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4 months ago. June 7, 2024 at 10:58 PM

The forest calls 

It’s untamed beauty

It’s wild nature

The howling

The growling

The moaning 

The animalistic vibrations

Deep in the soul

Come alive in the forest

A Doe running through a thicket

A Wolf stalking, growling, satisfying it’s hunger

On the innocence of her trusting soul

She resists to no avail

His savage strength overtakes her

Mind, Body, Soul

He shows no mercy 

As he ravages her inner angelic spirit

To transform her to a savage being 

They become one in their untamable lust






The Kinky Poet​(other male) - Awesome read
Love and light T.K.P x
4 months ago
Elusive Vixen - Thanks!!
4 months ago
intenseoldman​(dom male) - Mmmm.. Call of the Wild, first novel I ever read. Very satisfying
4 months ago
Elusive Vixen - Never read Call of the Wild but I did enjoy Whitefang. I need to check it out. A classic.
4 months ago
intenseoldman​(dom male) - White Fang and Call of the Wild are opposite resolutions of the same internal conflict. Buck is born into pampered domestication but is forced to revert to his natural savage instintcs in order to survive. In the end Buck chooses to be his wild alpha self rather than return to the comforts of civilization. White Fang on the other hand, goes from wild savage alpha to domesticated tame alpha.
Love your poem. Our aggressive and libidinal drives are instinctual and natural. Contained in a loving relationship they are powerful pleasure and ultimate gratification... the "untameable lust" you speak of.
4 months ago
Elusive Vixen - I’ll have to revisit White Fang and read Call of the Wild. Thank you, I’m not much of a poet lol. It just kind of flows out in spurts lol.
I’m searching for the untamable lust.
4 months ago
intenseoldman​(dom male) - Well, I like your "spurts" ;) The untamable lust you're searching for... yeah... the call of the wild. 🐺
4 months ago

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