when their father came home it would be hot. I’d premade lasagna and it needed to be in the oven for an hour and I wasn’t going to be home on time to do it myself. I get home and come into the kitchen first and see nothing ready. I was livid. It was easy to do and they both knew how to manage the oven. I stomp into the dining room speaking angrily about being responsible and there they are, eating the hot meal. My two girls looked at me almost in tears because they thought they’d done wrong. My husband says ‘Your note did say to start if you weren’t home by 5.’ I’d lost track of time and didn’t realize it had gone passed 5. I felt foolish and sad to have hurt my girls. I apologized and they forgave me but it still smarts to think I didn’t think first.
1 month ago
Goody​(sub female) - Awww. I get it! Kudos to your girls for getting it done. You sound like a great mom who instilled responsibility in your kiddos- well done!
1 month ago
MrRobbbee​(switch male) - I once rented a car on a family vacation to Disney World and spent a long day at Magic Kingdom. This was before remote clickers to open your car......just regular keys. We took the tram to the general area of the parking lot where we parked only to find at least 25 identical models of that car...I think it was a chevette...all the same color from the same rental car company. I Think I put my keys in 17 different cars before I found ours.
1 month ago
Goody​(sub female) - Lol. I've done that too, only I've set off a car alarm trying to get into a car that turned out not to be mine. Now that I'm thinking about it, it guess I've had lots of embarrassing moments after all 🤪
1 month ago
MrRobbbee​(switch male) - Only shows you are normal.....or just as crazy as the rest of us
1 month ago
Sweet Ginger​(sub female){âš“ } - Aww..don't sweat it, seriously..I worked the front desk at a hotel for many years and trust me..we seen it
Guests losing their keys daily, some even hourly, forgetting where their room is, not knowing how to turn the light on in their room, how to operate the elevator and the list goes on and on..

Buttt...the one for me that comes to mind of a guest that should have felt *mortified* is the guest who called the front desk asking if we found his wedding ring that he forgot in his room.
1 month ago
Goody​(sub female) - Hmmm- I wonder if he was at the hotel with his spouse or someone else??? 🤔
1 month ago
Sweet Ginger​(sub female){âš“ } - Housekeeping found it days later, while he was out of town and called his wifey..ooopsie.. ;)
1 month ago
Bunnie - My sister and I were traveling together overseas. To entertain ourselves at times we’d make up stories about art or monuments we were seeing on our travels. One time at an aquarium I jumped up and proceeded to explain in a very detailed and matter-of-fact way, all about the different species in the display. The room had been rather empty so I thought it was just us. After finishing, I turned around triumphantly for us to have a laugh, and saw that a rather large crowd had gathered around and were listening very intently to my bs. They gave me a little clap as I completely melted into the floor wishing I could disappear into thin air :/
1 month ago
Goody​(sub female) - That is hilarious! I think I would get along great with you and your sister- you are my kind of people! If it makes you feel any better, I met my next door neighbor for the first time while I was meowing into a bush, trying to attract a feral cat I was trying to save. Oops!!
1 month ago
Bunnie - Lol! Love it.
1 month ago
yunacloud​(masochist female) - I was at the office of vital statistics office for my youngest son shortly after his birth. I give his info and then I hear a lady questioning me. Are you sure it’s the 14th? I’m like yeah I gave birth to him. Silence. 🤫 are you really sure she questions from a room I can’t see her. I’m standing there mortified ,omg ,no it’s the 13th ! Thank goodness the people in the office had a good chuckle at my error. I had my nephews bday on my mind .
Yeah I can relate. lol 😂
1 month ago
Goody​(sub female) - I love it! New parents should always get a free pass- you are tired, emotionally and physically exhausted and hormonal. I've sure those people in vital statistics have heard it all!
1 month ago
Loving Dominant Two - While I attended a Hotelschool in Europe, I needed to finish a practical internship in the field.
Two friends and myself choose a restaurant chain in Switzerland.
While working in Zurich , we had a rare day off together. We decided to get an early start at partying. Needless to say , that didn't last very long and we decided to go "home and take a nap.
When I woke up , it was 7.30.
I needed to be at work at 8 !!!!
I rushed, put onmy Chef's clothes and ran down to the kitchen .
(Restaurant was in an old Hotel, where we lived.)
Only to be greeted by the Head Chef:
"What are you doing here?"
I said "to start my shift!"
He said :" it's 8pm. You're not due until 8am tomorrow morning"!
I'm sure everyone got a good laugh, as I kind of tried to blend in with the wall on my way out.🤣
1 month ago
Goody​(sub female) - Hilarious!! That must have been some party! On a side note- that sounds like an incredible internship!
1 month ago
Loving Dominant Two - It was definitely a memorable one.
Plus I learnt Swiss German
1 month ago

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