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Longer-Term D/s Considerations

Things unseen often affect relationships. This is a (perhaps infrequent) chance to look at some of them through the lens of a decade or more of online experiences with a variety of submissive partners.
5 years ago. December 9, 2018 at 3:45 PM

   I'm an inveterate profile reader for reasons dimly understood, but not often for any hunting/searching reasons. It is a form of voyeurism, I suppose.

  The number of profiles NOT including age, or any indication of approximate age,  always  surprises, and disappoints me.

   Of course Doms can be young and still have gained some experience, and older Doms may be off-putting to youger subs, or perhaps even more attractive for their maturity.  Same for subs, since there are Doms attracted to nubile younger bodies, and Doms who appreciate maturity of mind and form, too.

   To me, age might not matter sometimes,  but is most always a consideration. 

So, why do so many profiles, especially it seems from newbie subs of all ages, fail completely to indicate even a age bracket?


  Speaking solely as an older Dom, and more comfortable with at least fairly mature submissives,  I find it really puzzing that not only a real number, but any hint of an age bracket, is so often omited.   

   I wonder how often profiles without age get passed right over... Is he/she  too young/too old for the browser's taste?


  Why do older members so often assume they won't be desired because of their age group?  And why do the teeny weenies seem to think nobody will care about their age?


  So, dear reader, if you are 'ageless', might you reconsider your own profile? ---if not wanting to list a number, then at least something like "in my 40s" or "still in college"  will do a lot to flesh out a profile...Hell,  even "Way more mature than most"  might attract someone like me!

Thanks for reading.





Morley​(sub female){Max Sterne} - I was thinking about this subject the other day. The age, why people don't post and whether or not age is just a number? Which, got me thinking about the old adage "Don't judge a book by it's cover". So, I thought, well, for me at least, that I prefer to get to know someone as the person first. I don't want to "pass by" because of Age or Looks... I want to get into conversations with the person first, find out who they are. If they are funny, smart, witty, challenging etc... So, I feel, it's not so important to indicate your age etc.. however, if it is something that is a hard limit for someone, then, they should state that. Seeking (20-35: 35-.... etc.) At the end of the day, to me, I need someone to get ME, in my mind, because as we all know, the brain is the biggest sex organ and true beauty on lies skin deep. But that is just my take on it ❤️😊❤️
5 years ago
Morley​(sub female){Max Sterne} - Only*
5 years ago
Bunnie - For me it is definitely more than just a number. I “read between the lines” a lot when it comes to profiles. A non-listed age tells me everything I want to know... that that is not the person for me. Why so harsh, you ask? Because communication and honesty are two of the most important aspects of this lifestyle for me. I presume that if someone hasn’t listed their age, that they’re either unwilling to be honest, or they’re uncomfortable being open about something they may be uncomfortable with... neither of which are desirable characteristics in a partner I’m looking for. I understand there may be the occasional situation where this isn’t the case, and that’s unfortunate.
5 years ago
SchrodingersDinosaur​(switch female) - My profile doesn't contain my birthday. I'm not unwilling to be honest or uncomfortable about being 'more mature than most'. But I'm more than an age, hell, I'm more than a decade, why would I want to be with anyone who thought my non-listed age could tell them everything they needed to know about me, or by having listed the day of my birth makes me suddenly permissible to them to approach. Everyone does have preferences, and usually I'm cool with whatever floats your boat you should do, but kinda think the seeking 20 -30, or over 40 only please, might be a bit shortsighted. Who knows who you might miss meeting narrowing down your requirements that way. I would much rather someone reach out because something I wrote piqued their interest or they have an area of interest in line with something I mentioned not because I was born in a certain year. Just Henna's two cents..
5 years ago
Constellation​(sub female){Taken} - I agree with you. It's all a matter of personal preference and frankly if someone judges you for this little fact. it tells me more about them than about you. I dont't think anyone should act accordingly to what others might think. Peace!!
5 years ago
ADIDAS - I totally agree with Henna. Well put Henna! I don't have my age but not for a devious, ulterior motive. Simply because I didn't think about it. It's not a big deal to me. Frankly I'm shocked that people have put such emphasis on it, such meaning behind whether you do or don't and what those choices mean. Never once have I seen in the comments the option, the option like me, didn't think about it because it's the physical age of the shell I live in. Don't people want to know the substance that makes me, me? I mean, that's what I was thinking about when writing my profile. Because I'm a people pleaser, I'm going to go put my age on my profile. Doesn't matter to me either way 😉...Thank you Daddy for such a stimulating post!!!
5 years ago

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