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Tersely Pertinent

This is some of my writings from over time. A good deal of it will talk about Old School type of D/s. There aren't a lot of us who still deal in it, but think of it as hieroglyphics. There is wisdom in places one would never think to look.....

It is also the home of my writings. The main writing is that of Sylvia, a woman who is introduced to the lifestyle through a friend to a man who expanded her world.
10 months ago. August 28, 2023 at 11:37 AM

Finally a bit of something that attracts me so:


While I do agree with Oceanic's premise and Love her  own replies, my own are somewhat different than hers and, certainly, going to be different than the rest of everyone else's.


To wit: My Three Demands in Life are....


  1. Nothing
  2. Nothing
  3. Nothing


It is not that I do not agree with  those that make Demands.   They certainly deserve it, but my view point is way different.  

A long time ago, in my baby Domly days, I was given a great insight from a sub.   This sub had been involved with the lifestyle for a time and had met many a Dom.    So she parted this wisdom on down to me:


Be Commanding, Not Demanding


And there in lies the rub

Satindragon{Not Lookin} - I'm going to have to agree with you on this. I usually say there is a big difference between being Dominant and Domineering. The later of which I want no part of.

I like your sub's phrase best..
10 months ago
TopekaDom​(dom male) - It wasn't my sub, but thank you. It as a submissive from my old days.
10 months ago
Satindragon{Not Lookin} - Ahhh...I mis read....I still like the wording and thank you for sharing.
10 months ago

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